The Dark Nexus of Mind Control and Artificial Intelligence

dark nexusJay Dyer, Guest
Waking Times

In researching the MK ULTRA programs and their various offshoots, I came across an interesting connection to the coming SmartGrid.  Under Dr. Ewan Cameron, a prison tracking device known as the Schwitzgebel Machine was utilized to monitor inmates locations, heart rate and other personal details that were reciprocally transmitted to the good doctors.  What comes to the fore is the similarity with the development of the Smartphone and its new capabilities for monitoring heart rate, health, etc., as well as basically anything else.  Is there a connection between mind control and the coming A.I. takeover?  While this may sound like the ultimate paranoiac tin foliage, I suspect more at work here.

In my analysis, the rollout of the great technological utopia we are being sold was not the result of mere organic market forces that competed to produce harder, better, faster and stronger products. The average libertarian, for example, believes this deception, presuming the “invisible hand” of the market results in a natural advancement, while any other economic model retarded growth and “progress.” On the contrary, much of the technological progress we have seen in the last few decades is not the result of independent, competing ideas, but is rather the strategically timed and intentional release of the military industrial tech complex, given to an idiot public for the purpose of long term enslavement and depopulation.

The connection to MK ULTRA arises in relation to experiments with jc manipulation which I have already highlighted in regard to Dr. Michael Aquino and his infamous essay, “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory,” where the combination of ELF/VLF and various RF manipulation is discussed in detail towards the end.  A Nexus Magazine article“Techniques Used by Governments for Mind Control,” by Sid Taylor outlines the RF experimentation in the MK programs:


    This was Dr. Cameron’s ongoing “attempts to establish lasting effects in a patient’s behaviour” using a combination of particularly intensive electroshock, intensive repetition of prearranged verbal signals, partial sensory isolation, and repression of the driving period carried out by inducing continuous sleep for seven to ten days at the end of the treatment period. During research on sensor deprivation, Cameron experimented with the use of Curare, (the deadly poison used by South American Indians to tip their arrow heads), to immobilise his patients.

    After one test he noted: “Although the patient was prepared by both prolonged sensory isolation (35 days) and by repeated depatterning, and although she received 101 days of positive driving, no favourable results were obtained.” Patients were regularly treated with hallucinogenic drugs, long periods in the “sleep room”, and testing in the Radio Telemetry Laboratory that was built by Rubinstein under Dr. Cameron’s direction. Here, patients were exposed to a range of RF and electromagnetic signals and monitored for changes in behaviour. It was later stated by other staff members who had worked at the Institute that not one patient sent to the Radio Telemetry Lab showed any signs of improvement afterwards.”


    Is Alice’s nightmare world becoming a reality? Note that Alice in Resident Evil is subjected to mind control and genetic manipulation by a secretive corporation that controls governments, the Umbrella Corp.

    When we consider the intersect with drug experimentation, the cocktail of brainwashing, “imprinting” and RF frequency technology becomes clear as something engineered by design.  Taylor continues, echoing something akin to a mondo Faces of Death flick:

    “There were an enormous number of MKUltra operations. The project farmed out work to eighty institutions, of which forty-four were colleges or universities, fifteen research facilities or private companies, twelve hospitals and three prisons. The estimated total cost of the operation was 10-25 million dollars.

    Prisoners were used in experiments conducted at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville State Prison by Dr. James Hamilton. Funded by another chain of front organisations, Dr. Hamilton conducted “clinical testing of behavioural control materials.” In New Jersey, testing was conducted by Dr. Carl Pfieffer at the Borden Reformatory, on similar materials. At Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia volunteers were used to test a particularly violent incapacitating drug. Around the same time as these tests were being conducted by the CIA the US Army initiated two projects, THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT. They conducted experiments both home and abroad, and at one time the New York State Psychiatric Institute was conducting research under contract to the Army. Between 1955 and 1958 the Army also tested LSD on 1,000 volunteer US servicemen at Fort Bragg and the Army’s Chemical Warfare Laboratories at Edgewood….

    In this MKSearch sub-project the isolation chamber that had been constructed earlier by Dr. Cameron at the Allan Memorial Institute was rebuilt at a laboratory of the National Institutes of Mental Health. This time, instead of humans, apes were to be subjected to a cruel combination of treatments. After first being lobotomised, the animals were kept in total isolation. The radio telemetry techniques developed earlier by Leonard Rubenstein were adapted so that radio frequency energy could be beamed into the brains of the highly disturbed animals. Many were then decapitated and their heads would be transplanted onto another body to see if the RF energy would bring them back to life. The apes that were not killed in this way were later bombarded with radio waves until they fell unconscious. Autopsies revealed that their brain tissue had literally been fried. These experiments were conducted around 1965/66, so it is a frightening reality that it is around 25 years since intelligence agencies covertly started experimenting with the use of radiated energy to control behavior….


