Bayer Stock Nosedives After Jury Finds Monsanto Guilty of Covering Up Cancer Risks
Alex Pietrowski – Monsanto has been lying about the safety of their most popular products.
Alex Pietrowski – Monsanto has been lying about the safety of their most popular products.
Alex Pietrowski – This is a landmark decision for thousands of others suing Monsanto.
Courtney Lindwal – A megamerger between two of the world’s biggest agricultural corporations looms on the horizon.
Dr. Mercola – Researchers warn that by 2030, the global rate of liver cancer will double.
Aaron Kesel – The chemical was deemed a “probable human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Alex Pietrowski – The popular ice cream brand is yet another food known to be contaminated.
Alex Pietrowski – The world’s most overused toxic chemical may be causing serious damage to the food chain in the world’s oceans.
Pedro Aquila – The supermarket is one of the deadliest places you can visit.
Alex Pietrowski – When will a recall of toxic Roundup be announced?
Christina Sarich – While we are obsessed with glyphosate, Monsanto is turning to other genetically-modified atrocities.
Dr. Jill Carnahan – Here are some facts on how pervasive glyphosate is in our environment, and some tips on how to keep it out of your body.
Dr. Matthew Buckley – The only way to avoid the worsening of the catastrophe of chronic illness is through education and action.
Alex Pietrowski – A new chemical herbicide is about to go on sale, even though it is dangerous.
Christina Sarich – The International Criminal Court will try Monsanto for crimes against humanity.
Vic Bishop – The introduction of agrochemichals in Argentina has led to widespread misuse and public poisoning.
Alex Pietrowski – A disturbing look at just how much of this toxic poison is already contaminating our environment.
Daisy Luther – The tests were right. I’m not gluten intolerant. I’m poison intolerant.
Nick Meyer – These 7 words by Bush Sr. ushered in an era of irresponsibility with GMO’s.
Catherine J Frompovich – Citizens groups are conducting testing to find out what big-ag doesn’t want us to know.
Sayer Ji & Keith Bell – The rain comes from the soil, and the soil is heavily poisoned…