The Alchemy of Food

Wiki Image - You Are What You Eat

Liz Blake
Wake Up World

At the heart of Alchemy is the dynamic relationship between psyche and matter. We access our transformational potential, both for the individual and the collective, by cultivating an alchemical relationship with our food.  By eating intentionally, we generate the abilities to co-create ourselves and our world.

1 .:. Eating is an ACT OF CREATION

You are, quite literally, what you eat.  Eating the fruits of the earth is a beautiful becoming, an elevation of matter, as they integrate into your conscious being.  The fruit is conscious itself.  Molecules of the earth’s creation are re-organized and integrated into your physical and subtle energetic bodies, directing and framing your conscious experience.  Becoming aware of this molecular consciousness allows you to actively co-create with the molecules you are made of.  They are gifts of the earth. Create yourself with love.

2 .:. Discovering our Earthly Selves

Once you fully acknowledge that you are what you eat, you discover your body is made of the earth; your physical being is a reorganization of earth molecules directed by your DNA.  Understand that your material existence is rooted in your food.  Every bite presents the opportunity to make a conscious choice.  You choose the materials for your own creation.  I suggest choosing high quality, highly intelligent, highly evolved materials, they will serve you.  They will fuel your individual evolution.  They will awaken your transformation, your becoming of the best possible self that you have the potential to be, that is the work, the opus.  This is alchemy.  Eating is alchemy.

3 .:. Welcoming the Earth as Teacher

Once you understand the earthly wisdom flowing through your body, you are able to receive her teachings, her intelligence, her healing embrace.  The Earth is here to teach humanity.  Your body is a vehicle to receive her teachings, her transmissions of intelligence.  The teachings flow through your veins, encoded in the nutrients in your blood, they are inherent in your being.  Awaken your awareness to feel her.  Listen to her whisper.

4 .:. Attuning to the Subtle

Awaken your awareness to the subtle.  Learn to listen beneath the sounds, attune to the vibrations, the intelligence in your being.  Assimilate the subtle, allow it to easily pass through your digestive system, into your blood, and illuminate your cells with information.  Hear your whole being’s response; there is infinite information in the dialogue of the subtle.   Different foods have different energetic qualities, knowing this difference empowers you to know your medicine.  You are your own medicine.

5 .:. Micro is Macro Cosm

Your evolution is your opus.  The great work, the opus, your personal transformational journey, is yours to do as a service to all of humanity.  As we heal ourselves, we respect ourselves and create the space to respect others, to respect our mother, this beautiful planet that hosts our being.  A micro universe exists inside of you; it is a cell of the macro universe.  We are to take responsibility of the cells that we are made of and influence, the cells that we co-create.  As we awaken our individual cells, we support the awakening of all humankind.  Our every action of taking care, of consciously loving ourselves, inspires those around us.

This is the viral energetic upshift and it is beautiful.

We are all designers of the future, creating our world with our thoughts.

Nourish your thoughts with the consciousness of the earth to support a thriving future.  Awaken on a cellular level.  Bring in the light.  Be solar powered.  Eat plants!  They eat the sun.

6 .:. Taste the Sacredness of the Earth

Our mother planet is endowed with an intelligence we have yet to comprehend as a species.  She knows our past and our evolution.  She has co-evolved us, she is our co-evolutionary partner, and she is the master manifestor in the created universe.  Allow yourself to deepen into this knowledge.  When you take a bite of food, honor this highly intelligent biological ecological system, allow the information to flow through your being. Olfactory communication is a core element in the language of the earth.  Learn to smell the truth in the air, the flowers, and your food.  Attune your senses to taste the sacredness of the earth.

7 .:. Honor the Container

The container is the physical, the matter, the mother, the earth, the feminine, the receiver.  The holder of the magic.  Honor this space.  The physical body is the container for our evolution of consciousness.  You must have energetic integrity in the physical to be able to receive and assimilate the frequencies of higher consciousness that are coming to earth.  This is key to the evolution, to the upshift, to the way forward.  This is honoring and listening to your mother.  She is here to heal, she is here to teach, she is here to help us grow.  She wants to create with you.  Love her, she knows best.

8 .:. Fasting in Silence

It is simple; to know how to eat properly once must cease eating.  To know how to speak properly, one must stop speaking.  By fasting, mono dieting and juice cleansing, you eliminate the energetic chaos, the noise, the clutter, the many paths and directions that pull you.  You then create the space to settle into simply what is, this is medicine.  Food has a powerful pull; eating many different kinds from many different sources can scatter your energy field.  When you give your system a rest from overload of information, it reprograms itself to awareness.  Suddenly you become aware of things you never noticed before, the depths of the scent in a carrot, the sensation miso has in your stomach, the digestion and assimilation of your beloved chocolate, the nutrients of kale in your blood, the feeling of clean water nourishing the energetic strength of your chakras.  Attuning to the subtle provides unlimited information on your Self, your inner being, your body and your soul.  Your soul knows how your body wants to be fed, so does your body, your work is to access its intelligence and support the body’s communication with your conscious mind.

9 .:. The Secret Ingredients: Love And Intention

All matter holds intention.  Working with this universal truth is alchemy.  Transformation in matter is a container, a support structure and a symbol for transformation in the psyche or spirit. Understanding how these energetic transformations occur give you the power to create, create yourself, create our future.  When you grow, harvest, cook and eat with love, you nourish on an energetic level.  This realm is more subtle than the densely physical, this is the psyche, this is spirit, this is a powerful place to access, this is the source of creation.  And yes, you can access it through the way of your food.  Allow your food to support the intentions you have in life.  Ask your food to nourish your true self, your higher self, the all knowing you.

10 .:. Mastering the Art of Being

Whether you’ve embraced it yet or not, you are a creator, you have the power to create, all of humanity is evolving to embrace this power.   Love it, be it, and emanate it, responsibly.  Mastering the cellular response of your inner being to the outside world, to the wonders of the earth, is the initial step.  Your body wants to support your evolution, but you must support your body.  Your body moves towards balance, and you must nourish its moving towards center.  Once you master the creation of yourself, mind and body, in matter and in spirit, you are an alchemist, you are a master in the art of transformation, which is the way of creation.  You are embracing the Great Work, you are the artist creating your life, you become the opus.  You are creator.

11 .:. As Below, So Above…As Above, So Below

“That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing.  And just as all things have come from this One Thing, through the meditation of the One Mind, so do all created things originate from this One Thing, through Transformation.”  – The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation by Dennis William Hauck


About the Author

Liz Blake is a designer of conscious culture and evolved lifestyle, inspiring a co-creative healthy future.

She is a graduate of NYU, with a self-designed BA in Holistic Health and Alchemy, focusing in Jungian psychology, nutrition, energy healing and shamanism.  She is a practicing Reiki Master.  She also earned a certificate as a Holistic Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as well as a Yoga Teaching certificate, 200 hr RYT.

As a conscious chef, she nourishes our evolution through alchemically integrating healing energy into the kitchen and creating food with love.

She is committed to nurturing community and healthy relationships to the earth and is an active member and healing center visionary of The Source Farm Ecovillage in Jamaica.  She is also a friend of Growing Heart Farm in upstate NY.

Guided by sacred plant medicine, she traveled to Peru, Brazil and England to pursue her shamanic studies.

Liz is currently based in New York City and is offering services in nutritional and transformational coaching, focusing on personal transformation through working with the subtle energetics of food and balancing the inner ecosystem.  She also offers Reiki and subtle energetic healing work.

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