TAG: health

Common Chemical Linked to Asthma, Allergies and Neurological Problems

Susan Patterson, Natural Society Waking Times  Studies have examined the effects of phthalates — an industrial chemical commonly found in plastics worldwide — on the human body. With an emphasis on reproductive health and the health of young children, the studies offer  shocking conclusions. There were consistent indications that phthalates may increase the risk of developing

Marijuana Legalization is Not Enough! Envisioning a Post-Prohibition World

Martin A. Lee, Reality Sandwich Waking Times  Pot-smokers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your pipe dreams. Marijuana legalization is a beginning, not an end. When residents of Colorado and Washington voted to legalize the adult use of cannabis, it felt like a momentary rush of sobriety in a country dazed

The Casual War on the Human Body

Arno Burnier, DC, Guest Writer Waking Times As a society we have been at war for the last 70 years or more. It is a hidden and insidious conflict, with yearly mass civilians casualties, injuries and permanent disabilities. Professionals are perpetuating involuntary mass murder yearly in the US, and no one wants to talk about

Epidemiologist Confirms Serious Outbreak of Chicken Pox, 97 Percent Who Were Vaccinated

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times A county in the western part of Indiana is the site of the nation’s largest current chickenpox outbreak, according to news reports. An epidemiologist has confirmed that out of the cases analyzed, 97 percent of the children were vaccinated. Vigo County has now seen over 84 cases of the varicella-zoster virus

What you eat

You Are What You Eat

As with many problems that face the world today, the best way to begin fixing this is to stop pointing fingers and to take a look in the mirror.

Why Is Pesticide Used As An Ingredient In Infant Formula?

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Why is cupric sulfate — a known herbicide, fungicide and pesticide — being used in infant formula? And why is it displayed proudly on product labels as a presumably nutritious ingredient? Used to kill fungus, aquatic plants and roots of plants, parasitic infections in aquarium fish and snails, as well as algae

A Gluten for Punishment: the Whole Grain Assault on Health

Nathan Daley, MD, MPH Waking Times From Few to You Among thoughtful and informed medical providers and public alike, there is an ongoing transition toward recognizing adverse health effects from grains as being common and normal rather than rare and abnormal.  Not all medical providers, of course, support this change in perspective and some are

Placebos, Nocebos, and Mind Over Matter

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Writer Waking Times Our medical system is less comfortable and less effective as studies and results move from the body to the mind, from the mind to the spirit, and from the spirit to the community.  Each of the top layers of the hierarchy of healthiness is studied with fear rather than with respect by

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

S. Ali Myers, Guest Writer Waking Times What is the subconscious mind?  What does the subconscious mind do?  Your subconscious mind is your ultimate video, voice, and thought recorder.  From this lifetime and before, your subconscious mind has recorded everything that you’ve seen, heard, thought or experienced. So why haven’t you heard more about the subconscious

Managing Fear and Anxiety of the Unknown

Stanley Popovich, Contributing Writer Waking Times All most everybody worries about what will happen in the future. The prospect of not knowing if something good or bad will happen to you in the near future can produce a lot of fear and anxiety. As a result, here is a list of techniques and suggestions on

Just One Can of Soda a Day Raises Aggressive Cancer Risk By 40 Percent

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times Men who drink one 300ml can of soda per day are much more likely to require treatment for a serious form of cancer than those who never consumed the drink. A 15-year study found those who drank 300ml of a fizzy drink a day — slightly less than a

Hyper-Toxicity Syndrome: The Human Body Has Become Polluted

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Here’s the law of the land which must first be understood, if we are to heal what ails us. As human beings, we come from Planet Earth. Our bodies are made from earthstuff. All of the constituents which comprise the human body come from the earth. All of

3 of the Most Potent Healing Foods

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times “Everything you eat is either fighting disease or fueling it.” We know foods have the potential to be healing. What you eat can either harm your health or make it better. And nowhere is that more true than with medicinal foods like garlic, turmeric, and ginger. All three of

Best Natural Herbs for Anxiety and Depression

Drew Waking Times If you are interested in finding some natural herbs for anxiety attacks and depression, there are many that you can try out. Not all herbs are going to have the same effect in all people, so just because one has worked for a friend or family member does not mean that it

The Latest Weapon in the War on Cancer: Honey Bees

Mercola  Waking Times Propolis, the “caulk” honeybees use to patch holes in their hives, has been used as a natural remedy since ancient times, treating ills ranging from sore throats and burns to allergies. New research has revealed another exciting use for this seemingly miraculous substance, this time in the fight against cancer. Propolis Slows

Recent Evidence Shows Vaccinated Kids Account For 90 Percent of Cases of Whooping Cough

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Vaccinated populations contract some of the highest rates of disease and more evidence on whooping cough is coming forward to support this claim. Whooping cough, or pertussis, is spreading across the entire US at rates at least twice as high as those recorded in 2011 and epidemiologists and health

The Healing Power of Marijuana Has Barely Been Tapped

Allan Badiner, AlterNet Waking Times Medical marijuana is now legal in 18 states, but it’s clear we’ve discovered a fraction of its potential for health. There are now legal medical cannabis programs in 18 states plus Washington, DC, with pot fully legal for adults in two other states. Ironically, however, the actual healing power of

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