Self-Mastery and the Role of Consciousness in Creating Reality

Justin Deschamps, Guest
Waking Times

For ages, mystics, philosophers, and prophets have declared mind or consciousness as the prima materia of the universe—one of the original substance that gives rise to all else. Consciousness is so essential to experience and yet remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern times. Mind, as defined by the ancients, is consciousness itself, more than just logic, reason, or mind chatter, it is also an order-maker, bringing coherence to chaos, and life to the unliving. Although mainstream science has failed to discover what the ancients long knew, other pioneers have begun to recognize its power, albeit indirectly. The way in which life organizes a physical body is one such example, as researchers have previously discovered.

Electric Universe theory is the study of phenomena, whether the very small or the very large, governed by the premise that the physical cosmos is fundamentally electric in nature. This field of study, although completely dismissed by the majority of mainstream scientists, provides breathtaking insights into the nature of material reality, where gravity comes from, how the solar system and atom are governed, and even the nature of consciousness.

Another researcher, Rupert Sheldrake proffers the theory of morphic fields and resonance, that is, the non-material forces that govern mind. Morphogenetic fields, also something posited by Sheldrake, suggests that biological expression—the morphology or shape a living thing takes—seems to be similarly governed by electrical processes. According to Sheldrake, and several others, like Bruce LiptonDr. Joe DispenzaDewey B. Larson, and many more—suggest that mind and electrical interactions are intimately linked.

  • While the nature of mind and consciousness is little understood, especially within fields of study ostensibly tasked with divining its true nature, there is a wealth of evidence to suggest life and consciousness is a field phenomenon.

    Phantom pain associated with amputated limbs is one such indication. Similarly, electrical and magnetic fields affect the formation of living tissues, as the following video demonstrates.

    Briefly, electromagnetic interactions are dynamic in nature, meaning that they are constantly in flow and flux, an ever-moving river of energy at the smallest imaginable scale. Microcosmic interactions are holistically integrated with the macrocosm, as the emergence of life at any given point on the earth is influenced by the geomagnetic field, which in turn is influenced by the sun/earth system, which in turn is influenced by the local star cluster, which in turn is influenced by the galaxy, and so on. In this sense, life is a cosmic emanation, a property of cosmic influences, precisely as the visionary Rudolf Steiner suggested.

    Even mainstream science has admitted that electricity seems to play a part in the formation of fundamental biological components that make up living things. And astronomers have also detected complex organic material throughout the known universe.

    DNA seems to act as a duel in-flowing and out-pouring antenna—it receives information from without and radiates information from within. Consciousness, mind by any other name, seems to act on the material world through the agency of electricity, giving order to chaos, and producing life in the process.

    This is possibly why some creatures who have the capacity to regrow limbs can do so. There is an energetic or electrical field interaction that acts as a guide for the more subtle activities of materials in the body, like cells, proteins, tissues and so on. These living electric fields seem to provide a framework for the material aspects of the body to build structures.

    Fritz Albert Popp is a biophysics researcher who discovered that living cells emit and absorb what he calls bio-photons—highly coherent and stable energy units containing information. This information seems to be instrumental in the maintenance of living tissues. When under stress, cells release more bio-photonic light, suggesting that inter-cellular communication is increasing.

    But what could these tiny units of life (cells) that make up our body be talking about when exchanging bio-photons?

    Given the study of embryology, and a pioneering body of research termed German New Medicine (GNM), as the body enters into a fear state, various biological programs are activated, stimulating the production of tissues that are meant to assist the organism in overcoming some threat. For example, during certain conflict active phases, the lungs can produce more alveoli (air sacks), so that more oxygen can be absorbed by the body for use in dealing with an exigent crisis. Upon resolution of the crisis, the emission of bio-photons decreases, and the excess tissue is reabsorbed, accompanied by what GNM calls healing symptoms.

    According to GNM, these physiological processes are governed by the psyche (mind), which is the same essential premise asserted by Sheldrake, Lipton, and Dispenza.

    What this suggests is that mind, or consciousness (if you prefer that term), is a priori or comes before material organization, that is, the mind or animating feature of life is a precondition, not an a posteriorifeature—something that comes after.

    In other words, life is not the random assembly of material that sometimes produces coherent structures (body) and behavior (consciousness) as mainstream science asserts. The opposite appears to be true. That is, consciousness is not the byproduct of matter; matter is the byproduct of consciousness.

