TAG: featured

Solfeggio Frequencies Set Body Into Full Harmony

Karol Jankowiak, Guest Waking Times What are the Solfeggio frequencies? Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised

Simple Solutions for Fukushima from the Keshe Foundation

Jeffrey Jaxen, Contributor Waking Times Recently Mehren Keshe and the Keshe Foundation have publicly announced what they claim are solutions regarding the contaminated water and soil in Japan from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster. This announcement comes a month after Keshe publicly warned Tepco live on Kerry Cassidy’s Project Camelot live stream that he was giving Tepco thirty days

What It Really Means to Be a Seeker of TRUTH

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times We are all whistleblowers if we want to be. It starts with keeping ourselves accountable. As I watch my own mother decline in a state of extended, deteriorating health, a woman who was couched in the modern medical paradigm as a registered nurse, and who once helped the local

WiFi – The Invisible Killing Fields

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times “There are no safe levels of radiation.” –Barrie Trower, Physicist and former Military expert on Microwave Radiation The mass rollout of Wifi over the past decade has been phenomenal as to how integrated it has become in all facets of our society and our personal lives. Yet few have asked

The Science of Positive Manifestation

Michelle Walling, CHLC, In5D Guest Waking Times Are you the type of person that starts the day with a smile? Have you always wanted to be like that person who always seems to be in a good mood? Knowing how the brain works biologically can help you understand why it is so hard to change

How to Naturally Reverse Cavities and Heal Tooth Decay

Dr. Josh Axe & Eric Zielinski,  Dr.Axe.com Waking Times There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can NOT be reversed or healed. Then the only solution is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material. But according to a study

HAARP in Action and Its True Purpose

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is not an imagined conspiracy theory. The resounding ‘sonic boom’ and strange flashing lights of a HAARP ‘experiment’ have been observed by countless citizens. So is it just a benign technology designed to enhance the ionosphere, as our government has claimed, or is it

Brazilian Scientist: Ayahuasca/DMT Can Effectively Treat Cancer

Cassius Methyl, Guest Waking Times Eduardo Schenberg, of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, recently published a piece in Sage Journals, detailing his belief that Ayahuasca has cancer-fighting abilities, essentially encouraging the legalization of research in the field. He says, “There is enough available evidence that Ayahuasca’s active principles, especially DMT and harmine, have positive effects

Severe Oil Contamination Found in the Largest National Reserve in Peru

Stefan Kistler, Alianza Arkana Waking Times Last week Peruvian governmental authorities released test results that prove alarming levels of contamination in Peru’s largest national reserve, Pacaya Samiria. The park has been declared a “wetland of international importance” by international treaty and is part of Kukama Kukamilla indigenous territory. The contaminated waters are the source of drinking

New Study: Meditation Alters Genes Rapidly, Triggers Molecular Changes

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times If you are a practitioner of meditation, the results of a new study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology will likely come as no surprise. But for some scientists, the revelation that meditating can actually trigger molecular changes is groundbreaking. The researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Institute of Biomedical Research in Barcelona,

Turmeric Extract Strikes To The Root Cause of Cancer Malignancy

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new turmeric study published in Cancer Letters is paving the way for a revolution in the way that we both understand and treat cancer. Titled, “Targeting cancer stem cells by curcumin and clinical applications,” U.S. researchers evaluated the primary polyphenol in the Indian spice known as curcumin for its ability to

Demolition Planet – Awaken and Rise

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There comes a time when a coming convergence becomes apparent. But when it spells a very probable major cataclysm people are not too eager to see it. But see it we must. And sound the alarm we must…as well as prepare. Funny how that’s another thing “they” minimize and belittle.

Has Science Finally Confirmed the Existence of Acupuncture Points, Validating Chinese Medicine?

Buck Rogers, Staff Waking Times The number of acupuncturists, Traditional Chinese Medicinal (TCM) doctors, and complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) patients is growing in the United States, yet mainstream science, medicine and health insurance companies often disregard acupuncture as a legitimate medical treatment. However, it appears that science may finally be able to visually verify the

Frackquakes: Public Opposition Builds As Property Rights Are Endangered in Texas

Sharon Wilson & Alan Septoff, Earth Island Journal Waking Times When Texans say “no” to oil and gas development, it’s a sign that times are a-changin’ The earthquakes you may have heard about — the 30 tremblors that have struck north central Texas since November 1 and have damaged many homes. The quakes are most likely being

Fifth Density and the Energy Trap

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that peeks through the shadow of thought and plays in the light of dreams. It’s a shy and gentle expression– like an essence carried on a summer wind. And in the whisper of its

The 5 Stages of the Cycle of Mastery

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Waking Times “If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.” –Shunryu Suzuki The beauty of cyclic learning is that it kicks expert-mind back into beginner-mind. It is

The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times “Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking. To think incisively and to think for one’s self is very difficult. We are prone to let our mental life become invaded by legions of half-truths, prejudices, and propaganda. At this point, I often wonder whether education is fulfilling

The Common Toxin Lurking in Your Pantry Causing Obesity, Diabetes, Infertility and a Range of Unpleasant Side Effects

Carolanne Wright, Guest Waking Times Typically, individuals concerned about health read labels and question if the food they consume will promote vitality and balance. So it’s particularly disturbing when a hazardous ingredient is allowed to infiltrate the food supply under a misleading name that hides its true identity. Thanks to the Food and Drug Administration

7 Ways the FDA is Failing to Protect: Who Needs the FDA?

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Some cynically refer to the FDA as the Fraud and Death Administration. Harsh, but many see that name as a bit more than an accurate description. It is certainly the hub of the Medical Mafia wheel. A few years ago, during the height of the occupy wall street mania,

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