TAG: nutrition

Green Tea Compounds Effective Against Tumors and Genetic Diseases

Margie King, Green Med Info Waking Times Tea is the most popular beverage in the world and many people drink it for its pleasant taste, comfort, and general health benefits.  But green tea can do much more. It can save lives. Researchers at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia discovered that two compounds found in green

How to Stop the Rise of Superbugs

Waldemar Ingdahl, American Waking Times The rise of ‘superbugs’ is causing tens of thousands of deaths a year in the United States alone. A problem as complex as antibiotic resistance will require several solutions. Increasing antibiotic resistance is of great concern — the health of millions is dependent on our ability to defeat the threat

Buckwheat – 9 Great Reasons to Know it, Plant it, Grow it and Eat it!

Becky Mundt, Green Med Info Waking Times Buckwheat is one of those plants that may be unfamiliar to most Americans. It is a staple crop in parts of China, Russia and Eastern Europe, but is less well known to U.S. food consumers. Buckwheat is not a cereal grain, although it’s name might lead you to

Nutrition Information Every Cancer Patient Should Know

Nancy Elizabeth Shaw, Green Med Info Waking Times Nutritional Healing from Cancer:  The Fundamentals of an Alkaline Diet There is something that every cancer patient should hear from their oncologist when they are first diagnosed. They should be told that by making certain dietary changes, they could increase their chances of healing from cancer dramatically,

Genes Are Not The Problem, It’s The Food Genius

Karen Foster, Prevent Disease Waking Times Two-thirds of disease would vanish if society could revert to the way it did certain things just 100 years ago. The emphasis on faulty genes is misplaced and a misguided attempt to cast blame on a culture that has lost its way in terms of survival. Genes are not

Turmeric’s Cardiovascular Benefits Found To Be As Powerful As Exercise

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Nothing can replace exercise, but turmeric extract does a pretty good job of producing some of the same cardiovascular health benefits, most notably in women undergoing age-associated adverse changes in arterial health. Despite the general lack of interest by conventional medical practitioners in turmeric’s role in preventing heart

In Defense of (Raw) Milk

Eleni Roumeliotou, Green Med Info Waking Times There is plenty of clinical and nutritional evidence that milk, this hailed “natural” drink, is the source of numerous immunological, gastrointestinal and perhaps neurological disorders. While it is important to acknowledge these facts, it is equally necessary to remember that the milk we are talking about is a highly

How Garlic Can Save Your Life

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Research on garlic indicates that it may provide an ideal low-cost and safe alternative to drugs and vaccines in reducing the three most common causes of death in the world. In a world mesmerized by the false promises of pharmaceutical industry marketing copy, as well as inundated with

The Reality of Chemical Terrorism In Our Food

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Is it really that hard for most people to believe that we are being assaulted on a daily basis by chemical terrorism? Genetically modified foods, artificial flavours, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers, and sweeteners all made with toxic chemicals, all of which are proven toxic to human health. We are being

Got Hemp Milk? The Benefits of Hemp Milk

Joe Martino, Guest Waking Times Hemp milk is an incredibly nutritious and tasty alternative to cows milk as it supplies the body with essential nutrients without the harm that dairy causes to the body. For some, it is an ethical choice to not drink animals milk, for others it is an intolerance. Others choose to avoid it

Kale: A Green Nutritional Powerhouse Everyone Should Eat

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times A delectable green nutritional powerhouse, kale is one of many superfoods that is a must-have in any kitchen. Like other superfoods like blueberries and green tea, kale provides a wealth of nutritional benefits from cancer prevention to anti-inflammation. But what else can kale do for you? Some of Kale’s

Tibetan Exercises for Eye Health

Waking Times With so much time in front of the computer screens, tablets and TV sets, staring at one spot, our eyes need exercise to remain healthy. The following is an interesting approach towards eye health designed by Tibetan monks. Give your body and your EYES the nutrition they need! For generations, the people of Tibet

Analysis Finds Monsanto’s GM Corn Nutritionally Dead, Highly Toxic

Mike Barrett, Natural Society Waking Times Is GMO corn nutritionally equivalent to non-GMO corn? Monsanto will tell you the answer is a big ‘yes’, but the real answer is absolutely not. And the simple reality is that they are continuing to get away with their blatant misinformation. In fact, a 2012 nutritional analysis of genetically modified corn found that

Are Hemp Seeds Part of a Healthy Diet?

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times Hemp and marijuana seem to be popular topics in today’s society since legalization measures were passed in Colorado and Washington last November. While it’s common to hear advocates proclaim the medical benefits of marijuana, studies have shown that hemp seeds can also provide a number of health advantages as well,

Why Do Governments Recommend This Toxic Food Today When They Didn’t A Decade Ago?

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times  If we analyze the food guide and government advice on nutrition over a decade ago and compare those advisements to what is recommended today, there is one big difference–one specific food crept up onto the radar of public health officials as if it had some kind of miraculous nutritional

7 Highly Disturbing Trends in Junk Food Advertising to Children

Laura Gottesdiener, AlterNet Waking Times  From bribing children with toys to convincing them to eat a “fourth meal,” the industry is glutted with perverse, profit-chasing schemes. Ever wonder why one-third of all children in the United States are overweight, if not dangerously obese? According to a slew of recent reports, the cornucopia of junk food

Could Vegetables Hold the Solution for Childhood Asthma?

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times A recent study from the Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, College of Life Science at the National Taiwan University found a supplement containing fruits, vegetables, probiotics, and fish oil could actually work to treat asthma and reduce the dependence of asthmatic children on their prescription drugs. The study involved 192

Scientists Officially Link Processed Foods To Autoimmune Disease

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times The modern diet of processed foods, takeaways and microwave meals could be to blame for a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, including alopecia, asthma and eczema. A team of scientists from Yale University in the U.S and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, in Germany, say junk

Top 11 Biggest Lies of Mainstream Nutrition

Kris Gunnars, Guest Writer Waking Times There is a lot of misinformation circling around in mainstream nutrition. I have listed the worst examples in this article, but unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are the top 11 biggest lies, myths and misconceptions of mainstream nutrition. 1. Eggs Are Unhealthy There’s one

5 Foods That Kill Cancer And Help The Body Destroy Tumours Without Any Drugs

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Certain proteins within our immune system hold the precise instructions needed to destroy cancerous tumours. In a healthy body, this inherent ability is always present and always effective without the use of drugs. However, these proteins can be rendered ineffective if cells experience uncontrolled growth though damage or mutations

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