Search Results for zen gardner

The Importance of Selfless Networking

Zen Gardner If we’re in this at all we’re in it all the way. Once you’ve woken up you know the situation is both urgent and fully under control at the same time. It doesn’t reconcile in the carnal, natural mind but it makes total sense to consciousness. Paradoxes seem to abound, but it better

Fraudulent Normalization of Chemtrails Continues

Zen Gardner Here’s the latest installment of an escalating disinformation campaign to “acclimate” the populace to the aerial spraying program under way for years in many parts of the world. An increasing number of articles with supposed scientists conjecturing “what if” scenarios where a whited sky by metallic particles “might” help mitigate global warming have

Are Stars Celestial Water Springs?

Zen Gardner We already know we can trust about a modicum of mainstream science. And still with a wary eye. While many discoveries are seemingly bonafide, the context in which they’re presented is always suspect. And that’s what it’s all about. Context. Framework. That is why a discovery like this can be so liberating to

Lunar Nano Soil – More Evidence of Alien Engineering?

Zen Gardner This should add some more fuel to the artificial moon argument. Could this curious find be more proof our moon is not natural, but manufactured? Let this broaden your horizons. Any way you look it, this has some remarkable information about our amazing Universe that’s unfolding before us. Nanoparticles found in moon glass

The Venus Transit and the Lost Civilizations of Earth

Zen Gardner It’s pretty obvious, yet it eludes the majority of humanity. We’ve lost our compass, our roots, our contact with true civilization. I was blessed with another gorgeous granddaughter this week, a precious gift from who knows where to the human family. She’s adorable, amazing and in for a real challenge. And no doubt

Are You Getting All This?

Zen Gardner It’s nuts out here, any way you look at it. The shutdown of planet earth is under way. Deliberate and deviously calculated, someone’s closing shop on us while we watch them do it. Drones…passport confiscations…ubiquitous surveillance…illicit raids and incarceration of private citizens…adulterated food, air and water and outlawing of health products…re-education camps…economic slavery…a

Recurring Dreams, Themes and Parallel Worlds

Zen Gardner It’s time for a little conscious conjecture but let’s see what resonates. I, like many of you, have had dreams in my life, including recurring ones, that were clearly significant. I can’t say I’m an adept interpreter but most of us often try to consciously get whatever message we think there may be

Terraforming: Alien or Human, It’s Here

Zen Gardner This is about as creepy as it gets. But it’s right in front of our eyes. Our planet is clearly under attack. Anyone even half awake can see the world today is careening towards disaster when there is no reason for it. Our resources are plentiful, and the vast majority of people on

The Masked Morphing of the Chemtrail Cover-up

Zen Gardner It’s been outright silence and denial concerning the chemtrail phenomenon since they started this insidious program in the early 90′s. While the aerosol spraying is “as plain as the nose on your face”, public discussion has been held off almost entirely so the vast majority would continue to not even notice. But they’re

The Brain, Perception and the Holographic Universe

Zen Gardner The brain is a hunk of flesh. Amazing transceiver, but working on the fleshly side, like our bodies. It interprets. It is not spirit, it is alive but not life. It is not perception, in any way, shape or form. Yet it perceives at its own level. We, however, are consciousness. And here

The Warmonger Race and Weaponization of Everything

Zen Gardner What’s with this world? It doesn’t matter what new technology surfaces, “How can we weaponize it?” It’s insane to the max. Whether it’s viruses and bacteria, flying things, vaccines, food, sound and electromagnetic technology, anything with a camera, x-rays and radiation, forays into space, psychological advances, mosquitoes, vehicles of any sort including unmanned

Cosmic Detox and the Crumbling Matrix

Having any weird experiences lately? Good and bad? It appears these vibrational changes and the accompanying wake up are having some freaky consequences. Is the matrix breaking up and releasing its captive energies?

It’s nothing to fear.

Is Cosmic Music Unlocking The Matrix?

Music is amazing. The right combinations of vibrational sounds can open the spirit and unlock moods and emotions and stir thought and action. Discordant sounds close the heart and cause discomfort and annoyance.

Sailing the Uncharted Cosmic Sea

Real information is everything. It’s our food. Either we’re getting the adulterated stuff or we’re getting real nourishment. It makes a world of difference in how we feel and think and affects the very course of our lives and hence the rest of humanity since we each affect it so profoundly. I avoid TV at any cost. It’s toxic and completely destructive.

NASA Mystified By Enormous Energy Field

All of humanity is being presented with this energetic shift to either embrace willingly or vainly try to resist. The more discoveries like these, and the growing revelations in other areas regarding our true origins, the manipulation of humanity, the shift from ideology and heiearchy, the inter-connectivity of consciousness etc., the better.

Are You Alone? Or Strategically Placed!

Here’s a hugely happy thought. If we’re an organic, cosmically influenced body of crystaline receivers and broadcasters in an alive and amazing all-knowing Universe, perhaps we’re exactly where we’re each supposed to be.

Critical Mass Approaching – The Shift Has Hit The Fan

While the awakening hits critical mass expect wonderful breakthroughs, revelations of Truth and personal and social empowerment. Now’s the time to get as active as possible and encourage others to do the same. Every bit of information, every act or intention of compassion, every brave effort to expose them and call them out is having an exponential effect.

Don’t Get Snared By Schools Of Thought

Independence is a myth. We’re dependent on everything. Our atmosphere, our bodies, our loved ones, it’s ridiculous to think otherwise. But I know what people are talking about. It’s independence from them and their false reality. Then we’re free to be part of everything. Sad that so many long for this but stop short at one of the traps – politics, religion, nationalism. All based in ego, pride and separateness.

Whose Fuel Are You?

Live outside their world through being conscious and reacting to your inner voice. Give your energy to the deserving in your life, and those investing in consciousness and loving reality. Learn to liberate minds and shatter false paradigms as a way of life. The released energy is the solution to everything and beginning to will be seriously encouraged!

No, thanks!
