Secret Freedom Fighters Working to Unseat the New World Order

Eric Blair
Waking Times

There have been recent reports in the underground alternative media that a secret group of well-placed, high-ranking freedom fighters are working tirelessly to free humanity from the clutches of the evil cabal that goes by many names: the Illuminati, the New World Order or, simply, the international banksters.

On the surface, the average conspiracy researcher may feel that this seemingly all powerful cabal has nearly reached their endgame goal of full spectrum dominance of the planet.  After all, the past decade has seen a massive consolidation of power for this cabal through endless aggressive wars, financial bailouts, legislation to destroy personal freedom, and so on.

However, according to reporting by David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford, there is an equally powerful force of good working behind the scenes to combat this cabal.  These freedom fighters, sometimes referred to as “white hats” or “gnostic Illuminati”, are said to occupy positions in banking and finance, military, law enforcement, media, and government at all levels, as well as other key posts in corporations and institutions.

In a new article on Wilcock’s website he writes:

A highly secretive, highly coordinated operation — working for the good of humanity — is about to make its move.

The Pentagon ‘good guys’ are now in full political and logistical cooperation with a remarkable 134-nation alliance — to bring the perpetrators to justice and free our planet.

The security around this enormous operation has been vast. Even those who will be affected by it — and arrested — have no idea of the staggering scope of what is about to be revealed before the eyes of the public.

To many this scenario may seem like wishful thinking.  But the fact is, in nature, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  Additionally, since there are far more good people in the world than the few sociopaths who run the cabal, it’s not a stretch to believe there are many good people also in influential positions.

Yet, because “good” people aren’t ruthless, they were reportedly prevented from forcefully stopping this cabal until their chess pieces were in place to conquer them with the least amount of disruption and violence possible.  Well, apparently, the good guys now have enough tactical positioning to begin a global transformation plan, starting with cleansing the current system of the bad guys.

Wilcock’s recent article points to many indicators that this cleansing has already started.  Events like mass resignations of executive-level people in the finance industry which Activist Post has covered here, here, here, and here.  He points to J.P Morgan’s divorce from Vatican bank accounts due to fraud; Goldman Sachs’ market cap plunge after an executive blew the whistle on “Muppetgate;” the absolute collapse of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire in the U.K. and the resignation of its chairman James Murdoch (Rupert’s son), and many more examples of hidden knowledge being exposed at an increasingly quickening pace.

This plan of redemption, according to Wilcock, will be swift and may seem shocking to the general public, especially for those who have been asleep.  He lays out what we can expect to see:

  • Mass arrests of cabal members.
  • Personal freedom restored around the world.  A return to Constitutional government in America or, in other words, a return to common law.
  • New plans and technology for energy, agriculture, and the economy that will also free humanity from resource control and manipulation.
  • Change from the dollar (Federal Reserve Note) as a “debt instrument” to a new currency that will be an “equity instrument.”

Most of this seems like a dream come true for humanity, but it may come at a price of temporary disruption.  Although the insiders “authorized” to disclose elements of this plan say that it will be done with extreme care not to cause disruption or chaos, the cabal’s reaction will be somewhat unpredictable.

  • Therefore, this secret group playing for the good team are reportedly taking many precautions and using military and law enforcement in a coordinated effort to guard critical facilities and round up the criminals.

    Wilcock admits that it’s only natural for conspiracy researchers to be cynical about this news, but assures his readers that these forces will indeed be arresting the proper criminals and accountability will finally take place.

    If the rumors I am hearing are true, we will soon see mass arrests of many key conspirators in government, military, finance companies, defense contractors, media, pharmaceutical corporations and so on.

    The evidence that will be presented will leave no conceivable room for doubt — except, perhaps, for those most addicted to ‘fear porn’, who automatically assume whatever they see, hear and read must be the opposite of the truth — regardless of the evidence.

    Wilcock interviewed a new insider last that confirmed these plans are underway.   I encourage you to listen to the entire testimony of this warrior-for-good starting with the clip below or in MP3 format here:

    The insider from the above interview, Drake, admits that there is potential for disruption of supplies and perhaps even some sabotage committed on the part of the desperate criminal elite.  They recommend to stay calm during this cleansing period while these thugs are arrested, but to be vigilant in having 30-180 days of basic supplies to stave off any hardship that may be caused during this transition.

    Wilcock reassures the understandably-paranoid truth movement that this coming avalanche of change will all be for the best:

    The people who are about to do this are well aware of every concern you have — as an informed reader of truth websites and materials.

    Martial law will NOT be declared when this happens.

    The military will NOT take control of the government.

    Innocent civilians will NOT be imprisoned or harmed in any way.

    Any troops who attempt to carry out unlawful orders of this sort, on behalf of the ‘bad guys,’ will be outnumbered and resisted.

    Every effort will be made to focus on eliminating the problem — and immediately returning the power to the people in an orderly fashion.

    New elections will need to be organized, considering that many, if not most politicians in the United States could be found culpable — either directly or through failure to have taken action.

    This alliance intends to break out free energy and many other technologies that were stolen from us. The fossil fuel economy ensured that occult global control and the systematic killing of our planet would continue.

    Although there certainly are some signposts that the victories are beginning to pile up for humanity, this level and speed of coordination to bring down the seemingly all-powerful elite cabal appears unrealistic.  That said, I encourage you to read through all of Wilcock’s recent work and listen to the whistleblower testimony mentioned above before you jump to conclusions.

    Leave your comments and opinions about this revelation below.  Please visit David Wilcock at  

    This article originally appeared at Activist Post.  Read other articles by Eric Blair here.

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