TAG: HPV vaccine

Gardasil Firestorm in Denmark

Norma Erickson – In Denmark, the HPV vaccine Gardasil is being linked to serious medical issues that affect approximately 5,000 women who were vaccinated with it.

Mysterious Illness Plaguing Girls Who Received HPV Vaccine

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times There is now substantial evidence that the HPV vaccine is debilitating girls and young women all over the world. The latest comes from northern Colombia, where a mysterious illness is plaguing girls and the HPV vaccine is to blame. First their hands and feet feel cold. Then they go

Study Reveals “Unavoidable” Danger of HPV Vaccines

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new review published in Autoimmunity Reviews titled, “On the relationship between human papilloma virus vaccine and autoimmune disease,” is destined to reopen the controversy surrounding numerous reports of HPV vaccine-induced harm that have surfaced ever since their widespread use, beginning with the FDA’s 2006 approval of Merck & Co.’s Gardasil.[i] The study

Don’t Ever Give This Vaccine To a Child

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The HPV vaccine marketed under Gardasil, Silgard and Cervarix is possibly the biggest vaccine hoax in the last century. HPV vaccines are nothing more than a worldwide exercise in profiteering at the expense of children’s health. Due to the overwhelming amount of side effects associated with the vaccine, health

Scientists Explain Why HPV Vaccines Are Unsafe

Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health Waking Times There is no evidence that Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent cancer better than a decent screening program. There is strong evidence that they can produce severe and life-threatening harm. This report by 4 scientists documents how science has been corrupted & misused to promote these life-devastating vaccines. Scientists who have

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