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Near-Death Experiences Explained by Quantum Physicists

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Are souls constructed from the fabric of our universe? Dr. Stuart Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, and his colleague Sir Roger Penrose, a British theoretical physicist, seem to think so, and have been promoting this theory over the last 15 years. Hameroff and Penrose believe that consciousness

If You Believe In Vaccines, You Don’t Believe In The Perfection of The Human Body

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Plain and simple, you can’t believe in both. The marketing of vaccines relies on fear and intimidation with a constant amplification of a myth that the human body is somehow flawed and incapable of protecting itself against foreign invaders. Humans have lived on the Earth for hundreds of millennia,

The Tao of Love and Relationships

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times As Valentine’s Day approaches I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to discuss the topic of love and relationships from both my professional experience and a Taoist spiritual perspective. I’d like to focus on the three main areas of ‘emotional misunderstanding’ that I encounter when dealing with love

Commercialized Spirituality – It’s a Business, Not The Real Thing

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Spirituality is big business, it’s a multi-million dollar industry. A lot of what passes for spirituality today is actually a commercial venture of one kind or another. It should be seen for what it is – business, and not serious, genuine spiritual knowledge. Commerce and spirituality have different values. Spirituality

Who Really Controls the World?

Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran, New Dawn Waking Times  Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so

The War on Drugs and The War on Consciousness

Graham Hancock, Waking Times You Are STILL Being Lied To We are told that the “War on Drugs” is being waged, on our behalf, by our governments and their armed bureaucracies and police forces, to save us from ourselves. “Potential for abuse and harm” are supposed to be the criteria by which the use

10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times The long anticipated and prophesized year, 2012, has come and gone, yet, the problems and challenges facing mankind and planet earth remain. Those who have put stock in the idea of conscious evolution are now faced with the burden of proof: is there any legitimacy to this idea of a

Cannabis & The Pineal Gland: Turn On The Third Eye

Chris Bennet – Cannabis or Marijuana among other psychedelics facilitates the activation of the pineal gland and helps turn on the third eye or the mind’s eye directing our spiritual evolution to wholeness…

Creature Consciousness and the Human Power Animal

Barry Cottrell, Guest Writer Waking Times  As long as we profess ignorance about our own creature manifestation and do not develop our energetic potentialities, we forget the crux of our astonishing existence. Many people live today with a strong, growing sense of expectation, often laced with apprehension, as if some radical and rapid process of

Near Death Experiences – Where Science Can’t Go, Mystics Can

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times The largest study in the world on NDEs to date is currently underway. It is a three year study, with one year to go. It’s taking place in the UK and US, and is studying cardiac arrest patients to see if those who are clinically dead can have out-of-body experiences.

The Importance of Spiritual Preparedness

Rene’ Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times I am human. If you “sense” that big changes are coming, you’re right. And consider this: You can physically prepare until you think you are nearly invincible, but you can lose it all in an instant. Social, political, or natural forces could disrupt or wipe out your preparations. Even

Food Taxes and Penalization are Not Solutions to Public Health Problems

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times A recent study conducted by RTI International and Cornell University and published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics makes a clear point that a large percentage of shoppers are not aware of sales tax implications when purchasing various foods and beverages. In one of my recent posts, Down

It’s Time… Don’t You Think?

Catherine Lamb, Guest Writer Waking Times As you view the world, remember that the black patches of evil which you see are shown against a white background of ultimate good… When there is so much good truth to publish and proclaim, why should men dwell so much upon the evil in the world just because

Unplug From the Lie – The Solution Starts WIth You

Catherine Lamb and Elaine McLellan, Guest Writers Waking Times Good ideas abound, presented by caring individuals with skills and knowledge to share; organic gardens, survival skills, the promise of new industry and medicine from hemp and cannabis, etc. It truly does offer hope. Solutions swirl around us like a storm yet we remain paralyzed and

25 Studies Prove Fluoride Reduces Your IQ

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Dr. Paul Connett is recognized worldwide as a leader in the movement to eliminate fluoride from the municipal water supplies, and I’m pleased to be working with him to achieve this goal. Earlier this year, he used frequent flyer miles to visit New Zealand and in a month-long tour gave presentations

Soldiers, PTSD and the Shamanic Plant Medicine Iboga

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  Whether you agree with American foreign policy or not, it’s difficult to imagine disagreement over the fact that soldiers returning from war should be given the best possible care to recover from physical and psychological injuries incurred in military service. Not only is it naturally human and compassionate to wish

A Gluten for Punishment: the Whole Grain Assault on Health

Nathan Daley, MD, MPH Waking Times From Few to You Among thoughtful and informed medical providers and public alike, there is an ongoing transition toward recognizing adverse health effects from grains as being common and normal rather than rare and abnormal.  Not all medical providers, of course, support this change in perspective and some are

Cancer and Hypnosis

Steven Bloore, C. Ht., Guest Writer Waking Times Imagine yourself in a quiet, secure setting with someone you have learned to trust. You are focused on your breathing, allowing your body to experience a deep state of physical relaxation and comfort as you consciously follow the lead of your facilitator. Later, you may visit a serene

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