Why Becoming a Male Nurse Could Be a Great Decision

Waking Times

We shouldn’t have to specify the term ‘male’ nurse nowadays, but we still do. This is because there’s a shortage of men in the profession, and it has never been truly marketed to men to begin with. The role of a nurse has greatly changed over the years, and men are needed in the field. This is also one of the most fulfilling jobs anyone can have. If you were interested in entering the nursing field as a man, here are some of the reasons why this could be the best decision you’ve ever made in your life.

You’ll Break Stereotypes

People like seeing male nurses from time to time. Some men may be more comfortable discussing certain issues with another man, and you might find yourself becoming a confidant to many people. There’s also an incredible imbalance in the profession.

Unfortunately, there are some discrepancies in how much males and female nurses are paid in the profession as well. As a matter of fact, the male nurse practitioner salary is around $8,000 higher per year compared to women. This will be your opportunity to speak out for equality and help other nurses in getting their voices heard.

You Get to Make a Difference

Male nurses play an essential role in ER rooms when people often come with grave injuries or in shock. Others might be violent. Male nurses are often the ones that are asked to work in psychiatric hospitals and ensure the security of the staff and other patients. Nurses in general can work in all sorts of settings. They can both work on delivering life, or help end it in dignity. They can become advocates for other nurses, or work on different boards to influence policy.

Nurses are also very respected. Having experience as a nurse will allow you to get the attention of people when speaking on various issues. You could also use this expertise to work in the non-profit field and work on the ground. Some nurses also end up starting their own organizations or clinics in areas that are in need.

It’s Well Paid

We’re not going to lie here, one of the best parts of the job is the pay. The average nurse practitioner salary hovers around the 6-figure mark. The best part is that some nurse practitioners get to open their own practices without having to have a physician present. This means greater pay, but more importantly, more liberty.

There Are So Many Specializations

Another thing that is so great about being a nurse is the wide number of fields and specializations you can go for. You could decide to work as a nurse anesthetist for instance, and earn well in the 6 figures, or you could decide to work as a nurse educator later on and raise the next generation of nurses.

There are also all sorts of unusual positions you may not have thought about. You could decide to work on a summer camp, for instance, or even with a sport’s team. If you like adrenaline, you could work as a first responder or as a rescue nurse. The possibilities are almost endless not only here, but abroad as well.

Flexible Schedules

A lot of people see nurses as having hectic schedules, but it doesn’t have to be. You could choose to work part-time as a nurse as well or work on the weekends only. You also have positions with clear schedules and little to no chance for overtime, like a school nurse, for instance.

You can also work all types of shifts ranging from 4 to 12 hours. There is demand at all levels, and if you have the qualifications, you should have no trouble finding a position that will fit your particular needs.

Mental Satisfaction

Last, but not least, nursing has to be one of the most fulfilling careers you can find. You will have people thanking you for literally saving their lives. You’ll be able to serve impoverished communities, and you may be called to help respond to a crisis. If you are a naturally caring person, this could become your calling. Not to mention that the flexibility the job offers allows you to pivot into different directions if you need a change of pace or scenery.

These are just some of the reasons why becoming a male nurse just might be the best move you’ve ever made. Whatever you do, don’t hesitate to ask others who’ve ‘been there and done that’ what it’s like, and look at as many options as you can.