    After consultation with the DCI, Richard Helms, Dr. Gottlieb hired the former director of the Agency’s Office of Scientific Intelligence, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, and set him up in a safe house where a KGB defector had recently been interrogated and tortured continuously for almost three years, so that he could experiment with a device known as the Schwitzgebel Machine. This was a ‘Behavioural Transmitter-Reinforcer’ (BT-R) fitted to a body belt that received signals from, and transmitted signals to, a radio module. The machine was “linked to a missile tracking device which graphs the wearer’s location and displays it on a screen.” It was developed by Ralph K. Schwitzgebel in the Laboratory of Community Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. His brother, Robert, subsequently modified the prototype into a more refined final product. The machine drew enthusiastic praise from criminologists who were supportive of ORD’s concepts for the intelligence techniques of the new world order.

    On December 10th 1972, Helmes cancelled Operation Often. The memo sent to Dr. Gottlieb to notify him was marked READ DESTROY. Dr Gottlieb resigned from the agency in January 1973. Before he left he was ordered by Helmes to shred all records from MKUltra – MKSearch.

    130 boxes would later be discovered in the Langley archives that inexplicably, Dr Gottlieb had failed to destroy. It was thought that the records had been misfiled and would have been destroyed if Helms and Gottlieb had been aware of them.”

    "I've really got to buy a new bed."

    Alice recovers from trauma based healthcare, er, mind control, splitting her psyche in Resident Evil.

    With all that madness in mind, when we consider the Smartphone, we see a device that utilizes RF and tracks your every move, desire and taste, with all of that data being transferred to mysterious third parties which are sold and stored in vast data centers around the globe. In line with JC Collins’ thought, as well as NSA whistleblower William Binney, I have opined that this is all being stored with the intent of a global SmartGrid control system.  While it is true that one level competition between Silicon Valley tech companies may be permitted, the reality was elucidated years ago in former CIA operative Melissa Mahle’s 2004 autobiography, Denial and Deception: An Insider’s View of the CIA, where she explained the origins of In-Q-Tel:

    “Rather than run a full in-house R&D program, Tenet authorized the directorate to create a technology-incubation organization, In-Q-Tel, to serve as an information technology portal from the private sector to the intelligence community…With an initial funding of 28.5 million in CIA funds, the venture focused on building productive relationships with small firms involved in IT innovation, In-Q-Tel concentrated on technologies that integrate Internet technology and applications to intelligence work, that develop new security and privacy technologies, and nurture data-mining technologies to take better advantage of the CIA’s vast storehouse of records, and modernize the CIA’s computer systems. (pg. 267)


    Mahle’s revealing book, Denial and Deception. Image:

    In-Q-Tel was also instrumental in some other names you might recognize, like Google and Facebook.  James Corbett’s piece on this connection gives an excellent summary of these pseudo-free market firms:

    For decades, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, has been the American governmental body tasked with conducting high-risk, high-payoff research into cutting edge science and technology. Responsible most famously for developing the world’s first operational packet switching network that eventually became the core of the Internet, DARPA tends to garner headlines these days for some of its more outlandish research proposals and is generally looked upon a a blue-sky research agency whose endeavours only occasionally bear fruit….

    Two of the names that come up most often in connection with In-Q-Tel, however, need no introduction: Google and Facebook.

    The publicly available record on the Facebook/In-Q-Tel connection is tenuous. Facebook received $12.7 million in venture capital from Accel, whose manager, James Breyer, now sits on their board. He was formerly the chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, whose board included Gilman Louie, then the CEO of In-Q-Tel. The connection is indirect, but the suggestion of CIA involvement with Facebook, however tangential, is disturbing in the light of Facebook’s history of violating the privacy of its users….

    Google’s connection to In-Q-Tel is more straightforward, if officially denied. In 2006, ex-CIA officer Robert David Steeletold Homeland Security Today that Google “has been taking money and direction for elements of the US Intelligence Community, including the Office of Research and Development at the Central Intelligence Agency, In-Q-Tel, and in all probability, both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command.” Later that year, a blogger claimed that an official Google spokesman had denied the claims, but no official press statement was released.”


    Healthcare courtesy of the Red Queen!