    Biological life is the consequence of a living field, a divine field as Dispenza calls it, which governs the behavior of living things.

    Ancient hermetic philosophers, to name one out of a litany of sources from antiquity, have long asserted that mind is primordial to matter and the physical realms.

    Walter Russell, a mystic genius from the early 20th century who inspired Nikola Tesla and many others, asserted that the living mind of the Creator is still magnetic light, given dynamic form by pressure differentials in polarized swirling electric fields generated by conscious thought and attention.

    Simply put, awareness (the receptive in-flowing, cathode-like, or feminine aspect of consciousness) and will (the active out-flowing, anode-like, or masculine aspect of consciousness) come together and form a union of order we recognize as life. In the physical realms, this life takes on a fractal form, as energy systems produce extreme coherence (order). In the mental realms, life takes on coherence of logic and reason, along with emotion and feelings, giving rise to insight, creativity, and sense-making thoughts.

    Rupert Sheldrake’s assertion that living things engage in a kind of telepathy, with varying degrees of information transmission, is further confirmed by the work of Dr. Michael Persinger.

    Dr. Persinger, who helped invent the infamous God-helmet along with Stanley Koren, theorized that the influence of coherent magnetic fields on inter-mind communication—as demonstrated by experiments Dr. Persinger conducted with famous remote-viewer Ingo Swann—suggest that mind is not localized within the body, although it is responsive to it. Going even further, this suggests that magnetic fields not only allow information to be exchanged between minds in a way mainstream science doesn’t fully understand, but that the field also stores information in a kind of global-mind memory system—the collective consciousness of humanity.

    And what’s more, various secretive military industrial complex projects have already developed advanced electromagnetic devices capable of influencing the body-mind system, transmitting voices, images, and feelings, and even memory augmentation.

    All of this suggests that consciousness is far more instrumental to reality and its dynamics than what mainstream science has dared to admit.

    This also implies that when a mind develops the capacity to auto-organize, it can inform the field and not just be controlled by it; in other words, self-directed evolution can occur. The greater an organisms coherence the greater it’s capacity to impart coherence to the outer-world, by way of entrainment.

    Based on available research, owing to individuals who’ve gained a measure of mind mastery, one can develop an internal dynamic coherence, producing a strong consciousness signal, for lack of a better term, that can actually override deleterious electromagnetic fields, especially electro-smog and electromagnetic weaponry.

    Consciousness seems to be the greatest tool ever placed in the hands of humankind. But due to various ideological setbacks, this tool of tools has been largely dismissed as unimportant, or even non-existent.

    And even those who do recognize the all-pervading power of consciousness can sometimes be persuaded to think that mind is their enemy instead of an ally.

    However, there is a growing body of researchers, truth-seekers, and practitioners who are abandoning this materialistic viewpoint and have gained immeasurable governing power over their own being.

    “I warn you, whoever you are…

    Oh, you who wish to probe the arcanes of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither shall you be able to find it outside.

    If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you intend to find other excellencies?

    In you is hidden the treasure of treasures.

    Oh, man, know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods!”
    — Phrase inscribed in the ancient Temple of Delphi.

    It seems that science, spirituality, and life experience itself all points to the development of consciousness, the mastery of mind and self, as the greatest thing anyone can do to empower themselves in the gaining of a prosperous life.

    In order to tap into the all-organizing power of mind, one needs to develop a real practice of self-mastery.

    This seems to be greatly assisted by a holistic and eclectic viewpoint on reality. That is, the greater one’s capacity to become aware of information (open-mindedness), organize it coherently (singular knowledge), and act within it (wisdom), the more powerfully that person’s mind can organize their reality, whether biological, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

    In other words, what we choose to do with our time greatly impacts the order we give to our lives. If one denies that they have this power, if they believe that they are the victim of external reality instead of its conductor, then they will never develop these essential self-organizing skills. But if one dares to believe that they can accomplish almost anything, if they set their mind to it, seemingly all things are possible.

    In this sense, the lives we live are not unlike a ship cast adrift on the seas of experience. Those who find the time to learn how to raise the sails, steer the rudder, and plot a proper course, will navigate the oceans of uncertainty with ease.

  • About the Author

    Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow on Twitter @sitsshowFacebook Stillness in the Storm, and steemit @justin-sits.

    This article (Self-Mastery and the Role of Consciousness in Creating Reality) was originally created by Justin Deschamps of and is reposted here with permission. 

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