SPECIAL EVENT – Cultivate your life-force energy for greater vitality, peace & personal power

Hey there,

Looking to clear out a year’s worth of stagnant energy and emotional malaise?

Would you like to boost your physical and emotional flexibility with nourishing low-impact routines?

Are you eager to cultivate health and longevity from curative traditions grounded in nature and the cosmos?

Qigong is the foundation for a life lived with more flow, bliss, and balance.

The ancient Chinese tradition combines the word Qi, which means subtle breath or life-force energy, with “gong,” meaning cultivation or skill.

Embark on a journey with highly respected Qigong teachers and learn timeless techniques to calm your nervous system, address chronic illness, improve your bone health, spring-clean the energy in your organs, and much more! 

The Qigong Global Summit brings deep learnings from a wide range of wisdom streams within the realm of Qigong… including Wujigong & Wuji Quan, Tai Chi and Zuowang meditation, Qigong-based sound healing, and Da Zi Ran (following nature)… from the world’s most prestigious living masters.

Free Online Event
Qigong Global Summit
May 24-28, 2021

You’ll go on an adventure with over 35 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Master Li Junfeng, Master Mantak Chia, Daisy Lee, Faye Li Yip, Kathryn Davis, Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, Robert Peng, Master Helen Liang, Master Mingtong Gu, Deng Ming-Dao, and many others. 

During this summit you’ll experience a rare convergence of Qigong masters from all across the world — some of whom are making their first-ever appearance in an online event. 

You’ll also gain insight into the wide array of healing and practical applications of Qigong — and even hear an NBA basketball players account of how Qigong aided his professional and personal wellbeing.

RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge: HERE!

This 5-day summit comes at the perfect time, as we individually and collectively look for enjoyable ways to keep healthy and active.

During this online Qigong event, you’ll discover:

  • That practicing Qigong can enliven, maintain, and grow your bones; build electromagnetic conductivity; and increase density
  • An embodied way to approach Zuowang meditation beyond intellectualization
  • Possibilities for using Qigong to change how you live with and heal aspects of Parkinson’s Disease and other chronic illnesses
  • The yin way of using sexual energy to heal your wounds and those of your full ancestry line
  • How to transform the trauma stored in your body’s cellular memory using movement, meditation, and sound healing
  • How to express and safely exercise the yin and yang in Tai Chi practice
  • The potential of Taoism to unify your mind and spirit and connect you with nature through meditation, alchemy, and consciousness
  • The power of time and how to maximize its positive impact by being intentional about the timing of your daily meditations and exercise routines
  • How to tame your experience of pain in your mind and body through restorative Qigong and Tai Chi
  • Essential exercises to guide and direct your life-force energy through your energy body for health, healing, and vitality
  • The experiential applications of all these transformational modalities, allowing you to put them into practice right away
  • How science is now showing that Qigong techniques are an effective complement to allopathic medicine

There’s never been a more pressing need to clear stagnant Qi, counter extreme physical and emotional imbalances, and release that nagging languishing feeling from your system.

After being trapped in the trenches of a global pandemic for a full year, people around the world are finding solace and revitalization in the centuries-old Chinese tradition of Qigong.

RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge: HERE!

During this free online event, you’ll discover simple practices that will help you take better energetic care of your body, mind, and emotions — generating harmony, serenity, and reconnection with yourself and nature.

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Sharon Smithwho’s been practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, and other Taoist spiritual and healing arts for more than 40 years, and teaching them for nearly as long.

Dylan Charles, Editor

P.S. Here’s some of what our foremost Qigong elders and luminaries will be sharing with you…

  • Move into greater health and happiness with Master Li Junfeng, a true living legend, as you open your heart and relax your mind using the restorative powers of Sheng Zhen.
  • Combine color healing with the five elements of nature to boost your organ health as Master Mantak Chia reveals how you can draw Qi from the earth and the cosmos.
  • Understand the importance of emotional energy in athletic performance with Emeka OkaforNBA basketball player.
  • Stabilize your fight-or-flight response and reconnect with the greater wisdom of the universe with Daisy Lee, recipient of the 2020 Qigong Master of the Year award from the World Qigong Congress.
  • Use Tai Chi meditation (Zhan Zhuang) to awaken your innate healing energy and respond wisely to challenges with Faye Li Yip.
  • Understand how to remove Qi blockages with Qigong Master Chunyi Lin as he focuses on your natural ability to accelerate healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, for yourself and for others.
  • Experience somatic spring cleaning as you learn special mantras and meditations that clear the stressful energy from each organ in your body with Robert Peng, a prominent Qigong master and healer.
  • Immerse yourself in Wuji Qigong, an internal style of Chinese martial arts that can be used for exercise or as a profound Taoist meditation in motion, with distinguished Master Helen Liang.
  • And much more!

RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge: HERE!
