TAG: chemtrails

Here’s 100% Proof that Chemtrails are Real

Video – If you are still in doubt that the lines in the sky are contrails, you are very mistaken. Watch this explanation that confirms that chemtrails are real.

The Agendas Behind HAARP Weather Control Programs

Film – Our atmosphere is now a weapon!!! Weather is being manipulated through intense regular chemtrail spraying and HAARP technology. Here’s a film that investigates the agendas behind these programs.

Geoengineered Climate Disasters in Latin America

Zen Gardner – There’s nothing natural about the recent climate disasters in Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Seven years’ worth of rain just fell in Chile in 12 hours…

The Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth

Zen Gardner – Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

Requiem for an Equinox

Soren Dreier & Chautauqua – We humans are a pretty resilient bunch. We can absorb a tremendous amount of setback or grief without giving in to the negativity.

Chemtrails Exposed

Peter A. Kirby – After so many years of watching airplanes produce the lines in the sky, largely without knowing of what this Project consists or why, we have recently gained an understanding.

Chemtrail Source Material Finally Unveiled

Catherine J. Frompovich – Finally, the base material of chemtrails sprayed from airplanes—both government and commercial—in the atmosphere, has been identified…

An Indisputable Database for Chemtrail Deniers

Catherine J. Frompovich – With all the documentation, which represents not even one-tenth of what’s probably out there, who do you think are the conspiracy theorists?

What’s to Blame for Our Dying Planet?

Catherine J. Frompovich – Every day, commonplace humans who live, work, and try to make ends meet are being blamed for ruining Planet Earth. Why?

These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers

Bernie Suarez – Chemtrail spraying is this big a deal and as another year goes by the globalists and their military industrial complex marches forward with their insanity to control the weather…

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