The Truth About False Flags, Propaganda and the Information War

State Propaganda Big BrotherBernie Suarez, Guest
Waking Times

Most if not all truth seekers by now are very familiar with what a false flag is. It’s a State-sponsored operation that involves an attack on elements of its own people, staged in such a manner so as to blame an enemy that the State wishes to attack. But a deeper look into this tactic of false flags reveals there is more to the process than just executing the operation and blaming the enemy of choice. There is a lot more to consider on the pre-planning and Intelligence side of things. Things the average person never takes into consideration because they are not used to thinking ahead like this. Or should I say, thinking as deep as this. We’re talking about a method of thinking far beyond the shallow so-called 2-dimensional thinking I’m always referring to that most people are stuck in. What am I talking about? Let’s consider some things.

Above and beyond the familiar false flag tactic (think al-Qaeda terrorists did 9/11), there are several other processes and tactics that apparently exist within Intelligence that many truth seekers tend to ignore or are simply not aware of though they play out almost every day in the real world.

  • When questioned about the 9/11 conspiracy by an activist-journalist several years ago, 9/11 Commission member Bob Kerry unmistakably states that 9/11 was a “30-year conspiracy”. One might wonder, what did Kerry mean by this? You decide.

    People can speculate in many ways, but we have reason to believe that the State plans on sustaining conspiracies for periods of 30 years … or longer. In other words, they seem to be saying – let’s push back acknowledging this conspiracy for the length of one generation, which in developed nations is estimated to be around 30 years, then the current generation will perhaps have less will to fight this conspiracy revelation due to the disconnect that will exist by then. The end result is that the conspirators will have gotten away with the crime. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the length of a generation.

    A familial generation is a group of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor. In developed nations the average familial generation length is in the high 20s and has even reached 30 years in some nations. Factors such as greater industrialisation and demand for cheap female labour, urbanisation, delayed first pregnancy and a greater uncertainty in relationship stability have all contributed to the increase of the generation length from the late 18th century to the present. These changes can be attributed to both societal level factors, such as GDP and state policy, and related individual level variables, particularly a woman’s educational attainment. Conversely, generation length has changed little and remains in the low 20s in less developed nations.

    As you can see, the 30-year generational time frame (for developed nations) has history and significance to it. From this stand point it makes sense that the controllers would have a time-table for delaying the process of the revelation of truth regarding their false flag operations. Let’s take a look at historical false flag operations and assassinations whose truth came out “officially” some 30 or more years later.

    Martin Luther King Jr was famously assassinated on April 4, 1968, but it wasn’t until December of 1999 (i.e. 31 years later) that the “official story” was proven a lie.

    The jury’s decision means it did not believe that James Earl Ray, who was convicted of the crime, fired the shot that killed Dr. King.

    After four weeks of testimony and one hour of deliberation, the jury in the wrongful-death case found that Loyd Jowers as well as “others, including governmental agencies” had been part of a conspiracy. The jury awarded the King family the damages they had sought: $100, which the family says it will donate to charity.

    The family has long questioned Mr. Ray’s conviction and hoped the suit would change the legal and historical record of the assassination.

    “This is a vindication for us,” said Dexter King, the youngest son of Dr. King.

    He said he hoped history books would be rewritten to reflect this version of the assassination.

    One might wonder why didn’t this trial take place in 1968 or 1969? Because this falls within the 30-year conspiracy rule they seem to have. 1969, 1979 or 1989 would all have been equally too soon. During those first 30 years the idea is to lie, hide the truth and deny any wrongdoing or involvement. Even worse, during the “conspiracy” years you could be murdered for telling the truth.

    Revealing the truth after the conspiracy has done its time (in the case of the King assassination 31 years later) was apparently deemed acceptable, likely because they figured that a younger generation disconnected from the event wouldn’t know what to do with the new revelations. Or perhaps they figured the younger generation could be easily distracted from the revelations about the King murder. Additionally, news about the Memphis jury court ruling surrounding King’s assassination was hardly given attention by the mainstream media and has done nothing to change the history book lies and the lies told at museums honoring the life of King. If nothing else we can observe that lying about the MLK murder for the duration of the “conspiracy” years proved to be an effective strategy for the Deep State.

    More examples include Operation Northwoods, a shocking 1962 DOD document signed by Joint Chief of Staff Lyman L. Lemnitzer outlining how the US would attack its own citizens in various creative ways in order to blame Cuba and thus create the pretext for war against Fidel Castro. Conveniently, well over 30 years later, in 1997 the John F Kennedy Assassination Review Board declassified this 1,500-page document for the world to see.

    Another example is the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty where the US and Israel coordinated a classic false flag attack to attack and sink the USS Liberty in order to blame and subsequently invade Egypt. The false flag failed but specific details about the false flag event were revealed some 40 years later around October of 2007, long after many had forgotten the event.

