TAG: spirituality

Sustainability is Mainly a Spiritual Crisis, Not a Material One

Caroline Savery, Sust Enable Waking Times The more godlike he becomes, the less godly Homo economicus behaves.” – Andrew Nikiforuk When I started out as a sustainability activist, I firmly believed that “sustainability” meant finding better, more efficient ways for humans to live within the means of our resources.  I considered the problem of sustainability as a problem

Mystery of Shambhala

Jason Jeffrey, New Dawn Waking Times I believe the idea of Shambhala has not yet come to full flower, but that when it does it will have enormous power to reshape civilisation. It is the sign of the future. The search for a new unifying principle that our civilisation must now undertake will, I am convinced,

The Understanding of Spirituality

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Lots of people search for something spiritual in one way or another, but the term “spiritual” is broad and encompasses a wide range of activities, and can sometimes be elusive. Spirituality often remains as an interest or a belief, but to reach further means practicing spiritual exercises seriously. If you

The Spiritual Traveler’s Creed

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Guest Writer Waking Times The breath that does not repeat the name of God is a wasted breath. —Kabir *            * According to Sufi tradition, humanity originated ‘far beyond the stars’ and is on a return journey back to the Source. While in the earth phase, there are numerous opportunities to embrace

Seven Habits for Effective Spiritual Cultivation

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Spiritual cultivation is our responsibility and gift as human beings. At it’s core it means that we live properly, in harmony with nature and with principles that support life. The definition of spirituality is growing as we now have access to such a vast range of information and ideas in

Erasing the Consciousness Dilemma and Entering the Mystic State

Emmanuel Karavousanos, Guest Writer Waking Times Religions have increased in number over the many centuries illustrating a need humans have for spiritual relief.  Over this great period of time mysticism has continued to baffle and elude human understanding.  The mystical experience and the mystical state have remained just that – mystical.  It may very well

Spirituality? Is That Like Religion?

Amara Rose, Guest Writer Waking Times When I moved to California in 1981, spiritual exploration was still in my future. I had my first astrological reading that year, and the astrologer, who twelve years later would provide a reading that helped redirect the course of my life during my awakening, referred several times to “spirituality.”

Don’t Just Think About Spiritual Realities – Experience Them

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Are you interested in the sacredness of the cosmos, extraterrestrial life, sacred geometry, different dimensions, astral projection, NDE’s, consciousness awakening, truth, and amazing ancient teachings and mysteries? So are we, but what do you want to do about it. Do you just want to keep reading, and, in that way,

Commercialized Spirituality – It’s a Business, Not The Real Thing

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Spirituality is big business, it’s a multi-million dollar industry. A lot of what passes for spirituality today is actually a commercial venture of one kind or another. It should be seen for what it is – business, and not serious, genuine spiritual knowledge. Commerce and spirituality have different values. Spirituality

The Metaphysics of a Paradigm Shift in Consciousness

Stuart Wilde Waking Times When people talk about a paradigm shift, they mean a shift in the recognized pattern of things, which we can say is the ‘standard model’ that forms the basis of people’s comprehension and understanding. We are in the process of mankind’s biggest consciousness shift in history. The reason being, as I

The Importance of Spiritual Preparedness

Rene’ Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times I am human. If you “sense” that big changes are coming, you’re right. And consider this: You can physically prepare until you think you are nearly invincible, but you can lose it all in an instant. Social, political, or natural forces could disrupt or wipe out your preparations. Even

The Path of No Path

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times Spiritual teachers with non-dual leanings often say that there is no path to enlightenment. There is nowhere to get to; you are already enlightened, you just do not know it. There is no need for a technique or practice; they will only keep your mind trapped in the

Shamanism and Spirituality

Konstantin Eriksen, Guest Writer Waking Times Man is a spiritual creature, always searching for meaning. But for many people in the so-called “western world,” there is a feeling of disenchantment with the world as it is: Wake up, do your job, get a mortgage, buy a house, pay your taxes and eagerly await the weekend. Perhaps you’re

Spiritual Archetypes – A Doorway to Your Soul

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times  When we step onto the internal super highway of spiritual evolution, we begin to unravel the differences between personality influenced desires and authentic inner yearnings of the soul. Every moment presents an opportunity to shed behaviours which no longer serve and instead allow divine beingness to shine forth. This continual

20+ More Reasons You Should Meditate

Waking Times Spiritual benefits of meditation For millennia, meditation has been an exclusively spiritual practice for serious seekers. By quieting the mind and deeply relaxing the body, the meditator experiences deep states of inner peace, and ultimately, higher states of awareness. There are many subtle benefits of practicing meditation—greater intuition, compassion, awareness, focus, among others—but

Three Causes of Spiritual Illness

Waking Times As we pass through life on the physical plane, things happen. We contract flus and colds and viruses, and we sustain physical injuries, like falling off our bikes as children or experiencing sports injuries. As adults, we may throw our back out or experience a serious car accident, in the process, acquiring bruises,

DNA – The Super-Data Papyrus for Biologically Induced Enlightenment

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times If the entire world’s information, (about 4.8 zettabytes in computer nerd speak) could be stored on 4 grams of DNA, and Harvard researchers have already sequenced about 70 billion copies of an HTML book onto small bits of DNA, what possibilities does this suggest about our species’ past and

Is Spirituality Opportunistic?

Spiritual growth is the very purpose of life. Thus, the spiritual viewpoint makes it possible to use everything that we do, and everything that happens to us in life, for moving towards the goal of life. To illustrate this point, let us take three major aspects of life — the work that we do, the people in our lives, and the happenings in our lives.

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