The Top 5 Censored News Stories of 2018

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

We all know that the corporate media has no interest in shedding light on certain societal issues, and it seems that many people are awakening to the reality that if we want to know the truth, we have to go out and find it for ourselves. 2018 was a remarkable year in this regard, because tech giants and major media began openly censoring social media and de-platforming anti-establishment voices and media organizations.

  • Censorship of the news is as old as government itself, and for last 40 years, watchdog groups have kept a record of each year’s most censored, under-reported on, and important issues. Project Censored keeps this tradition alive with its end of year report.

    “The presentation of the Top 25 stories of 2017-2018 extends the tradition originated by Professor Carl Jensen and his Sonoma State University students in 1976, while reflecting how the expansion of the Project to include affiliate faculty and students from campuses across North America has made the Project even more diverse and robust. During this year’s cycle, Project Censored reviewed over 300 Validated Independent News stories (VINs) representing the collective efforts of 351 college students and 15 professors from 13 college and university campuses that participated in the Project’s Campus Affiliates Program during the past year.” [Source]

    The following top 5 censored stories as excerpted from Project Censored. Serious food for thought, for those out there paying attention:

    5. Washington Post Bans Employees from Using Social Media to Criticize Sponsors

    In June 2017, Andrew Beaujon reported in the Washingtonian on a new policy at the Washington Post that prohibits the Post’s employees from conduct on social media that “adversely affects The Post’s customers,…

    4. How Big Wireless Convinced Us Cell Phones and Wi-Fi are Safe

    A Kaiser Permanente study (published December 2017 in Scientific Reports) conducted controlled research testing on hundreds of pregnant women in the San Francisco Bay area and found that those who had been exposed…

    3. World’s Richest One Percent Continue to Become Wealthier

    In November 2017, the Guardian reported on Credit Suisse’s global wealth report, which found that the richest 1 percent of the world now owns more than half of the world’s wealth. As…

    2.  “Open-Source” Intelligence Secrets Sold to Highest Bidders

    In March 2017, WikiLeaks released Vault 7, which consisted of some 8,761 leaked confidential Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents and files from 2013 to 2016, detailing the agency’s vast arsenal…

    1. Global Decline in Rule of Law as Basic Human Rights Diminish –

    A 2018 survey conducted in response to global concerns about rising authoritarianism and nationalism shows a major decrease in nations adhering to basic human rights. As the Guardian reported, the World Justice Project…

    Final Thoughts

    Take a look at the complete list of The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2017-2018, as presented by Project Censored

    Read more articles by Vic Bishop.

  • About the Author

    Vic Bishop is a staff writer for He is an observer of people, animals, nature, and he loves to ponder the connection and relationship between them all. A believer in always striving to becoming self-sufficient and free from the matrix, please track him down on Facebook.

    This article (The Top 5 Censored News Stories of 2018) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Vic Bishop and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio and internal links. 

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