Search Results for toxic food

Why You Should NOT EAT Fast Food

Video – These two videos are a perfect example why you should not eat fast food. You won’t believe just how unhealthy McDonald’s food is until you see these.

10 Worst Food Companies that are Poisoning You Daily and Lying About It

Jake Anderson – Here’s a list of ten food companies that have been found to mislabel their products as safe and whose many food products are laden with unhealthy additives, artificial flavorings, coloring, dyes, preservatives, hormones, genetically modified organisms.

A Shopping & Eating Guide to Non-GMO Foods

Catherine J. Frompovich – I’ve pulled together as comprehensive a guide as possible from various online sources to take into consideration as many relevant aspects and angles of the Non-GMO/GMO conundrum.

Why Should We Choose Organic over GMO Foods

Infographic – Higher antioxidant levels, lower pesticide loads, better farming practices all lead to a more nutritious end product and are the main reasons why many choose organic over GMO foods.

Healing Cancer With Organic Food

Lance Schuttler – A major revolution in the western healthcare, pharmaceutical and cancer industries is occurring and the movement is reaching the critical mass point…

Foods that will Boost Your Metabolism

Meme – Ensuring a healthy diet filled with these foods, which will boost your metabolism, may help you stay fit, healthy, and even improve your quality of life.

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