The False Left-Right Paradigm

Patrick J. Herbert, Patrick Herbert
Waking Times

The two-party system is an illusion. It is a facade. It is a false paradigm. It is a tool of divide and conquer; a distraction; a mimicry of constructive discourse.

What common interests do continual political battles, inspired by political leanings, promote beyond the grabbing of votes by politicians who climb and step over each other in a frenzy for the attention of television cameras?

None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

  • Sure, the politician broadcasts their position on an “issue” that is aligned with their “side” of the political aisle. This issue is, of course, a narrative backed by moneyed interests. Would a politician be inspired otherwise? Absolutely not.

    The outlet for the expression of these “issues” is, by the majority, conducted through a medium that guarantees you cannot debate or challenge the narrative in any way such as the mainstream news stations or newspapers.

    Mainstream media gives you the illusion of debate by featuring “panelists” or “experts” going at each other over a subject.

    Do not believe for a second that an opposing side is not controlled opposition. It is. Mainstream news stations want to maintain their viewership within their demographic. They do this by winning the debate for their “side” every time there is a debate and they do this by controlling the opposition.


    After the votes are counted and the politician takes his or her throne in the chamber of congress, he or she isn’t going to sleep at night with warm and fuzzy feelings on how well they have served the “American People”. Rather than counting sheep, they are counting the money procured by the exhaustive driving of lobbied interests. These interests are ultimately expressed as the issues that brought them the vote.

    I have personally reached out to those who it is said represent me as a constituent in congress. I have sought answers to questions over issues that face us all as Americans.

    My questions to them were simple and politically neutral: Why are both the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), two independent and foreign controlled constitutionally illegal institutions posing as government entities, allowed to dictate monetary policy and extort wealth from the inhabitants of this country?

    It has been months since I have written them. I have yet to receive a response.

    Yet, I see these same politicians preaching their invested interests to the public through the corporate controlled mainstream media everyday. The interests, painted either red or blue, sit as if on an eternal carousel. They sit comfortably besides their related, yet perpetually unresolved, political talking points masquerading as issues.

    There is never any intention for the resolution of these issues. A resolved issue is a non-issue, for if it were ever resolved, what non-issue could ever garner votes? Round and round they go.

    So, if the politicians are not representing their constituents, or working for our interests or for us, then who are they working for?

    Consider first that, left or right, it is a central corporate government with “two wings”; at the end of the day, those two wings represent that same central corporate government.

    The power behind the throne is the Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Federal Reserve and the IMF do not have a political disposition. They operate with no matter to what side of the political sideshow the politicians in congress, or in the White House, entertain us with.

    The Federal Reserve runs the “United States of America, Inc.” and the IMF runs the “UNITED STATES”. The District of Columbia is itself a foreign government. As to ownership, the Federal Reserve has foreign holdings and the IMF is owned by the United Nations.

    Both Washington D.C. and the United Nations are separate city-states independent from the country in which they reside. They are a part of what is called the Global Estate Trust.

    Everything about the United States “government” and the ‘body politic’ through which it seemingly operates is fake covered with a layer of fake and topped with a fake cherry.

    So why do we believe any of this? Why do we fall for it? Why do we pick a side and go at each other when it should be each other we support?

    Consider the public education system. It is government controlled. It is a tool with which the inhabitants of the United States can be hyper-indoctrinated. The curriculum is dictated to the education system from a central authority that resides in Washington D.C. That central authority is the Department of Education.

    In this curriculum are wonderful ideals that come from the past but are no longer applicable. The education/indoctrination system intends to spoon-feed each generation a lot of fairytales about the constitution that, since 1871, isn’t even true.

    This produces generation after generation that hasn’t any idea about the reality of the legal structure of Washington D.C. They haven’t even a clue that their government and its President are beholden to any other power structure beyond the lie of “We the People”.


    The President of the United States is just the CEO of a corporation, he isn’t the “leader of the free world” as we are taught to believe; yet, we often hear that repeated from the propaganda outlets known as the mainstream media day after day.

    Would any of us believe that the President of the United States is referred to as the “leader of the free world” in China? Russia? North Korea? South Korea? India? Probably not.

    Now, ask yourself, considering that we are one people, what is a guaranteed distraction for us?

    What would keep us from asking questions about the way our government truly functions and who is really in charge?

    What tactic can be deployed to keep us distracted away from the truth about the international bankers who own the Federal Reserve System and IMF that are running the “United States of America, Inc.” and the “UNITED STATES” respectively and are actively engaged in extorting wealth that we earn from our labor through the illegal IRS?

    Divide and conquer.

    How is divide and conquer best serve? Through well crafted and purposefully designed narratives in opposition to each other that are driven by two sides of the same central government.

    Left, right, left, right: this is the march of tyranny. It is through this manipulation that they intend we strap on our blinders and fight, fight, fight.

    If we are fighting each other it is a guarantee that we will never unite under our common interests and turn our attention to those unseen forces, expressing themselves through the interests of international banking and sometimes referred to as the hidden hand, who are manipulating all of us with the intention of ultimately enslaving us.

  • About the Author

    Patrick Herbert is a software engineer, researcher, and writer who currently resides in Texas. He has been through some remarkable metaphysical experiences that led to a spiritual awakening and is actively pursuing ways to help to raise the awareness of others with regards to the elements of what we call the global conspiracy and how it affects all of our lives regardless of political disposition. Visit his website at

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