Captagon – The Drug of Choice for Western-Backed Islamic Rebels
Makia Freeman – Is some of the barbarism of ISIS due to drug-induced states?
Makia Freeman – Is some of the barbarism of ISIS due to drug-induced states?
Christina Sarich – The most important factor in good health is clean water.
Christina Sarich – A new report suggests that more than 80% of these studies are funded by corporations.
Brendan D. Murphy – There is an overt war being waged against all forms of natural medicine.
Steve Taylor – Future generations of psychologists will look back at with incredulity.
Martha Rosenberg – Many chronic pain patients have drunk the Pfizer Kool-Aid.
Martha Rosenberg – Doctors seldom have to go hungry at lunchtime when Pharma reps are around.
Derrick Broze – The results suggest a new choice for millions of people with recurrent depression on repeat prescriptions.
Amy L. Lansky – What are the causes of the autism epidemic, and can we overcome fear and greed to solve this?
Catherine J. Frompovich – Here is smoking gun evidence that the pharmaceutical industry has known about the link between vaccines and autism.
Dave Mihalovic – According to the conventional wisdom of mainstream medicine, cancer can only be addressed by mainstream media.
Michael Snyder – If Americans are so happy, then why do we consume so many prescriptions?
Christina Sarich – Guess which presidential candidate is the paid for favorite of big pharma?
Jon Rappoport – The so-called “chemical-imbalance” theory of mental illness is dead.
Jagannath Chatterjee – Is the Zika virus being used as a scapegoat for Pharma’s dangerous adverse effects?
Catherine J. Frompovich – A recent medical study supports the concern that antidepressants increase the likelihood of dangerous behaviors.
Catherine J. Frompovich – Are you ready for the data and the fact that Big Pharma is NOT liable for vaccine damages caused?
Alex Pietrowski – Can the public trust the medical establishment to be truthful?
Alex Pietrowski – This is the inexpensive cancer treatment that is being ignored by big business.
Makia Freeman – Is it really any wonder that Western medicine can’t deliver true healing?