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We Have it Within Ourselves to Raise our Conscious Level and That of Humanity

Belsebuub, Guest  Waking Times Observing the inner and outer worldWe should take the time to know how we respond inwardly to life, because by changing ourselves and allowing consciousness to shine, we change not only our own lives but those of others around us, and, if enough people raise their conscious level, we can bring

The Harvesting of Souls & the Sanskrit Texts

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times Are we indeed living in the end of a Cycle of Time, facing a day of reckoning in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga, a PRALAYA meaning ‘Dissolution’ in Sanskrit. The acceptance of this possibility leads to the fear-loaded question of the Harvesting of Souls. The archaic phrase ‘harvesting

You Are What You Eat: Re-Thinking Food

Andrew Dilks, Contributor Waking Times If you were to visit China in the 21st century, you may well stumble across one of the popular speed cooking competitions, where frenetically paced chefs transform live animals into animated culinary oddities: snakes are decapitated then chopped up into inch-long segments, which squirm on the plate several feet away from

At the Threshold: How Near-Death Experiences Transform People

P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., New Dawn Waking Times My research has shown me that the near-death experience is not some kind of anomaly, but is, rather, part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. The clue most researchers miss is stress; specifically, the intensity which comes from that stress (known in shamanism as “high stress”).

Linear and Lateral Consciousness

Rich Armstrong, Guest Waking Times Throughout our world and, indeed, the entire universe all is governed by two polar opposite forces. These forces are namely Linear and Lateral Consciousness. The previous sentence can also be reduced to the following statement….. Time and Timelessness. When all the layers of the onion are peeled away, this is

Scientists Explain Why HPV Vaccines Are Unsafe

Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health Waking Times There is no evidence that Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent cancer better than a decent screening program. There is strong evidence that they can produce severe and life-threatening harm. This report by 4 scientists documents how science has been corrupted & misused to promote these life-devastating vaccines. Scientists who have

Wall Street and the Hegelian Dialectic

Andrew Dilks, Contributor Waking Times These days, describing the big banks as criminal syndicates extorting billions from the public is hardly sticking one’s head above the parapet: the foreclosures scandal, in which GMAC, Bank of America, CitiBank, JPMorganChase and others ignored banking laws in their fervour to throw people out of their homes as quickly

How DNA Is Reprogrammed By Words and Frequencies

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times We now know that just as on the internet, our DNA can feed its proper data into a network of consciousness and can call up data from the network and also establish contact with other participants in the network. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type

Awakening Our True Potential

Richard Smoley, New Dawn Waking Times Man is born an unfinished creature. He cannot walk or talk or feed himself. Long years of care are required to bring him to even the most minimal levels of self-sufficiency. And yet even after the typical person has reached the stage of functioning that we call adulthood, something

Zen and the Art of Chinese Medicine

Steven Alpern, Guest Waking Times The scroll of Zen Buddhist monk Sengai (1750-1838) entitled Circle, Triangle, and Square is a concise symbolic expression of classical (Neijing style) Chinese medical thinking. While this brush painting may not be language in the conventional sense, it articulates Sengai’s intention with clarity and power. Practitioners raised and educated in

One Soul, Many Bodies: The Case for Reincarnation

Allan Danelek, New Dawn Waking Times What happens to us when we die? It’s a question everyone eventually asks themselves at some point in their life. It transcends racial, social, political, economic and gender lines, making it the one question common to all human beings whether we like it or not. Yet ever since the first

“Sharing” and the Surveillance Society

Barbara Alice Mann, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Anyone who ever had The Scarlet Letter inflicted on her in high school is well aware of the lynchpin of Puritan violence: the omnipresent eye, watching, watching, watching to censor all inner thoughts, vague transgressions, or other fleeting expressions, even before they formulate consciously. The worst part of being Hester

Spiritual Parasite: A Shamanic Perspective Of Abuse, And Its Treatment

Jade Wah’oo Grigori, Guest Waking Times It is well recognized that a person who has suffered abuse will tend in life to either become a perpetrator of further abuse or become self-destructive. Why? Why would a person who has suffered the emotional horrors of abuse ever afflict another human with such degradation, shock and horror?

Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience:  we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell

The Kabbalah’s Remarkable Idea

Paul Levy, Guest Waking Times During the question and answer period for the book release of my new book Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil, someone asked what was I going to write about next. Without having to blink, I responded “Kabbalah,” which is considered to be one of the most profound spiritual and intellectual movements in

Are We Food for the Moon?

Jason Jeffrey, New Dawn Waking Times If man is not affected in some way by the Moon, he is the only thing on Earth that isn’t. – Robert Millikan (1868-1953), US physicist & 1923 Nobel Prize winner Probably no heavenly body has received as much attention down through the ages as our Moon. The causes

Looking Beyond the Issues to the Causes

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times There are some difficult problems facing us that threaten not only our fundamental rights as human beings but also our very survival. We can and must tackle a seemingly endless stream of issues in a struggle for truth, freedom, security and justice. But unless we can get to the underlying causes

Wilhelm Reich’s Contact with Space

Alison Davidson, Borderlands Waking Times “There is no proof. There are no authorities whatever. No president, Academy, Court of Law, Congress or Senate on this earth has the knowledge or power to decide what will be the knowledge of tomorrow. There is no use in trying to prove something that is unknown to somebody who

The Shady Past of The Rockefeller Family & Its Haunting Effect on the World

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times  Perhaps you have heard of the Rockefellers, and the often romantic tale told of the riches that accompany their mark on Americana. John Davidson Rockefeller, (1839-1937) the patriarch of the family, was the first billionaire in the United States. Often we are told he lived the American dream, pulling himself

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