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Being The Change, Tipping Points and Monkeys On the Loose

Zen Gardner Waking Times So many are asking, “What can I do? How can I make a difference? How do I go about helping to effect the changes the world so direly needs?” Good questions. I repeatedly say to people to get conscious and you’ll know what to do. What does that mean? Gain empowering

Taking 100% Responsibility For the World We Have Created

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times “Work in the invisible world at least  as hard as you do in the visible.” – Rumi Inaction is not acceptable anymore in a world that poisons our food, pollutes our land, air, and water and commits atrocities against, man, animal and nature that would be too horrid even to

Human Devolution

Michael A. Cremo, Guest Writer Waking Times The question of human origins has always been a hot topic among philosophers and scientists. Today, most of them accept the Darwinian account that humans like us came into existence about 100,000 years ago, having evolved from more apelike ancestors. But the Vedic literature gives us another account

Reality is Beyond Our Perception

Rene’ Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times An enlightened conversation… Everything in the Universe is vibrating. Even light is vibrating (different frequencies of vibration give us the different colors, just like different frequencies of vibration give us the different notes in an octave of sound). The so-called 5 physical senses, touch, smell, hearing, taste, and sight,

The Tao of Men’s Emotional Health and Childhood Education

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times A recent report commissioned by UK charities Relate and Men’s Health Forum highlighted how men are often ‘in the dark’ when it comes to emotional and relationship difficulties in their life, the factors which cause them, and how to effectively deal with them. The report shows how this ignorance can lead to much worse outcomes

The Power of the Mind

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., New Dawn Waking Times Living in the world under your skin is a bustling metropolis of 50 trillion cells, each of which is biologically and functionally equivalent to a miniature human. Current popular opinion holds that the fate and behaviour of our internal cellular citizens are preprogrammed in their genes. Since Watson

Ancient Sacred Sites Aligned to the Summer Solstice

Belsebuub & Angel Pritchard, Guest Writers Waking Times Some of the most famous ancient megalithic sites in the world align to the summer solstice – in numerous different cultures: Egyptian, Pagan, Mayan, Essene, Buddhist, Native American, and Easter Islander. Below are some examples. There are others, but there may be many more that have not

Healing with Sound: The Transformational Aspects of Music

Jill Mattson, Guest Writer Waking Times The field of Sound Healing is a rapidly growing discipline that is recently attracting a lot of interest. Many of the techniques that are employed stem from ancient traditions. Modern scientific research, however, is adding to our understanding of how sound interacts with and enhances our bodies and minds.

Top 5 Ways to Practice Non-Conformity in the Matrix

Sigmund Fraud – The new hero, is someone who combats the staleness of a decaying society by looking at the areas in our lives most in need of repair and then, deliberately, does not do what the conformist majority is doing.

Science & Spirituality

Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times  In modern times, attempts are often made to use the modern scientific method to infer or prove the existence of a spiritual dimension. Electrodes are attached to mediator’s head, psychics and remote viewers are tested for accuracy and consistency, and the results of intentions and prayers are statistically measured

What Lives On? Investigating Life After Death

Robert Schoch, New Dawn Waking Times Do we survive the death of our physical bodies? Is there such a thing as a postmortem continuation of the individual? If there is survival, what survives? Does everyone survive? What does it even mean to survive? Answers to these questions are central to the dogmas of many religions. These

Removing Some of the Obstacles to Love

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times  Love is of consciousness, which is the spiritual within. Yet consciousness is not free, as it’s smothered by the subconscious and is asleep, and so too as a consequence is love. Negativity in particular destroys feelings of love, engulfing and consuming the mind. It also ruins the ability to be

Who Will Save The Honey Bee? EU Mulls Pesticide Ban While US Set to Approve More

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times There are a number of grave ecological crises nagging at the status quo of modern life. Though the mainstream media prefers not to cover the enduring impact of events like Fukushima, the Deepwater Horizon or Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder, the truth remains that these issues are vastly more important

The Normal Person’s New World Order

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times “Attention is the universal currency in the quantum economy; we really do get what we pay for.” –Craig Pinegar The term New World Order (NWO) is ubiquitous in our society nowadays, and is repeated by world leaders, pop-stars, graffiti artists, and scholars. What does it mean? Something different to each of

Building Communities From the Food Up

Waking Times Politicians like to talk a lot about community building; it is a surefire appeal to emotion that we are all in this together and can work toward prosperity from the ground up. Naturally, the fine print is filled with government-run programs which are bloated with extra costs, special interests, and guaranteed to fail

Morphic Resonance & Morphic Fields: Collective Memory & the Habits of Nature

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, New Dawn Waking Times The word morphic comes from the Greek morphe, meaning form. Morphic fields organise the form, structure and patterned interactions of systems under their influence – including those of animals, plants, cells, proteins, crystals, brains and minds. They are physical in the sense that they are part of nature, though

Erasing the Consciousness Dilemma and Entering the Mystic State

Emmanuel Karavousanos, Guest Writer Waking Times Religions have increased in number over the many centuries illustrating a need humans have for spiritual relief.  Over this great period of time mysticism has continued to baffle and elude human understanding.  The mystical experience and the mystical state have remained just that – mystical.  It may very well

Chiron – Shaman of the Skies

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times  I talked in ‘Living in an Ensouled Universe’ about the energetic imprint we each receive from the stars (shorthand for Sun, Moon and planets) at our birth, by way of electromagnetic energy affecting our energy fields. As well as our unique natal pattern of cosmic energy, we are each

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