The Warrior’s Way – 50 Ways to Open Up to Personal Power
Alex Vandenberg – The wanders into the wilderness, guided by the light of the heart.
Alex Vandenberg – The wanders into the wilderness, guided by the light of the heart.
Christina Sarich – We are creating our spiritual heritage by moving beyond the ego.
Soren Dreier – The difficult thing about babies is that they of course have no oral language so they can’t say what’s wrong.
Justin Faerman – Everything that we put into our bodies has some effect on our consciousness and the functioning of our mind.
Valerie Burke – Imagine you could harness, at will, the mind-body connection responsible for the heightened mental states giving rise to creative genius, inspiration, bliss, mystical experiences, and possibly even enlightenment?
Steve McIntosh – Psychedelics reveal that we are truly “behind a veil” in our ordinary state of awareness.
V. Susan Ferguson – When faced with the decision to fight or turn the other cheek, what do we do?
Phillip J. Watt – Can you feel the momentum building for the conscious society? One in which the masses have awoken to both the spiritual and systemic revolution that is required for humanity’s evolution?
Phillip J. Watt – The war-on-drugs has been one of the biggest policy failures of modern society.
Mitch Horowitz – Just where did Edgar Cayce’s “insights” come from?
Wes Annac – Our social and spiritual work each year lays the foundation for what we’ll achieve in the years to come
Justin Faerman – All of the exercises outlined here have been proven to shift brainwave patterns and improve trans-hemispheric communication in the brain.
Jon Rappoport – If we are made of particles that have no awareness, does consciousness even exist?
Leif Davenport – More research into the power of consciousness. Where are our thoughts leading us?
Frank M. Wanderer – There are 3 different levels in the development of consciousness.
Phillip J. Watt – The new era of science is working with the idea that consciousness is deeply embedded in the fabric of existence.
Dylan Charles – The singularity point between science and spirit may be approaching more rapidly than ever.
Video – Dr. Bruce Lipton dispels the myth that we only use 10% of our brain by elaborating on the nature of Glial cells.
Jay Dyer – Consciousness is constantly being produced by an energy that comes from the depths of the unconscious.
Justin Faerman – If you desire to become truly happy, you will need to examine unconscious baggage.