The Heart and Knowing Mind of Divine Awareness in the Body

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Waking Times

The future of humanity is an awakening of heart consciousness. Within the heart, we open to a higher dimension of our mind that intends, knows, and acts beyond thinking. Since humanity has been conditioned in a narrow range of fear-based conflict, control, and separation through a dualistic thinking mind, it can seem incomprehensible at the current level of consciousness that we can use intelligence to intend, create, and act on Earth through the mind and body without thinking. Through a manipulation of the “thinking mind,” humanity has been at once disconnected from the full life of the body and full Divine awareness of our infinite consciousness.

Heart consciousness is our Divine awareness in incarnate form. Within the heart, we unite a body consciousness with a whole new level and understanding of all aspects of the mind in service of the heart.  The true multidimensional human mind is always expressing in the moment beyond time. The thinking mind is never in the now because its frequency is a perpetual censor of consciousness. Therefore, it is always operating from the prior unconscious programming that continues to relive the past and fear the future.  This perpetual censoring device is the anchor for the narrow range of the five physical senses that have been the primary means for decoding and experiencing this reality on Earth for thousands of years.

Beyond the Conditioned Thinking Mind to an Awakening of Infinite Consciousness

It is time to awaken, remember, and be our infinite heart-centered consciousness.  A dense inharmonic conflicting frequency has been infecting and infiltrating the human mind for many thousands of years.  The entire 3D false matrix of fear, conflict, control, and separation has been disrupting the planet and humanity incarnate.  This cultural system works against the harmony, freedom, creativity, and unity of life.  It is time to commit to being who we really are as infinite souls of Divine light, consciousness, energy, and love.  Anything less than pure love and creativity is a level of acceptance of the false ways of being that humanity has been immersed in.

  • The attack by inharmonic intelligence has been to focus on a frequency matrix of the thinking mind that has been conditioning limiting beliefs, painful emotions, and past experience.  When this occurs, the human consciousness becomes consciously unaware of its infinite consciousness, and thereby identifies with a more limited frequency range of the body-mind.  This identification with the body-mind vehicle of consciousness actually separates the awareness of our true infinite consciousness from the body.  Therefore, when we identify with the body outside of infinite consciousness, we are no longer fully present within the body.

    The force that has infiltrated and enslaved humanity has conditioned the human mind through a false fear-based programming which has separated humanity from both the body and infinite consciousness.  Humanity has been kept in a veiled and controlled state through identification with the dualistic software program of the 3D thinking mind.  This results in the human being mistakenly believing that his or her life condition in this restricted consciousness is part of human nature.  When in reality, humanity has been living in a false artificial nature through a mind program of a hierarchical authoritarian ruling control structure.

    As humanity remembers, Divine awareness is awakened.  From our infinite consciousness, a higher frequency of mind manifests as love, freedom, unity and creativity.  This frequency of mind serves the unity of the heart through the body.  Infinite consciousness will become one with the body.  The key of reuniting with infinite consciousness is through a heart-centered consciousness.  Through the heart, we open to our Divine awareness of infinite consciousness and reconnect our being throughout the cellular consciousness of the body.  Within the heart, infinite consciousness and the body become one through a new activation of the higher mind.

    The knowing mind does not think.  Within the intuitive frequencies of mind, information is spontaneously accessed by the direction and attention of intentional consciousness.  The intuitive knowing mind is operative when Divine awareness is within infinite consciousness in soul and spirit.  When our infinite being is expressing as incarnate humanity on Earth, the heart, infinite consciousness, higher mind, and cellular body consciousness are experienced as unitary Divine awareness.

    Infinite Consciousness within Mind and Body

    The spirit-soul of infinite consciousness expresses through the mind and body vehicle.  Our true nature is a Divine infinite consciousness of love, creativity, freedom, and unity with all.  Our being is pure information, consciousness, and energy, and is experienced and expressed in its fullness through interior consciousness technology.  This includes telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, teleportation, bi-location, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation.  While our true consciousness abilities of communication, creativity, and action are all internal, a reference to external electronic computer technology can help us understand the consciousness continuum of the physical body consciousness bio-computer, the subtle dimensions of mind, and infinite consciousness.  We can relate the physical body—cellular structure, organs, DNA, and all systems with an analogy to hardware.  This includes physical structure, CPU, and hardrive.  The mind relates to the software, and Divine infinite consciousness is the intelligence and creativity beyond the software.

