Search Results for weather modification

How Geoengineering And The Aerosol Spraying Of Our Skies Is Destroying Our Health

Prevent Disease For decades, governments and scientists worldwide have been denying the existence of discreet operations which (for various reasons) use military aircrafts to spray our skies with chemical toxins. Such operations have often been dismissed as conspiracy theories, or in many cases a misinterpretation of condensation trails (contrails). Governments are now finally admitting that

The End Game

Elva Thompson – We are on our own walk back to Source Creation.

The Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth

Zen Gardner – Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

Weaponize It!

Zen Gardner – It doesn’t matter what new technology surfaces, “How can we weaponize it?” is the overarching meme of the “powers that shouldn’t be” of self-appointed overlords.

Vitamin D for Depression, Dementia, and Diabetes

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Vitamin D research has repeatedly shown that vitamin D can improve a number of brain disorders, including depression and dementia—the most devastating form of which is Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin D receptors appear in a wide variety of brain tissue early in the fetal development, and activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in

Plant Intelligence

Stephen Harrod Buhner, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Stephen Harrod Buhner will be joining Dennis McKenna for the live, interactive video course, “What Plants Can Teach You: Consciousness and Intelligence in Nature.” A new paradigm is emerging that recasts how we relate to and understand nature, supported by new scientific evidence. Plants instruct us through their behavior,

HAARP in Action and Its True Purpose

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is not an imagined conspiracy theory. The resounding ‘sonic boom’ and strange flashing lights of a HAARP ‘experiment’ have been observed by countless citizens. So is it just a benign technology designed to enhance the ionosphere, as our government has claimed, or is it

The Eleventh Hour – Decision Time

R. Teichmann, Contributor Waking Times It is a well-known fact in biology that pressures of an existential nature on a species result in two possible outcomes. The first outcome is that the species evolves. It adapts by way of biological evolution to the new conditions and survives. The second is that the species does not

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