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The Nature of the Spirit and the Soul

Jade Wah’oo Grigori, Guest Waking Times I will begin this article with two fundamental descriptive definitions of Spirit and Soul. So very often I hear people speak of Spirit and Soul interchangeably; at other times I find that when discussing Spirit and Soul we are using fully different references, resulting in confusion. The definitions that

An MD’s Perspective On How To Avoid, Treat And Reverse Diabetes

Dr. Russell M. Jaffe, MD, PhD, Green Med Info Waking Times Diabetes matters. One in three children born today is projected to develop the condition, based on current trends.[i] This condition already afflicts over a quarter of a billion people worldwide, including 25 million Americans. Within the U.S., insulin resistance and prediabetes (also known as metabolic syndrome and

What Is A Shaman? A Visionary, A Doctor Of The Soul, And A Bridge To Spirit

The Shaman’s Well Waking Times Shamanism has been practiced for millenia in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Research by Michael Harner and others has shown great similarity in the practices and traditions between them all. In this post we’ll give a little history on shamanism and then outline some different points of what

Hey Monsanto, Did You Hear That?

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times This past Saturday, May 25th, 2013, millions of people worldwide publicly protested against Monsanto, the corporation that has become the driving force and the figure head behind the effort to monopolize control of food and to genetically modify staple crops to become dependent on toxic chemicals. This may have been

Most Popular Brands of Lipstick and Lip Gloss Contain High Levels of Toxic Metals

Karen Foster, Prevent Disease Waking Times Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Public Health tested 32 different lipsticks and lip glosses commonly found in drugstores and department stores. They detected lead, cadmium, chromium, aluminum and five other metals, some of which were found at levels that could raise potential health concerns. Their

9 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Sunscreen

Waking Times Sunscreens prevent sunburns, but beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about the safety and efficacy of these ubiquitous creams and sprays.  EWG’s review of the latest research unearthed troubling facts that might tempt you to give up on sunscreens altogether. That’s not the right answer. Despite the unknowns about sunscreens’ efficacy,

Plant/Human Symbiosis and the Fall of Humanity

Trevor Smith, Guest Writer Waking Times There are many mysterious anomalies about human evolution yet to be adequately explained. These include the human brains rapid expansion in size and complexity, why this accelerating expansion suddenly stalled roughly 200,000 years ago and our brains have been shrinking ever since, and why our rare glimpses of genius goes

Is the Afterlife What We Think It Is? A Challenge from Near-Death Studies

P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., New Dawn Waking Times There are millions of stories now of near-death experiences from around the world; each a snippet, a teaser, of what appears to exist on the other side of death. No other human drama carries quite the power this phenomenon does to unmask traditions of a “grim reaper,” and

Boston Terror – Another Red Pill / Blue Pill Moment for America

Sigmund Fraud Waking Times Americans love to be entertained, and we love watch other people’s lives unfold in chaos, scandal and violence. We love narratives about conquering evil with overwhelming firepower. We love scripts and adventures, and swashbuckling gun battles, underdogs, dead bad guys and heroic gunfighters. We love to suspend disbelief and open ourselves

How to Send Less Trash to the Landfill

Jill Richardson, Contributor Waking Times My new neighbor knocked on my door and introduced herself as the vice president of the local homeowner’s association. “How friendly!” I thought. “She’s welcoming me to the neighborhood.” Then she wrinkled her nose and motioned toward an enclosed bin on my porch, saying, “Your — what is it? Came-post?

The Spiritual Crisis of Man – a Tribute to Dr. Paul Brunton

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times Dr. Paul Brunton, in “The Spiritual Crisis of Man” – (published in 1952), wrote these words: “A million people will eagerly follow a glib leader who raises contentious clamour and leads them to ultimate destruction, when only a few people will follow an inspired spiritual leader who leads them

Changing in the Face of Change

Zen Gardner, Guest Writer Waking Times Things change more than we think. Way more and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our memory and perception of old changes. Those are based on previous reference points. And they’re all in transition. We’re judging change

Is Violence in the Media a Reflection of Our Own Social Anxieties?

Salvatore Folisi, AlterNet Waking Times What inner psychological need is met through our mass obsession with crime and prosecution? The following is an excerpt from Eros Over Logos: A Revolt of the Instinctual Mind Amidst the Madness of Modern Life by Salvatore Folisi. I am repeatedly struck by our country’s incredible capacity for criminalization and incarceration, our

The Paradox of the Esoteric Martial Arts

Jess O’Brien, Guest Writer Waking Times All societies have had to grapple with the harsher side of human nature. Unacknowledged violence within will smolder, and conflict left unresolved will in time explode. The martial arts developed for facing these raw emotions directly, forging and tempering their energy into useful and beautiful shapes. Frustrations are expressed openly,

Research: Some Cancer Diagnoses Kill Quicker Than The Cancer

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A cancer diagnosis may be the most traumatic thing that can befall a patient within the contemporary medical system; that is, beyond the conventional cancer treatments themselves, many of which have life-threatening and even lethal side effects. New research now indicates that a cancer diagnosis may be as fatal as the

‘What Can I Do?’ – Farmer Joel Salatin Answers This Important Question

Joel Salatin, Guest for Wanderlust Waking Times “What can I do?”  Perhaps the most common question people ask me, this simple request is filled with angst and hidden perceptions. Often a sigh accompanies the question, kind of a resignation to the power and position of the current food and farming paradigm. Often the question indicates a the

The Cosmic Pattern of Creation That Builds Our Illusions

Rene Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times Editor’s Note: As a primer, please enjoy the first part of this article, Reality is Beyond Our Perception.  Looking to outer space you find countless stars, suns, like the star of this solar system, with planets of their own in orbit. Constantly moving and vibrating, they follow the same

What Really Happens When You Take Antibiotics?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times Antibiotics: One of the most prescribed drug in the modern world! The evidence that proves how harmful this practice can be has been available for a while now. Taking routine course of antibiotics and moreover pouring them into our food has been leading to serious and dangerous side effects,

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