TAG: brain

Why Did the Human Brain Stop Expanding?

Tony Wright and Graham Gynn, Guests Waking Times The following is excerpted from Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn, recently published by Inner Traditions.  In the forest the human brain was expanding and expanding at a phenomenal rate. Sometime at around 200,000 to 150,000

A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate

Joe Martino, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Meditation is becoming very popular lately. Perhaps it’s the anecdotal evidence friends are sharing with each other or the fact that more and more science is coming out to confirm the benefits of meditation that it’s encouraging people to take up the practice. Meditation has shown to decrease stress, increase

The Truth About What Psychedelics Do to Your Brain

Tom McKay, PolicyMic Waking Times Scientists Studied What Psychedelics Do to the Brain, and It’s Not What You’ve Been Told It turns out that psychedelics aren’t just good for turning into an elf and jousting a car. Psychiatrists, psychologists and specialists in addiction and recovery from traumatic experiences have been investigating the use of hallucinogens in

Developing Your Brain, Increasing Intelligence and Unlocking Your Potential

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times Each and every one of our negative habits, be they thinking habits, behavioral habits, or emotional habits, we can condition ourselves out of by creating new habits through repetition. Not only does this have an effect on who we are and who we become, but it also has an effect on our

Is There An Organ In Your Brain Which Seats Your Soul? This May Be The Answer

Jeff Roberts, Collective-Evolution Waking Times “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…” Matthew 6:22-23 A Gateway To Between The Physical And Metaphysical? Situated at the anatomical center of our brain lies a mysterious gland that may be the intermediary gate

This Is Your Brain On Aspartame

Margie King, Green Med Info Waking Times Controversy continues to rage over the artificial sweetener aspartame.  Since it was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1981, aspartame has made its way into more than 6,000 food items. The FDA claims aspartame is safe but has set an acceptable daily intake of no

The Synchronized Brains of Movie Viewers

Heather Callaghan, Guest Waking Times Why read the book when I can watch the movie version?  It’s been said before that the main difference between people reading a book and people watching a movie is this: Reading is very personal – the interpretation of words can be as different as the variety of people reading

Turmeric Prevents Fluoride From Destroying Your Brain

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why new research proving this common spice can prevent fluoride damage is so promising! Fluoride’s neurotoxicity has been the subject of academic debate for decades, and now a

What Are You Worried About?

Caroline Nettle, Guest Waking Times As a species, we have really peserfected the art of worrying. We worry about everything in tiny detail, as if worrying about it will lessen the blow, or make whatever we are trying to avoid not happen. We worry about whether or not we are going to get old, sick,

How Turmeric Can Save the Aging Brain From Dementia and Premature Death

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times A promising new study published in Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry titled, “Dietary Curcumin Ameliorates Aging-Related Cerebrovascular Dysfunction through the AMPK/Uncoupling Protein 2 Pathway,”[i] reveals the primary polyphenol in turmeric known as curcumin (which gives it its golden hue) may provide what the study authors describe as an “effective therapeutic strategy to reverse age-related

How to Develop a Photographic Memory

Waking Times Editor’s Note: Here is an interesting technique that one can work with to develop a more photographic memory. Tools such as this can offer pathways to better understanding your own consciousness of for developing deeper levels of awareness and mindfulness. Everyone wants to remember everything all the time, reach into the sciences behind

How the Mind Works – Three Methods to Make Your Mind Run Smoothly

Alen Mischael Vukelić, Contributor Waking Times How the mind works – Do you know what your mind is doing? Are thoughts produced by our mind? Do we create our own thoughts? Is the process of thinking voluntary? Do thoughts have emotions? Your mind is much more than just its physical outlet, which we call our

A Promising Alzheimer’s Treatment for Pennies a Day

Deane Alban, Contributor Waking Times Vitamin B-complex contains 8 different vitamins, and all of them are vital for your health. But three of them — B6, B12, and folic acid (B9) — are especially critical for your brain. Studies have shown that these vitamins may prevent mental decline, dementia, and even be an effective treatment

The Amazing Ways Your Thoughts Create Your Brain

Deane Alban, Contributor Waking Times Of course you know that your thoughts are generated by your brain. But you may not have considered that in many very real ways, your thoughts create your brain, too. Let’s see how this can be so. How Thoughts Change Your Brain Every thought creates a neural connection. If you think a thought


12 Foods That Supercharge Your Brain

Prevent Disease Waking Times Simply put, your brain likes to eat. And it likes powerful fuel: quality fats, antioxidants, and small, steady amounts of the best carbs. The path to a bigger, better brain is loaded with Omega-3 fats, antioxidants, and fiber. Give your brain a kick start: eat the following foods on a daily

Is Mind the Ego in Disguise?

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times In my last post I looked at how the ego is an aspect of our totality that defines and distinguishes us as separate individuals. The ego, in astrology, is symbolized in the Sun. We say the Sun is our ‘individuality’, our ‘essence’ – the fuel that drives us. We must

Flickr - Carlos Daniel Gomero

Minds Beyond Brains: New Experimental Evidence

Rupert Sheldrake, New Dawn Waking Times Where are our minds located? We have been brought up to believe that they are inside our heads, that mental activity is nothing but brain activity. Instead, I suggest that our minds extend far beyond our brains; they stretch out through fields that link us to our environment and

What Love Does to the Human Brain

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times What Love Does to Us Falling in love results in the very same neural response that ignites the brain when people do heavy narcotics. It is impeccably addictive and this is why ‘falling out of love’ feels so bad, but, love in its highest form is more than a

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