    Within the manipulated matrix of fear, conflict, control, and separation there has been interference and conditioning of both the mind and physical body.  It is a two way bi-directional interference—mind programs alter physical energy frequencies of the physical vehicle, and a disruption in the energetic and biochemistry of the physical vehicle inhibits the full efficient functioning of the software program that is the mind.

    In our awakening and remembering, we no longer identify our consciousness with the physical vehicle of the thinking mind.  We open to Divine awareness of knowing our being, experience, and expression as a Divine infinite consciousness.  Therefore, we realize that we cannot heal and transform the body and mind to infinite consciousness solely by intervening at the physical body or the etheric subtle mind level.  We must go beyond the thinking mind program in order to remember infinite consciousness to fully awaken to our true Divine nature.  It is not sufficient to understand that we are an infinite Divine consciousness through the conscious awareness of the thinking mind level.  We must be infinite consciousness with a direct awareness from this nonlocal multidimensional level.

    Many spiritual, philosophical, psychological, and metaphysical systems have sought to heal on the mind level by equating mind with the higher self, soul, spirit, etc.  At this level, we can only change individual software codes of limiting beliefs, emotional coding, and actions.  This will assist us, but in truth, the entire mind software has been conditioned by the false 3D fear-based matrix.  Thus, we need to override or uninstall the mind software in its entirety.  This we do by awakening and remembering who we are as infinite consciousness.

    While this computer analogy can help us understand our consciousness in this time of transition, we must realize that all external technologies are an artificial external extension of the current limited mind programming that is decoding electromagnetic information that is relayed to the brain by the physical sensory system.  When we awaken to our true abilities, we have all the communication and creative capabilities in our interior multidimensional infinite consciousness.  Thus, our awakening is to be infinite consciousness in awareness which will be lived in frequency through the mind and cellular consciousness of the physical body.

    Divine Infinite Awareness through the Higher Mind of Cellular Consciousness

    Ultimately, while we are experiencing our being as incarnate on Earth, our infinite consciousness, mind, and physical body will function as a seamless receiver/transformer/transmitter of the knowing Divine awareness of love and creativity.  Within this time of energetic shift, the process of awakening is reuniting our physical body and information instructions of the mind all within an infinite consciousness emanating through the vortex of the heart consciousness.  The future of humanity on Earth is to live from an ascended fifth dimensional and beyond matrix of oscillating consciousness and energy.

    As we bring Divine awareness into direct experience in the mind and body, the very frequency of the physical body and overall mind software is changing.  This evolving expression will reflect our true being of a higher energy fluid expression and continuous harmonic flow of energies. They emanate at the physical frequency of consciousness through a unified light and sound frequency.  No longer will friction, energy blockages, and defensive secondary energy pathways restrict our Divine awareness.  We will restore the pure balance of energetic flow of the limitless unrestricted Divine. We will remember our infinite consciousness of a nonlocal timeless dimension within our incarnate form on Earth.

    May we open to the fullness of the Divine light and awareness so as to remember our multidimensional humanity, and express ways of living on Earth that oscillate the harmonic frequencies of Divine love and creativity. The firm choice to live from Divine love, and ways of communicating and creating that reflect freedom, love, and Divine unity is inherent within the movement of Dimensional Ascension.

    About the Author

    Peter Borys Jr. is an author, visionary, multidimensional transformation guide, dimensional evolutionist, and consciousness and energy researcher.  Peter’s work communicates a new vision of transformation, evolution, and ascension to a multidimensional cosmic humanity of the true self in Divine unity.

    The mission of Peter Borys Jr is to guide and support human awakening, transformation, evolution, and ascension to a fifth dimensional unity consciousness on Earth.  He is the author of “Transforming Heart and Mind: Learning From the Mystics (Paulist Press, 2006), “Unity of the Heart: Transforming Consciousness to an Enlightened Humanity (Mill City Press, 2008), and ”Dimensional Evolution: Uniting Cosmic Earth Consciousness with a New Divine Humanity (forthcoming).

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