TAG: Consciousness

Birthing the Divine Warrior

Julian Rose, Guest Writer Waking Times These are testing times. There is little doubt that the malevolent forces currently holding sway over our world are doing their damnedest to keep the lid on the rising tide of consciousness which will ultimately depose them. The effect is tangible; as though a block is attempting to be


Why You Should Learn to Lucid Dream

Robin Nixon Waking Times If you’ve never experienced it then you may find it hard to understand what lucid dreaming is all about. In fact you may be thoroughly sceptical and dismiss the whole thing as silly nonsense. But I can tell you from personal experience that lucid dreams are very real and something that many

Mayan Prophecy and Our Shift in Consciousness

Barbara Lynn-Freed, Contributing Writer Waking Times According to the Maya, the December 21, 2012 Sunrise marks the first time in 26,000 years that our Sun, on its ecliptic path, will be in conjunction with the intersection of the Milky Way at the Galactic Center. This alignment forms a cosmic cross, and is considered by the

Accessing the Heart’s Intuition: A Key to Global Coherence

The Institute of HeartMath Waking Times Most people know what it feels like to be in a state of harmony and flow, one in which our hearts and minds are working together and there is a genuine connection with others. It’s easy to love this experience of synergy, but often times, this happens by chance,

The Brain, Perception and the Holographic Universe

Zen Gardner The brain is a hunk of flesh. Amazing transceiver, but working on the fleshly side, like our bodies. It interprets. It is not spirit, it is alive but not life. It is not perception, in any way, shape or form. Yet it perceives at its own level. We, however, are consciousness. And here

Be What You Want To Be: It’s Time To Be Free

So let’s give ourselves absolute or total freedom, to think, to speak and to do what we really want to. This does not mean becoming selfish or license to cause injury to others. On the contrary, a person who values his freedom will immediately realise the value of others’ freedom. Absolute freedom means freedom for all.

2012: The End of Time?

Options for 2012: Impending doomsday disaster? Global financial market collapse? Earth changes? Or perhaps a consciously held combination of all three? What about an impending quantum shift, the presence of higher human or divine values in the commerce and exchange of relationship? What about the possibility of a world-changing tsunami of consciousness? And if the latter is my choice, what are the steps necessary to have that call to consciousness heard and made manifest?

Using Your Thoughts to Better Your Reality

When you understand that all we’re seeing around us is a reflection of worldwide consciousness and what we’ve created and have allowed to be done to us, we start to see that elevating human consciousness is really our solution out of this mess. Because when millions of people around the world are radiating love energy at core level, we simply won’t see all of the problems that we currently do. Most people currently radiate some level of fear.

Limitation or Infinite Potentiality?

We have all the choice to make. To continue to operate and experience the limitation of fear and separation, or we can let it go and move forward into a more natural state of expansive, playful consciousness where anything is possible. Absolutely anything!


For me, questions are the way we activate our thought processes but they should not be necessarily considered answerable. After all, how could one expect the finite to comprehend the infinite?

Elevating Consciousness – A Primer for Beginners

The purpose of this primer, is to help people begin the journey towards higher consciousness. It suggests several exercises which assist in establishing habits and skills that will lay the groundwork for self-development of consciousness. Although the journey is not a short one, the long-term rewards are priceless.
