‘Huge Win for Wildlife’ – Peru Vows to End Deforestation Driven by Palm Oil
Elias Marat – Peru has vowed to put an end to palm oil-driven deforestation by 2021.
Elias Marat – Peru has vowed to put an end to palm oil-driven deforestation by 2021.
Elias Marat – The orangutan population has been driven to the brink of extinction.
John Vibes – Experts cite deforestation and desertification as the primary reasons that these animals became extinct.
John Vibes – Researchers believe that the Earth has room for over one trillion additional trees.
Elias Marat – Environmental advocates blasted Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who joked about “setting the Amazon aflame.”
John Vibes – Many are beginning to ask questions about who is responsible for such massive fires in the Amazon.
Jake Johnson – The Amazon rainforest has been devastated for weeks by fires so intense they can be seen from space.
Julia Conley – “They say we are terrorists, delinquents, assassins and that we have armed groups here, but really they’re just killing us.”
John Vibes – The Brazilian government is harvesting the Amazon rainforest at a dangerous rate.
Jessica Corbett – After promising to stop deforestation almost 10 years ago, corporations have destroyed nearly 50 million hectares of forest.
Elias Marat – The Brazilian Amazon rainforest has suffered a surge in deforestation in recent months.
Elias Marat – This could lead to the planting of billions of trees.
Mandy Froelich – Global consumption of palm oil is driving their extinction.
Morgan Erickson-Davis – Newly released data indicate the tropics lost around 120,000 square kilometers of tree cover last year.
Vic Bishop – It’s amazing what people can do when they work together.
Amanda Froehlich – This is literally too upsetting to watch.
John Liberty – He has purchased nearly 40,000 acres over the last decade.
Olivia Rosane – In his first day in office, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro promised to destroy more of the Amazon.
Natasha Longo – Palm oil marketing has succeeded in blinding us from the truth.
Lorraine Chow – The problem is worse than any other time in history.