TAG: military industrial complex

Masters of War – You Lie and Deceive

Audio – A powerful song by Bob Dylan, “Masters of War,” pretty much sums up how many of us feel about the masterminds and corporations that continue to feed the war machine.

The Cosmic Consequences of Space Weapons: Why They Must be Banned To Preserve Our Future

Dara Percival, Guest Waking Times China and Russia have proposed an updated UN treaty to ban space-based weapons amidst fears the weaponisation of outer-space could prove disastrous. But why does the US government, which has the world’s largest military, continue to block it? If the weaponisation of space is not stopped, the dangers to humanity will

The Venezuela Gambit – Engineered Portal to Latin America?

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Previous attempts to overthrow the dynamic anti-Imperialist Hugo Chavez over a decade ago failed. Now that they have surgically removed Chavez, they’re feverishly back to their dirty tricks, activating their agents, moles and agent provocateurs ready and willing to act at the behest of the Oligarchs. On March 6 of 2013

Electromagnetic Resonance of the Tesla Gravity Motor

Alex Putney, Guest Waking Times The greatest achievements of terrestrial human technology have been hidden from public awareness. While the various space agencies of the world’s governments continue to use outdated and exceedingly dangerous rocket technologies and space shuttles designed in the 1940s and only minimally upgraded since, the advanced gravity control methods and plasma

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