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Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny!

Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D. Waking Times How living things get to be what they are is a question that has occupied philosophers and scientists for a very long time.  In the past two or three hundred years, the focus has been on what Gregor Mendel has called units of heredity, or the physical elements that are

How to Detox Your Pineal Gland – Fluoride, Mercury, & Consciousness

Waking Times  Is there a natural herb or treatment to detox from fluoride, mercury, and pineal gland calcification? The first intentional addition of fluoride in drinking water occurred in the early 1930′s in Nazi Germany. Marketing it as supposed helping children’s teeth, the actual sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the masses into

The Tao & Social Action

Editor’s Note: Waking Times is excited to feature this article by the editor of IMOS Journal, The International Journal of Qigong and Taiji Culture.  Anthony Guilbert’, Contributing Writer Waking Times Whether you believe movements like ‘Occupy Wall Street,’ or ‘We are the 99%,’ represent valid social concerns, what is clear is that they are representative

There is ‘No Safe Dose of Radiation’ From TSA Naked Body Scanners

J. D. Heyes Natural News  Besides the fact that they are being operated by an agency that demonstrates on a daily basis a disdain and disregard for discretion, privacy, and professionalism, the Transportation Security Administration’s full-body backscatter x-ray machines are just not safe. That’s the diagnosis of Dr. Dong Kim, the neurosurgeon who treated U.S.

TV: Mind Control Programming Is Dangerous To Your Health

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times Truly, the HDTV (aka the Television or TV) and all the purposeful programming that goes with it should come with a warning label that reads like this: CAUTION: Mind Control Programming Is Extremely Dangerous To Your Health For those of us who have been privy to the true intentions and

How to Overcome an Unhealthy Mentality

Andre Evans Waking Times In today’s world, public opinion is largely shaped by external influences and ideals that have the unique ability to shape a person’s mindset, aspirations, goals and motivations. What’s more, you may not even realize that these factors are influencing your decisions — or even that they exist. Through creative advertising, marketing,

There Is No Sufi Here

Jonathan Merritt, Sacred Fire Contributor Waking Times Why you can never find a Sufi, the power of the Dances of Universal Peace and the true meaning of jihad An interview with Shaykha Tasnim by Jonathan Merritt If you drive through the streets of a city or look in the phone book, you never see or find

When Will You Use Your Power?

Michael Love, Contributing Writer Waking Times You are 5000 times stronger than the Corporations and Bankers. When Are You Going To Use Your Power? Perhaps you are aware of plans for total fascist control over the world.  If not, it is easy to catch up. This film covers those nasty things but makes clear humanity has the power

Can We Eat Ourselves Out of the Globalization Dilemma?

Tania Melkonian Waking Times  When Vancouver couple Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon began their experiment – to eat only foods grown and produced within 100 miles of their home – they reported dubiety. This doubt was reflected in the first chapter of their book, The 100 Mile Diet (now among the locavore’s principal reference manuals) when Smith

Must We Change Our Hearts Before Throwing Off Our Chains?

Cynthia Boaz, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times  One of the consequences of the Occupy movement’s emergence onto the scene over the last nine months is the escalating disagreement about the role of various strands of nonviolence and nonviolent action in the struggle. In the process, misconceptions about nonviolent strategy are being unfortunately perpetuated by earnest

Can We Eat Ourselves Out of the Globalization Dilemma?

Tania Melkonian Waking Times When Vancouver couple Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon began their experiment – to eat only foods grown and produced within 100 miles of their home – they reported dubiety. This doubt was reflected in the first chapter of their book, The 100 Mile Diet (now among the locavore’s principal reference manuals) when Smith

Eating Locally and the 100 Mile Headache

Tania Melkonian Waking Times  When Vancouver couple Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon began their experiment – to eat only foods grown and produced within 100 miles of their home – they reported dubiety. This doubt was reflected in the first chapter of their book, The 100 Mile Diet (now among the locavore’s principal reference manuals) when Smith

Medical Qi Gong: Acupuncture Without Needles?

Anthony Monteith, Contributing Writer Waking Times To the Chinese, disease begins with a disruption to the flow of ‘chi’ (energy). It is believed these imbalances and blockages in energy are the cause of illness. Qi Gong (qi = energy, gong = skill) is designed to make that flow return to normal, similar to acupuncture, but

Lessons for the People of the Corn

Sharon Brown, Sacred Fire Contributor Waking Times  Can we prepare ourselves so that the transformation of 2012 is a time of celebration instead of lamentation? An interview with OmeAkaEhekatl (Erick Gonzalez) Erick Gonzalez was born in Guatemala in 1959. At two, paralyzed by polio, he was taken to traditional Mayan healers by his grandmother. He recovered and, as

17 Krishnamurti Quotes That Will Turn Your World View Outside In

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  A sage is someone who can put into words the aspects of our mysterious nature that most of us can only feel. At times in my life I have been overwhelmed by the world and confused about the purpose of it all. I spent much time in anguish, behaving in

Bi-Polar Disorder: Why is it So Common and How to Alleviate it

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times If ever there was a truly American psychiatric condition, Bi-polar disorder (aka Manic-depressive disorder) is it. Everything about Society USA promotes such a condition from our youngest ages. As we unpack the several components of the mental and emotional baggage associated with Bi-polar disorder (BPD), you’ll quickly see how easy it is to manage

New Markers for Human Welfare: Re-Thinking GDP

Stef Sifandos, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Although the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, of a nation by definition should never be an indicator of the overall welfare and wellbeing of the individual, in this day and age it unfortunately often is. Originator Simon Kuznets had no intention for GDP to be a measure of the sustainable

Parents Protest Vaccination Awareness Week Arranged By The WHO

Prevent Disease It’s officially referred to as “World Immunization Week” but as many of us have come to learn by now, vaccination is not immunization by any source of our imagination. In protest of the vaccination campaigning by the WHO (World Health Organization), a group of Belgium parents whose children had been injured following vaccinations,

DNA Can be Influenced and Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf Waking Times The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence

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