TAG: Consciousness

Body Awaken

Reflections Upon the Global Pandemic

Sharron Rose – Everything that we are, the essential nature of society, our hopes and dreams are undergoing a substantial and radical alteration.

Neuroscience and the ‘Sanskrit Effect’

Azriel ReShel – With their extraordinary chanting and low throaty drone of ancient sacred texts, the Gyuto Monks of Tibet have kept audiences in the West spellbound.

The Composition of Human Life

Jon Rappoport – Consciousness deploys imagination, and imagination creates, among other things, energy.

Ecology and the Human Heart

The Dalia Lama – According to Buddhist teaching, there is a very close interdependence between the natural environment and the sentient beings living in it.

alex grey

How Art Changes Consciousness

Jacob Devany – You might be surprised at what scientific research says about how art effects the brain.

How to Wake Up

Caitlin Johnstone – If awakening is possible for the individual, it is possible for the collective.
