When Your Back’s Against the Wall, Don’t Be There

Brick WallZen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

That’s simply it – just don’t be there. If at all possible you shouldn’t be in a place like that. If you can avoid getting pinned against anything, that’s your smartest move. That’s why I like to keep changing and moving. But you can’t be carrying a lot of baggage if you want to do that, physically or spiritually.

Now’s a good time to free yourself from attachments and be ready for anything. Each according to his own, but you don’t want to get caught flatfooted if you can avoid it.

In my basketball days we had a defensive drill where you’d take your stance and the coach would come and try to push you over. If you were on your heels you’d fall back quick and easy. But if you’re in a ready stance, knees bent, arched back, on your toes with your hands extended for balance, you not only couldn’t be pushed over, you could easily move side to side, front to back, block passes and shots, and even steal the ball.

Being in a ready stance to take the initiative is the key to freedom. In a world where we’re so bombarded with influences and imposed conditions we need to be able to sense converging conditions and not allow ourselves to be corralled into any kind of corner, whether in social exchanges or immediate living conditions.

  • Preparedness

    I honestly believe preparedness is more spiritual than anything, although the physical is also imperative.

    We’re going to see more and more weird stuff in the coming months and years and our antenna’s need to be up and our listening on full alert. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories, but many a time people get premonitions – intuitive forewarnings – that often turn out to be life savers for whole families.

    We need to learn to operate in that realm.

    That type of conscious awareness cannot be hacked, spied upon or blocked. The only thing that jams it is fear and distraction. When those conditions seem to close in it’s time to heighten your sensitivity in order to determine what is really going on around you, in the microcosm as well as macrocosm of life, in order to make conscious judgements and decisions.

    The Power of Distraction

    If you’ve ever had your pocket picked you’ve probably experienced how deftly distraction can be used. One of their techniques is to put pressure on one part of your body–usually your shoulder or upper back, while they lift your wallet out. Your body sensors are concentrating on the main pressure and don’t register the other. They’ll also do a complete hit as if they were accidentally bumping into you so something gets spilled and everyone is distracted looking at the effects. Apologies are exchanged and you don’t realize until afterwards that you’ve just been robbed.

    Another interesting technique is they’ll work in a group, which is usually the case, and one will say “watch out, there’s pickpockets on the train (0r bus or street)” as they walk past. You’ll instinctively reach down and pat the pocket or wherever you’re carrying your wallet or valuables to see if they’re OK. Guess who was watching just behind you?

    Scam on. And the whole matrix is a scam, never forget that.

    Caught flat footed…can be lethal.

    Stay on the Offensive

    They say the best defense is a good offense. I’m not totally sure about that as it’s a a bit two dimensional but the point is a good one. Try to stay on the offensive and not let yourself get put on the defensive. You learn this in conversation or if you’ve ever had to deal with the media. Really aware and prepared people will take a derogatory or leading question from some talking head and say, “I’m glad you asked that question..” and then go on to say whatever they want, ignoring the trap-laden question altogether.

    We just have to be smart, especially in troublesome times and now with this militarized gestapo and snitch society mindset moving in on us it’s even more important to stay vigilant.

    Fear is the killer, but mobility, taking the initiative instead of just reacting, and keeping a listening heart, will keep you and your family safe more than anything and keep you free to be a force for good.

    What “a Lert” looks like..

    But What If You Get Pinned?

    That’s entirely up to you and your situation. I just don’t think it’s healthy to have a stand-off mindset as it invites trouble and plays into their hands. But don’t over spiritualize a situation that warrants force to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    My point is it’s better to simply not allow yourself to be funneled into those types of situations, especially if you’re already aware that some confiscation program or search for so-called dissidents is afoot.

    Be well. Stay alert at all times. Driving consciously is a good illustration, noticing every little thing around you and listening for warnings. You can be the best driver in the world but if you didn’t slow down, stop or turn when Consciousness tells you to the consequences may not be the optimum outcome you’re looking for.

    So-called accidents can usually be avoided and don’t have to happen. Don’t resign or relinquish yourself to anything by unconsciously going along with what is awash around you not matter how “normal” it appears to everyone else. You may never see that accident or traffic stop or mob break out that you avoided by making a pre-emptive conscious choice to take another route, or even most out of dangerous areas.

    Stay tuned in and turned on. It actually makes all this insanity a fun ride. We’re in a very energetically empowered time but it requires wise choices and a very real degree of commitment to learn to operate by spiritual radar instead of living inside their “reactor” climate.

    Surf’s up! The power is infinite and for the taking. Practice operating in this mode and you’ll see synchronicity and confirmations abound, and a whole lot of empowerment!

    Love always, Zen


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