Search Results for toxic food

Farmer Bill And The Great Reset

Dr. Mercola – Bill Gates has been buying up farmland across the U.S. He currently owns 242,000 acres of farmland, plus another 27,000 acres of nonagricultural land.

A Cure For Wellbeing

Iam Saums – Our willingness to heal is most vital during these times to see who we have all become amid these great adversities and challenges.

Taking Out The Trash

Elva Thompson – Crazy times, folks. It seems we have entered the twilight zone. A twisted ‘whirled’ of extreme polarisation and conflicting value systems.

Baby Bottles Release Millions Of Microplastic Particles

Dr. Mercola – Plastic baby bottles release up to 16 million plastic particles for every liter of fluid; the hotter the temperature, the greater the number, reaching 55 million per liter at hot temperatures.

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