    So what about my claims about the same strategic goal associating all of this with mind control?  You’ll note that much of the very secret covert work pertains to nanotechnology, cancer and producing human resistance to the radioactive effects of all of this frequency pollution.  According to Business Insider, CIA startups are intimately connected to WiFi R&D, as well as with transhumanist Bilderberg attendee, Peter Thiel, stating:

    “We’ve talked about Palantir before and the impact it is having on the Army intelligence community.  What we didn’t go into as much was the fact that In-Q-Tel was an early investor in the technology on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency.  Palantir makes software that integrates data together from a wide array of resources and databases.

    It’s one of the best programs at coordinating the vast databases accumulated by the U.S. intelligence apparatus. It assembles comprehensive dossiers on objects of interest, collated from the sprawling databases of intelligence agencies.”

    And Corbett makes this connect to nanotech and bio-engineering and biometrics, illustrating further the danger these corporate-government mergers represent (operating under the guise of being private sector):

    “The In-Q-Tel website currently lists two “practice areas,” “Information and Communication Technologies” and “Physical and Biological Technologies.” The latter field consists of “capabilities of interest” such as “The on-site determination of individual human traits for IC purposes” and “Tracking and/or authentication of both individuals and objects.” In-Q-Tel also lists two areas that are “on its radar” when it comes to biotech: Nano-bio Convergence and Physiological Intelligence. Detailed breakdowns of each area explain that the intelligence community is interested in, amongst other things, self-assembling batteries, single molecule detectors, targeted drug delivery platforms, and sensors that can tell where a person has been and what substances he has been handling from “biomarkers” like trace compounds in the breath or samples of skin.”

    Thus the intersect of advanced technology, intelligence agencies and mind control is not far-fetched. The reality is, all of this is war gamed and planned for implementation by an establishment that long ago adopted the panopticism model of Jeremy Bentham and the Malthusian Royal Society.  The goals have nothing to do with creating a tech utopia for you and your progeny, where you will fly off to floating moonbases and partake of Elysium-style healing machines with Matt Damon.

    The same establishment that is publicly determined to destroy humanity en masse and implement the A.I. kill grid is rolling out their designs even faster than we “conspiracy theorists” expected!  In fact, this week mainstream news is reporting that IBM’s Watson, the famed Jeopardy-playing A.I. bot will play a role in determining health care!

    Forbes writes, trying to dissuade fears of the bots making the decision on your care, but this ignores an important fact – the article itself touts Watson’s superiority to human decision making, which will inevitably lead to the conclusion the bots are a better option than the human, and on top of that, the establishment interested in fostering all this are committed to dysgenics (not actually eugenics), which is the destruction of the human genome:

    “Watson has made huge strides in its medical prowess in two short years. In May 2011 IBM had already trained Watson to have the knowledge of a second-year medical student. In March 2012 IBM struck a deal with Memorial Sloan Kettering to ingest and analyze tens of thousands of the renowned cancer center’s patient records and histories, as well as all the publicly available clinical research it can get its hard drives on. Today Watson has analyzed 605,000 pieces of medical evidence, 2 million pages of text, 25,000 training cases and had the assist of 14,700 clinician hours fine-tuning its decision accuracy. Six “instances” of Watson have already been installed in the last 12 months.”


    Mother Brain!

    If you played Nintendo in the 80s like I did as a kid, you’ll recall Mother Brain, the ill-tempered A.I. behemoth from MetroidMetroid was actually far more accurate in its description of the actual “Mother” that is being erected and sold as a sexy Scarlett Johansson (as in Spike Jonze’s Her).  Mother Brain, like the Red Queen in Resident Evil and Skynet in Terminator is given a distinctly feminine quality because she functions as a syntheticanima mundi.  The system is selling her as sexy, but I assure you, this is anything but.

    This week the BBC is reporting that a Swedish firm is offering employees to be RF microchipped, and the wage slaves willingly complied.  I have highlighted the microchipping plan as something decades old, which shows the rollout of all this is clearly planned years in advance and is not an organic market development.  It is with the microchip that we can see the clear connection between the mind control programs of MK ULTRA and the rise of the A.I. grid, as well as the mind control of marketing employed in selling everyone on this trap.  As I outlined in numerous previous analyses (and here), when we consider the T Phage nanotech the Royal Society finds appealing,  one wonders if the T Virus and the Red Queen aren’t real, and out for blood.

    About the Author

    Jay Dyer is the author of the excellent site Jay’s Analysis, where this article first appeared.

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