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Eco-Moral Tribalism as a New-World Ethic

Z, Contributing Writer Waking Times There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. –Machiavelli History will have to record that the greatest tragedy in this period of social transition was

DNA Activation: A Secret to Personal Transformation

Mona Bhattacharya Wake Up World Life begins with an untouched mind – much like a blank canvas waiting to be colored. The colors are known as ‘the human experience’, which brings about the gradual development of the mental capabilities required to live a ‘normal life’. Intelligence, creativity and memory are developed, but at the same time,

How to Overcome an Unhealthy Mentality

How to Overcome an Unhealthy MentalityIn today’s world, public opinion is largely shaped by external influences and ideals that have the unique ability to shape a person’s mindset, aspirations, goals and motivations. What’s more, you may not even realize that these factors are influencing your decisions — or even that they exist.

Marijuana Relieves Muscles Tightness, Pain of Multiple Sclerosis: Study

A study out of the University of California has found that marijuna helps relieve pain iand muscle tightness in MS sufferers.

Smoking marijuana can relieve muscle tightness, spasticity (contractions) and pain often experienced by those with multiple sclerosis, says research out of the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.

Mainstream Science – Another Religion Created by the Controllers

Beliefs are basically the scaffolding by which our present paradigm, worldview, or consensus reality has been built, propped up, and maintained. Though we don’t realize it, we are currently trapped between two opposing paradigms by the old scaffolding (false beliefs) because we refuse to see that the old scaffolding must be dismantled before our awareness can expand to the boundaries of the scaffolding of a new and less limiting paradigm.

Grabbing the Bolt-Cutters with Take Back the Land

Lennon-Griffin has been re-occupying her home Avenue since last Mother’s Day, after being forcibly evicted in March by a SWAT team with dozens of officers and police cars. The eviction was so shocking that Lennon-Griffin’s 72-year-old neighbor ran out of her own home in her pajamas shouting, “This is not America when we are removing people from their homes!” until she was arrested along with six others.

Maya Wisdom and De-Bunking 2012 Doomsday Scenarios

Generally, I would suggest that following a model of indigenous peoples across the world, especially the Native American groups, would not only lead to a world in balance, but is actually the ONLY way that humanity can be sustainable. The example set by Native Americans of how to interact with the earth can, I believe, be applied on a larger scale and made to integrate into modern society, in a way that keeps our infrastructure thriving while also being sustainable.

The Daily Revolutionary

Most of us don’t consider ourselves to be revolutionaries, but we probably already are. If we’re tired of seeing the earth exploited, it’s creatures exterminated and it’s peoples poisoned, bombed and enslaved, then we certainly are. If we recognize that certain social structures and cultural paradigms are laying waste to our potential to live naturally healthy lives with abundant futures, then we are in revolt.

Legalize Marijuana? Benefits Ignored by Federal Government (Infographic)

The federal governments’ prohibition of cannabis costs them (and by proxy, us) 7.7 billion dollars a year. If it was legalized it would save us not only that large sum but also gain somewhere between 15 and 16 billion dollars in revenue (taxes/consumer products) alone – that is above a 20 billion dollar net gain ON TOP of the illegal industry’s current net worth.

The World of False Appearances

The dissolving world age has been so dysfunctional and violent because it has been based on an incomplete and erroneous view of the self and surrounding universe. In the Tarot, the Devil stands for the world of appearance and the distorted perception resulting from seeing the the world only at the surface level. This is the essential flaw of materialism, taking the world of the five senses as the only reality. Appearances are, necessarily, deceiving as the saying goes.

The End of Entropy: A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This

Entropy. That measure of disorder that increases as energy is dissipated into unusable forms effects many aspects of our present human condition. It is easy to grasp the principle as it pertains directly to heat. We see the energy of a fire heat our food, but we also can see a great deal of heat going out unused and unusable. This extra heat can be seen as increasing the disorder, as the molecules affected move more rapidly and more disordered.

Vaccine Exemptions: Do They Really Put Others at Risk?

Myths about vaccines and infectious disease persist, despite voluminous information refuting them, probably because fear is more powerful than reason. As the above reveals, this is true even within the world of vaccine mainstream beliefs. One of the more common mistakes comes from trying to apply concepts to individuals that really only apply to groups—that is the flawed basis for discriminating against exempt children and their parents.

Trudie Styler on Rainforest Preservation and the Human Spirit

While there are some terribly harsh realities in the world – caused both by humankind and by nature – the resilience of the human spirit is always remarkable and inspiring. For every harmful deed there are many more acts of compassion, and ultimately this supports my continued faith in human nature.

Adam & Eve are Yogis

The “tree of life” represents the human body, Adam represents the masculine energy in our bodies (yang in Chinese Theory) and Eve represents the feminine energy in our bodies (yin in Chinese theory). The snake or serpent represents the sexual/life-force energy inside our bodies (known as “Kundalini” in Yoga, which is also represented as a snake or serpent).

Hearts Have Their Own Brain and Consciousness

Research in the new discipline of neurocardiology shows that the heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated center for receiving and processing information. The nervous system within the heart (or “heart brain”) enables it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions independent of the brain’s cerebral cortex. Moreover, numerous experiments have demonstrated that the signals the heart continuously sends to the brain influence the function of higher brain centers involved in perception, cognition, and emotional processing.

5 Stages of My Personal Awakening

The absence of fear is love. I believe the collective reality in the world would change overnight if love replaced fear in the forefront of our thoughts. And I think love is the secret ingredient to solve all of the seemingly complex issues of our time. I may be wrong about all this, but experience tells me there is definitely something to it.

Pineal Power

Unlike other parts of the brain which come in pairs, the pineal gland is singular. Its location in the center of the brain and presence in other species indicates it is an older part of humanity’s evolutionary brain system.

Soil: From Dirt to Lifeline – Fred Kirschenmann (Video)

Fred Kirschenmann has been involved in sustainable agriculture and food issues for most of his life. He currently serves as both a Distinguished Fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, and as President of the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, New York. He also still provides management over site of his family’s 2,600 acre organic farm in south central North Dakota.

Carl Munck – The Code (Video)

The Code is an ancient matrix system built up of monuments all across the globe. These monuments include megalithic stone works, pyramids, circular works, effigies, and ancient earth mound. Each structure is a point in a remarkable global matrix which explains a global positioning system involving the mathematical precisions of the Earth. In order to “read” this matrix one must first change the current Prime Meridian back to the pyramid fields at Giza.

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