The Dangers of Vaccinations

Erin Schumacher, Guest Writer
Waking Times

Many people are of the opinion that vaccinations are one of modern medicine’s greatest achievements, preventing suffering and saving lives! But did you know that no reliable safety study has ever been performed on any vaccine and evidence suggests that they are both ineffective and harmful?

Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., a world authority on vaccines stated in her book Vaccination that “Immunizations not only did not prevent any infectious disease, they caused more suffering and more deaths than any other human activity in the entire history of medical intervention.”

Other Pertinent Viera Scheibner Quotes

And yet each generation is subjected to more and more vaccinations. And as a result, we are seeing more and more immune dysfunction diseases. Many children have had over 20 vaccinations before they reach first grade.

Let’s break down what is actually present in vaccines. They are a toxic soup of various substances that should never be injected into the human body including:

  1. foreign proteins and viruses from chickens, guinea pigs, calves, and monkeys
  2. mercury (a neurotoxin)
  3. ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
  4. formaldehyde (a carcinogen)
  5. aluminum (a carcinogen and associated with Alzheimer’s)
  6. antibiotics like Streptomycin (which can cause allergic reactions)
  7. any many more!

Is this something you want to put into yourself or your child to prevent disease? Find me one study that says they actually do what they are meant to do. I don’t think it’s possible.

  • Instead various studies show that vaccines can cause:

    1. encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) which can cause permanent brain damage, autism, behavioral disorders, dyslexia, and antisocial syndromes
    2. immune dysfunction diseases
    3. damage to the nervous system

    The decision about whether to vaccinate or not is up to you. But consider it carefully. If vaccinations actually do what they are promoted to do, then an un-vaccinated child should NOT pose a threat to a vaccinated child at school. Compulsory vaccination laws exist in every state in the United States, however, there are always legal exemptions. Learn what exemptions are available where you live. Usually there are medical or religious exemptions.

    To avoid an infectious disease, you don’t need to have a vaccination. Instead you need to keep your immune system strong!

    From the very beginning, breastfeeding builds a strong immune system in the child and protects against many infections. Avoid allergenic foods like dairy and wheat. Allergic reactions lower immunity. Eating a highly nutritious diet consisting mainly of raw, organic fruits and vegetables helps to build a strong immune system. Remove “white foods” from your diet such as white sugar and white bread and white rice. Refined sugars (and white products that convert instantly to sugar in the body) are well-known to suppress the immune system.

    In general, practice daily exercise, eat a good diet free from allergens, toxins, drugs, and alcohol, supplement with probiotic rich food and drink, and you will maintain a healthy immune system.

    About the Author

    Erin Schumacher is a health and nutrition theorist and healer, and shares her love of yoga and self-healing with her students and personal coaching clientele. Please visit her excellent website at

    Vaccination by Viera Scheibner
    Never Be Sick Again by Raymond Francis

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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