Wishing the World an Enlightening New Year

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

On behalf of the staff here at Waking Times, we would like to to express our sincerest gratitude to our audience, our contributing writers, and our growing network of like-minded, inspired activists and outspoken members of the alternative media. The fact that so many wonderful and caring people are so devoted and active in the growing truth and consciousness movement is proof that the universe is indeed keen at achieving balance and harmony, and has not yet given up on our little pearl of a blue planet.

Life is a beautiful and perfect mystery.

2014 will no doubt be another rapidly accelerating and chaotic year, and for this, we wish that you all find peace and stability within yourselves, and we hope that you begin this year with a renewed dedication to your own enlightenment, self-mastery, and your spiritual, mental and physical health and evolution.

Each one of us is paradoxically the solution to the challenges that weigh so heavy on our collective conscience. There are an infinite number of ways to participate in solutions, and we look forward to being part of this important global discussion with you in 2014.

Thank you for tuning in, and have an enlightening new year!

_Dylan Charles, Editor