    Is anyone seeing a pattern here? Now let’s consider current day conspiracies that have NOT been declassified, revealed or admitted. Let’s take 9/11 for instance. Knowing what we know now, what can we say about the prolonged process of waiting for disclosure, declassification or truth? If Bob Kerry is right and we are understanding him correctly then 9/11 is only half way in this traditional waiting process of 30 or more years. We, therefore, need to see State-sponsored 9/11 propaganda in this light. Understanding that this waiting period is very much a part of the State propaganda as well as the process of concealing the truth about an event, we should expect “revelations”, “new” storylines and “claims” conjured up by Intelligence during this long waiting period for the sole purpose of stalling for time and to create what Obama former Information Czar coined “cognitive diversity” particularly in the (9/11) Truth movement.

    Understanding this information war tactic is important for all truth seekers. The Intelligence community knows this and they have been busy conjuring up “new” storylines for 9/11 truth seekers over the past several years, all intended to shift your attention away from the Operation Northwoods-style 9/11 attacks in 2001. We’re all familiar by now with the “28 pages” the Intelligence community is waving in everyone’s face since 2002-2003. This is all part of this delay tactic that I’m referring to. It’s also part of a tactic designed to divide everyone mentally (i.e. cognitive diversity) and to get people debating over who “really” did 9/11. Since Saudi Arabia is known to have been involved in 9/11 we can see that the tactic depends on disseminating partial truth to create the debates and division. This debating and divisiveness serves perfect for the purpose of killing much needed time.

    Likewise, as many who follow my newsletter know, I’ve been very critical of the so called “Israel did it” movement. Like the “Saudi Arabia did it” crowd these are not people who acknowledge the Israeli involvement in 9/11 (like most of us do) but a crowd who insists that only Israel was involved or (just like the USS Liberty propaganda) insist that 9/11 was an “Israeli job” somehow NOT involving the United States. I firmly believe all of this is sophisticated State-sponsored propaganda, again to stall for time and divide truth seekers while they are at it looking to other entities for blame.

    This process of blaming other entities is itself an art that the State has perfected, and it is time for truth seekers to simply be aware of this tactic. It is very real and we have seen this tactic in play for many decades here in the US.

    Cognitive Dissonance and Blaming Others

    Many people don’t realize how much easier (cognitively speaking) it is to blame government corruption on another country or another entity. To use the sports analogy, it’s the difference between accepting that your team is a horrible team that plays dirty and cheats versus thinking that your team is instead the victim of a league full of dirty teams that cheat and has caused your team to lose so many games. It is exponentially easier to blame another entity than to face the reality that you, your team (or your country) needs to fix itself and face change.

    The Intelligence community is very well aware that people will more readily digest that their country is in good standing and the blame is to be put on others. Look around you; all the politicians involved in our current presidential election race are all blaming other countries and other bogeymonsters for the problems of the country. It’s expected for them to lie this way. This cognitive dissonance is deeply embedded into who we are today, especially as Americans. Self-blame for events like 9/11 and the endless wars based on lies is not expected under any circumstances even when not facing up to the reality itself is completely irrational and artificial.

    So when it comes to 9/11 or any false flag attacks that are well short of the “30-year conspiracy” time-table told by Kerry, let’s not expect anything short of new diversions, new misleading information, “new” so-called discoveries and disclosures that all eventually point right back to the official story narrative, point to a new enemy they want to attack or lead you down a path with no solution. That’s the whole point of these long waiting periods. It’s to disempower you and to disorient you so that you can’t do anything about the matter at hand. Once your generation has passed and 30 or 40 years have gone by, then maybe the government will disclose some of the information to a generation completely disconnected from the event. By then that generation will be dealing with fresh new false flags and new levels of government lies, deceit and corruption. Can you see the bigger picture and how the long-term Intelligence works to keep you in the dark as they get away with one false flag after another?


    To fight back we must first see the bigger picture by viewing these false flags in terms of 30 year time-frames (or longer). Let’s start by making people aware that these time-frames do exist and they serve the State very nicely. Let us also not fall for State propaganda pushed on mainstream media news or on YouTube talking about “new” secret revelations. If we can learn anything from observing today’s State propaganda machine at work it’s that the Intelligence community is deeply embedded in social media sites, blog sites and even many alternative media sites if you read the comment sections. Realize that we are up to our necks in heavy duty and deeply rooted State propaganda; it’s coming from all directions and the only way to stay clear of this is to think with your critical mind, not with your emotions.

    It is time to realize that the nature of our information war is much more complex than you may have thought and only those wide awake to the full spectrum of State propaganda tactics will be able to discern their lies and deceit. Once we recognize their lies and tactics we become much more difficult to fool and sway away from objective truth.

    About the Author

    Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He is the author of The Art of Overcoming the New World Order and has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.

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    This article (The Truth About False Flags, Propaganda and the Information War) was originally created and published by Activist Post and is re-posted here with permission.

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