Return Of The Warrior
Elva Thompson – Have no doubt, there is a spiritual war raging on this planet, and we need to get up to speed.
Elva Thompson – Have no doubt, there is a spiritual war raging on this planet, and we need to get up to speed.
Olivia Rosane – That explains why it’s so tasty.
Kym Robinson – Are all true individuals tamed in the end?
Gavin Nascimento – We are far more likely to change this toxic system for the better, if we stand together and aggregate our collective capabilities and resources.
John W. Whitehead – Republicans and Democrats alike fear that the other party will attempt to hijack this election.
Tyler Durden – Is this America’s Two Minutes of Hate?
Dr. mercola – Statistics show rates of depression, anxiety and suicide are currently at an all-time high due to COVID-19 pandemic responses.
Matt Agorist – If you honestly believe that black lives matter, it is your duty to call for an end to the drug war.
John Vibes – Amazon has also been working hard to ensure that there is an Alexa device is every single hotel room.
Elias Marat – The historic bill would put an end to the federal prohibition of cannabis and roll back the damages done by the failed “War on Drugs.”
Caitlin Johnstone – Consumerism is unsustainable. Competition is unsustainable. Imperialism is unsustainable.
Daisy Luther – Have you ever thought about the ramifications of a cashless society?
John Vibes – Kids will take many of their classes online when schools open back up, but administrators are still attempting to control what the children are wearing.
Dr. Mercola – Technocrats have invented a new economic system from scratch.
Elias Marat – A U.S. military veteran who was sentenced to life in prison over less than $30 of marijuana is going to be released.
Matt Agorist – Because the women were wearing revealing bikinis, they became the target of the police state.
William D. Hartung – The Pentagon’s program for supplying “surplus” military equipment to local police departments is unreal.
John Vibes – In a new video currently circulating online, an 18-year-old named Jojo is recorded by his dad as he opened his first paycheck and saw how much money was taken out for taxes.
Daniel Kowalski – The practice is a major source of resentment against the police.
Matt Agorist – Police say that after the store employees confronted the man for not wearing a mask, he allegedly assaulted one of the employees before driving away.