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Scientists Prove You Can Think Your Way to Wellness

Past research has found that savoring the moment and positive thinking can help to not only improve your current health, but also prevent future health complications. In particular, the findings found positive thoughts to be especially beneficial to those already suffering from diseases like coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.

Anarchism Is Not What You Think It Is — And There’s a Whole Lot We Can Learn from It

He spent the rest of his life promoting that concept and the theory of social structure known as anarchism. To Americans anarchism is synonymous with a lack of order. But to Kropotkin anarchist societies don’t lack order but the order emerges from rules designed by those who feel their impact, rules that encourage humanly scaled production systems and maximize individual freedom and social cohesion.

China’s Ancient Solution to the Crisis in Modern Medicine

Today, there are few clinical situations in China where either traditional Chinese medicine or Western methods are delivered alone. For example, in many rural clinics, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage are easy and inexpensive to deliver, but Western medicine is difficult and expensive to provide. A few specialty institutions in large cities exclusively use technological Western diagnostic methods, and follow up with primarily Western intervention procedures. However, most institutions that focus on Western methods typically have acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicine also available to reduce pain, mediate the side effects of medications, and support patients with regulation of sleep, bowel disturbances, pain, anxiety, and nausea.

10 of the Most Magnificent Trees on Earth

“A tree is a wonderful living organism which gives shelter, food,
warmth and protection to all living things. It even gives shade to
those who wield an axe to cut it down” – Buddha.

10 Things You May Notice About America When Traveling Abroad

Many Americans believe the United States to be the greatest country on Earth, the center of the Universe. A place that all other nations seek to emulate. Indeed, it is the only global super power with many endearing qualities. However, as one travels to other nations and experiences foreign cultures, many preconceived notions about America seem to dissipate, while others may be enhanced.

Effects of Yoga on Symptoms of Combat Stress in Deployed Military Personnel

Below are excerpts from a military study on the effects of Hatha Yoga on soldiers stationed in Iraq. As one may guess, the soldiers who received instruction in Yoga showed significant improvement in their emotional and physiological well-being, leading to the conclusion that Yoga is indeed a useful tool in dealing with combat and environmental stress.

The Alchemy of Food

You are, quite literally, what you eat. Eating the fruits of the earth is a beautiful becoming, an elevation of matter, as they integrate into your conscious being. The fruit is conscious itself. Molecules of the earth’s creation are re-organized and integrated into your physical and subtle energetic bodies, directing and framing your conscious experience. Becoming aware of this molecular consciousness allows you to actively co-create with the molecules you are made of. They are gifts of the earth. Create yourself with love.

Why the Power of Mind Over Matter is Important

This idea was highlighted by Gandhi who stated that a movement is much more powerful when it promotes what it stands for, rather than fight against what it opposes. Hence, those who seek to make the world a better place would be far more effective by focusing their energy and thoughts on solutions to what they oppose. This is not to say we should not acknowledge our distaste for unsavory events like war, environmental disasters, economic injustice, and the like. However, we should not allow our anger to become hatred of the perpetrators themselves, but rather to help concentrate our focus on manifesting the world we wish to see around us.

The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla That Changed The World

Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death. Was he for real? A crackpot? Part of an early experiment in corporate-government control?

Silent Weapons for the Secret War on You

Marie Jones – The world of non-lethal weaponry has opened the door to technologies that allow the control of one’s mind, thoughts, actions, and behaviours.

Died Suddenly

Died Suddenly

Waking Times – In 2021 many people were saying that in 18 months those who participated in this global forced experiment would start dropping dead. Is this our new reality?

How Real Mind Control Works

Brandon Smith – Real mind control is not about torture and force, it is about quietly induced acceptance.

Why Orwell Matters

Bruno Waterfield – Orwell was concerned above all about the particular threat posed by totalitarianism to words and language.

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