Search Results for toxic food

Big Food Must Go: Why We Need to Radically Change the Way We Eat

We cannot solve this simply by going vegetarian or vegan, or buying organic and fair trade. The very market that has created this Big Food disaster — the market that creates monopolies and monocultures — cannot solve these deep systemic crises. To truly “occupy the food system” we will need nothing less than a fundamental restructuring of the economics and policies that currently enable our corporate food system.

5 Trends You Will Intensify in 2015

Marco Torres & Michael Forrester – Those who want change are putting their neck out and standing up for what they believe in. Others are satisfied with following the blind…

Consciousness and Technology – 3 Mind Expanding Comparisons

Dylan Charles Waking Times Of all the pursuits of human kind, the understanding and exploration of consciousness offers the most likely opportunity for us to realize a civilization oriented towards cooperation, compassion, sustainability, and respect for life. Awakening to higher states of consciousness is the process by which a person, or a collective, can re-organize

Monsanto Ordered to Pay $93 Million to Small Town for Poisoning Citizens

Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times Big wins can happen in small places. The West Virginia State Supreme Court finalized a big blow to the biotech giant Monsanto this month, finishing a settlement causing Monsanto to pay $93 million to the tiny town of Nitro, West Virginia for poisoning citizens with Agent Orange chemicals. The settlement was approved

7 Ways Probiotics Detoxify Your Body

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times You’ve probably heard the buzz already about the many health benefits of probiotics, a word which literally translates to: pro- “for” + biotics “life” — FOR LIFE.  But did you know that these remarkable commensal microorganisms, which outnumber our bodily cells 10 to 1, and contribute over 95% of our

The Aspartame End Game… And What’s Next

Dr. Mercola Waking Times For the last 17 years, I’ve warned that artificial sweeteners can wreck your health. Aspartame is among the worst of the bunch, and in general, people who consume aspartame tend to be in poorer health. They also tend to develop more of a sweet tooth. I found the evidence against artificial sweeteners to

The Future of Grain – Einkorn, Teff and Quinoa

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Many people are discovering that modern wheat is the perfect chronic poison. The consumption of wheat and wheat-containing products has been linked to many devastating and chronic health conditions including gluten intolerance, celiac disease, endocrine system disruption, leaky gut syndrome, chronic fatigue, diabetes, mental illnesses, and more. As a result,

Future Shocked

Aaron Hoopes, Contributor Waking Times In 1970 Alvin Toffler wrote a book titled Future Shock. In the book, Toffler defined the term “future shock” as a psychological state of individuals and, indeed, entire societies. It refers to what happens to people when they are no longer able to cope with the pace of change in

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