Search Results for toxic food

Ayahuasca and Iboga – Messengers of Truth from Mother Earth

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times “The history of Western culture in the last two thousand years could be seen as the “Empire of the Mind conquering the exterior world and extinguishing the interior one, with the result that we have atrophied our spiritual connection.” –Rak Razam The world is deeply out of balance in these

Fluoride: Killing Your Child’s Brain… Softly

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times One of the most surprising absurdities of our times is the continuing practice of fluoridating our water supply and supplementing dental and oral healthcare products with this toxic by-product of the aluminum industry. The evidence demonstrating the harmfulness of this is beyond abundant, and the case against fluoride continues

7 Ways the FDA is Failing to Protect: Who Needs the FDA?

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Some cynically refer to the FDA as the Fraud and Death Administration. Harsh, but many see that name as a bit more than an accurate description. It is certainly the hub of the Medical Mafia wheel. A few years ago, during the height of the occupy wall street mania,

The Role of Toxins in Spiritual Advancement

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times It is your birthright to grow spiritually. You will mature spiritually even if you try not to, since all experience, whether labeled ‘good’ or ‘bad’ facilitates our return to spirit. Practices like Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi-Gong, and other esoteric wisdom aim at expediting our growth instead of slowing it. It

Supreme Court Rules Drug Companies Exempt from Lawsuits in 5-4 Vote

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times In a 5 to 4 vote, the US Supreme Court has absolved pharmaceutical companies, and over 80 percent of all drugs prescribed in the US, of legal liability for a long list of ill deeds including fraud, mislabeling, side effects and accidental death. This decision happened as a response to a lower court’s

The Growing Epidemic of Thyroid Disease and What To Do About It

Dr. Zoltan P. Rona, Prevent Disease Waking Times It is estimated that over 200 million people globally (about 35 million people in North America) suffer from at least one of the many forms of thyroid disease. In fact, thyroid problems are increasing so much in frequency that scientists are calling it an epidemic. The incidence of

10 Hypotheses About Abundance and the Commons

Roberto Verzola, Daily Good Waking Times “Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.” —Bryant McGill [Below is an excerpt of a keynote at the International Conference on the Commons, titled Abundance and the Generative Logic of the Commons.] “I will present my talk in the form of ten assertions about abundance and

The Metabolic Power of Pleasure

Marc David, Green Med Info Waking Times “Losing weight by limiting pleasure is like trying to stop smoking by not breathing.” ~Marc David Vitamin P – Pleasure – is a vital element that makes our meals nutritionally complete and makes life worth living. Like all organisms on the planet, we humans are genetically programmed to seek pleasure and

Spades Are For Digging In Deep!

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Take ownership of who you are. What does that mean? Well, we’re here at the greatest time of change imaginable. We’re trying to not freak out about it… and that’s not easy for those of us who have our eyes open. We’re looking outside of ourselves for someone who has

What Really Lies At The Heart of Biotech and Medical Technology?

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times We need not look further than genetically modified foods, our toxic food supply and vaccines to understand that depopulation technology is alive and well. The Earth and its organisms (including humans) have NOT been thriving for last several decades…they have been dying. We are only now beginning to understand

Those Who Refuse To Unlearn, Deschool and Deprogram Will Be This Generation’s Illiterate

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times The general definitions and terminology for illiteracy vary depending on their orientation to specific subject areas. Most people assume illiteracy pertains solely to those with the inability to read or write simple sentences in any language. However, those suffering from learning, cultural and scientific illiteracy are a different group

Organic Farmers vs. Monsanto: Update, Petition Comments & What’s Next

Last week we posted an open (hearted) letter to the farmers and seed growers who were part of the group (OSGTA) that sued Monsanto. As many of you know, Monsanto has garnered quite the reputation for bullying small organic farmers, filing suit against them, litigating them to no end, and bankrupting them. Witnessing this for years, the organic and commercial seed farms, co-ops and farming groups did not want to be next.

Letter To A Tyrant

Margaret Anna Alice – You are shaking the hive. Prepare for the swarm. The more you crack down, the greater the whiplash.

No, thanks!
