TAG: mind control

The Passive Android and the Creative Force

Jon Rappoport – Mickey Mouse is the President of the United States, Donald Duck is the Vice-President, and Goofy is the head of Homeland Security. The people have spoken.

Do Atoms Understand Language?

Jon Rappoport – Conventional physics asserts that the universe is made entirely of particles. Atoms. Quarks, wavicles. The universe includes the human brain.

Every Television Newscast: Staged Reality

Jon Rappoport – The news is all about artificially manipulating the context of stories. The thinner the context, the thinner the mind must become to accept it.

The Power of the Conditioned Mind

Frank M. Wanderer – The society and culture in which you have grown up programmed those fixed patterns of the mind into you, and your identity who you are and what your job is in this world, is based upon those patterns…

The Fear of Fear: How To Beat It

Julian Rose – “Be wary of those who claim that fear is ‘an illusion’. It is not. We cannot ‘escape’ fear by pretending it doesn’t exist.”

Disney Corporation: Making Evil Look Good?

David Gardner, Guest Waking Times Disney Corporation: Making Evil Look Good? Disney is seen around the world as a source of wholesome entertainment for children, but is there a darker side to its productions hidden in plain sight? This article investigates occult references in Disney productions, how society’s values and perception of good and evil are

5 Reasons to Expect Police Brutality to Get Worse Before it Gets Better

Isaac Davis, Contributor Waking Times Few things are more disturbing than looking at the news each day to find yet another shocking case of American police officers using excessive brutality and belligerence against the public. There is no justification for this, and as the list of egregious rights violations by the police grows, more Americans may

12 Little-Known Ways That Television Stifles Spiritual Awakening

David Gardner, Guest Waking Times Television is a staple of almost every household in the developed world. Many kids spend more time watching TV than going to school, and the average time spent in front of the tube is 4.5 hours a day and rising. What effect does spending so much time absorbed in watching television

Mind Control: It’s All Around You!

Adrian Salbuchi, New Dawn Waking Times “Man’s task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the Unconscious. Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.” – Carl G. Jung Mind Control. It’s easier than you think! Anybody can do it. Don’t believe me? You don’t think everybody has the power to control

Have Mind Control Scientists Found the ‘Switch’ To Turn Off Consciousness?

Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times A vast array of direct mind control techniques are being announced in the wake of investment from government via the U.S. BRAIN project and Europe’s counterpart the Human Brain Project – all told, billions of dollars are being spent to decode what makes us tick and how to change it.

Godzilla – The Mutant Reptilian Release Valve

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times This convoluted new movie “Godzilla” just wreaks of fear, confusion and social programming. It’s being regaled as some sort of anti global warming alarmism movie, but it’s really about allaying anyone’s concerns about geoengineering and the nuclear madness humanity is being bombarded with, along with everything else they’re perpetrating. According

Titles and Templates of Conformity

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that readily conforms to labels and titles. Titles come in all flavors, shapes and sizes, so everybody gets to have one. Some seem rather impressive, whereas others are a bit more diminutive indeed. But

7 Ways Our Children Are Being Brainwashed

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times From birth, virtually all of us have been brainwashed through various outlets that encourage materialism, ego, subservience, control and conformity. But where do the origins of mind control begin and what can we do about it? 1. Religion As children, the brainwashing begins in the church when we

Our Respective Journeys Into the Valley of Reason

Michael T. Winter, Contributor Waking Times The Internet awakening has given birth to a worldwide multitude of people that are disengaging from the programmed paradigm created for us, and awakening to the reality of the dangers we face. The web has supplied a platform for writers to take a crack at opening the eyes of

How to Reclaim Your Mind

Jefferey Jaxen, Staff Writer Waking Times This is an important piece for those that wish to begin walking their true path in life. Many, including myself, fall victim to advertising, propaganda, and poor food choices that all cloud our true thoughts and beliefs. There are many systems in place to gently steer the way we
