We Have Already Won

Ida Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times 

Years ago, in conversation with my martial arts teacher, I told about a dilemma I was experiencing and said to him, “I don’t know what to do.” He said, “Why are you thinking about it so much… just do the right thing.” I muttered something like okay, thanks… realizing in that moment that I didn’t know how to just do the right thing.

I had to figure out what the right thing would be. I would have to think about the consequences of this action, and the consequences of that action, and the way people might respond, who would be affected, and how I would be affected. My process was to consider different perspectives and think it through, get it confirmed by a few other people, and then decide.

Reasoning, considering, rationalizing, doing what we think we should, getting the nod from others, is normal behavior in the western world. Yet, by the condition of things, and considering how much time we put into it, it appears we haven’t progressed very far in our ‘rightness’ with that approach.

A young friend of mine gave me this phrase: “You don’t know what the right thing is. I tell you what the right thing is!” He said that’s what they yell at you in the military.

We were in conversation about the powerless feeling he experiences when he looks at what’s going on in the world. “What can I do about radiation from Fukushima? Nothing. What can I do about chemtrails, or pharmaceuticals in the water, or GMO poisoning, or false flags, or bank fraud, or prison for profit or a hundred other things? Nothing. And then there’s all the stuff we don’t know about. It’s too much. Makes me feel defeated already, and I’m only 26 years old. I’m supposed to be building my life!”

  • My friend has enough self respect and truth in him to admit that he’s been had. He’s open to finding another way.

    So, let’s talk about the mind’s method of determining good, which we’ll call the greater good. After that we can explore the potential of the heart’s good, which we’ll call the higher good.

    In our world, the greater good is determined by a top-down system of control. The presumption that is sold to us, is that the top knows what humanity requires. They must allow the few to suffer so that the many can enjoy a good outcome. The people who are supposedly the best at this ‘knowing’ make decisions that affect all who exist beneath them. Now, if the top 10, or 1000, or 100,000 were infused with love of all humanity, love of the earth, love of truth, well then… we’d all be good, wouldn’t we.

    But as it turns out, they’re not. What are they infused with? I truly don’t know… and I’m hopefully not going to meet one to find out. They live in a dimension I’d rather not enter. They are responsible for so many deaths, so much suffering, so many lies, so many secrets, so much plundering, so much mass programming… allowing the many to suffer so that they can gain more for themselves, they do the opposite of the greater good. Like Stuart Wilde says, “It’s all backwards.”

    Could there be light in this dark picture? Well of course there could! We are not left without light. In fact, there are millions of lights across the world… some of them a flicker, some a bonfire – it appears we human beings are starting to break from the programming. We’re eating better, foregoing the pills, turning off the TV, nurturing our spirit, rejecting the government’s official story, learning the extent of the darkness, and connecting with each other in a synchronistic, heart-centered way.

    Do you suppose the people who make up the support structure for the elite ever question whether they’re doing the right thing? I imagine they do. They’re human – while in their minds they may defend the choice of serving the powerful, in their hearts, in their quiet moments, they may be wishing they really could know what the right thing is, and once they know, have the courage to do it. We’ve seen a few, haven’t we: they are the heroes who spill the beans.

    So, if the greater good, in this day and time, is code for ‘lock ‘em up tight, kill the light, take everything’, then what is the higher good?

    Well, first of all the higher good cannot be found by looking up to the sky or elevating your ego. Higher good is not higher than the mind… it’s lower – about a foot or two. What is bad, what is good, what is right, what is wrong can be known only on the inside – within the human heart. The heart works differently than the mind. It does not climb up – it extends out. The mind’s ego breaks down as we examine our internal conditioning, become aware of external programming and work to become more authentic… to be able to feel.

    We want to be able to feel right and wrong directly without having to engage in reasoning, and without having to turn to someone on top to tell us. As we begin to work on ourselves, we find there are many obstacles. Self interest is an obstacle. Fear is an obstacle. Laziness, emotions, rigid opinions, desire, hidden anger, self-destructive habits… as you can see, some dedicated cleanup is required before a new direction can be taken. We have to change our way of being.

    Imagine a martial arts student who buys the uniform, buys the book, becomes intellectually engaged in learning, but is not willing to train or feel the muscles hurt or take hits. Any time we want to change we have to enter into the training, get hit, feel the pain, and stay the course.  The inner journey involves dedication to making it real. And the strange thing… life really is a ‘life or death’ training school. The life we achieve in this training is that of our spirit.

    I started on this journey long ago, and chances are, if you’re reading this, you’ve been on it as well. My encouragement to you is to trust the work you’ve been doing, keep your training up every day, find a good teacher if you’re ready, and connect with people who share your love of the human spirit. Yes, like my young friend realizes, we’ve all been had. It is all backwards. There is no greater good to be found in the system of control. But there is a higher good to be found within us, and the control system cannot keep us from what is unfolding within and shining out.

    Will we win in the end? No doubt. We have already won.

    About the Author

    Ida Lawrence is an author, blogger, copywriter and editor based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has authored two books on racial justice and human rights, and numerous articles on human rights, self-empowerment and related subjects. Ida is also a certified Tai Chi instructor with a special interest in helping seniors and the disabled with Tai Chi and Chi Kung practices modified for their use. Her goal in life has been to find answers to the question of ‘why’ and then to explore the question of ‘what is’. More of her work is available at her personal blog, http://talk2momz.com/.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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