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The Cults of Empire

Susan V. Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times In every Kali Yuga throughout endless Cycles of Time, tyrants have sought to dominate the world — and failed. They will fail again. According to author Charles R. Morris, in December of 2007, the chairman of the Federal Reserve in the United States, Ben Bernanke began the experimental practice

Is Your Daily Wheat Bread Healthy?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Waking Times Wheat is everywhere and in everything. There is no food store that doesn’t have at least several isles with foods containing wheat! In my practice, it’s interesting to observe the reactions people have when we talk about wheat and I recommend to eliminate it from their diet. I often get

Man Heals His Excruciating Pain With Cannabis After A Battery of Pharmaceuticals Failed

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times A man with excruciating pains following multiple traumas was monitored, daily, over one year while managing chronic pain by self-administering quantifiable amounts of natural cannabis. Tetrahydro-cannabinol, Cannabidiol, and Cannabinol were all measured in tinctures, capsules, smoke-able product plus some baked goods, prior to their administration. By allowing standardization, the

Using Meditation to Overcome Ego

Debbie West, Contributor Waking Times In order to combat the harmful illusion of self that is created by our ideals of who we are based on past experiences and judgments of ourselves and others, we must overcome the ego. The ego-self is created by a complex and powerful overlay of our mind that is designed as a

Higher Knowledge & Spiritual Experience: What to Buy?

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Guest Waking Times There are a thousand forms of mind. –Rumi The goal of the mystical process is to help complete human evolution. The Sufi asserts that humanity is evolving to a higher spiritual condition and this evolution is purposeful and directed. The end result of this process is more complete travelers who

Understanding True Love & Twin Soul Relationships

Jona Bryndis, Guest Waking Times If we are thinking, dreaming or hoping to find our True Love, ‘Soul Mate’ or TwinSoul, or if we believe that we found our ‘perfect’ relationship, we may be in for an ego surprise…. Relationships can be based on True Love or on Ego (see article ‘Understanding True Love’); on

Electromagnetic Resonance of the Tesla Gravity Motor

Alex Putney, Guest Waking Times The greatest achievements of terrestrial human technology have been hidden from public awareness. While the various space agencies of the world’s governments continue to use outdated and exceedingly dangerous rocket technologies and space shuttles designed in the 1940s and only minimally upgraded since, the advanced gravity control methods and plasma

Enlightenment: Initial Discussions

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times As our society moves forward in its study and growing understanding of different spiritual paths, one of the things required is a dialogue concerning the nature of personal enlightenment. Or said another way, after studying a particular spiritual path, for the average traveler, what does personal spiritual development look

7 Ways to Overcome the Insanity of Modern Life

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  Without question, these modern times are becoming more and more challenging to ordinary people as concerning news and events overwhelm us. An honest assessment of the human condition reveals perils of every type. The economy sucks thanks to the greedy criminals who have death-grip on our monetary system. People seem

Understanding True Love

Jona Bryndis, Guest Waking Times The English language offers two meanings for ‘True Love’, describing either the kind of love we feel for someone and/or the person your true love is subjected to. Both meanings primarily reflect on an emotion directed at somebody else. When searching for the deeper meaning of True Love we will

Being Fearless

Jon David Miller, Guest Waking Times Doubt and Fear Who knows what’s next? Who knows for sure what is going to happen tomorrow? This afternoon? Two minutes from now? We have all experienced unexpected events, shocks and disappointments. From the experience of unfulfilled desire or a change of expectation, a sense of doubt may develop.

Avoidance or Awareness – The Emergence of Truth in the Media

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Both a blessing and a curse can the information age be. There is almost no way to live in our modern world without falling into someone’s stream of ideas, willingly or not. Good, bad, bad, good… there is a sea of waves to surf on out there, some of us catching

Ignorance is Not Free

Angela Pritchard, Guest Waking Times Some have called ignorance bliss. But if you actually look into it, there is an incredible cost and consequence to ignorance; and there is no free ride for anyone. There is also a huge range of things both physical, emotional, and metaphysical we can be ignorant of, each with their

The Mystery of Iniquity: Does Evil Exist or Do Bad Things Just Happen?

Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller, New Dawn Waking Times On June 10, 1991, a cover story appeared in Time magazine on the topic of evil. The author, Lance Morrow, did not argue for a particular thesis and did not reach any conclusions. What he did, however, was in a sense more important. He began by stating three propositions:

Chi and DMT – Two Accessible Mysteries That Evade Scientific Validation

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times “Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” –Max Planck,  ‘Where Is Science Going?’ There are some mysteries in life so common that nearly

You Really Can Change Your DNA – Here’s How

Carolanne Wright, Guest Waking Times If you believe that you are at the mercy of your genetic code, great news, you’re not. According to the science of epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA influence changes in gene expression), stem cells and even DNA can be altered through magnetic fields, heart coherence,

Symbols & Psyche: Exploring Gateways to Realms of Knowledge, Power & Understanding

James Wasserman, New Dawn Waking Times The Muggle world is filled with symbols. From Coke cans to McDonald’s arches, IBM computers to Apple Macintoshs, from flags to emblems and medals, to the endless variety of product packaging, modern culture is brimming with images. Open the Yellow Pages of your phone book – with the emblematic

The Science of Raising Your Vibration

Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times Anyone who travels within spiritual circles has probably heard about “vibrations.” The context is usually that someone with a higher vibration is somehow more spiritual or that the goal of the individual is to raise his or her vibration. But what does this really mean? Is it all just spiritual

Wheat Madness – Is This Popular Grain Provoking Mental Illness?

Carolanne Wright, Guest Waking Times A mainstay in most Western diets, wheat is normally not associated with mental illness. Yet research has shown an intolerance to compounds within the grain can cause major neurological issues, including psychotic breakdowns. Far from a benign food, wheat has been linked with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and even diseases like

The Brave Girl and The Soldier Boy

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times What was I listening to when I was sixteen? Cultural programming, or a message for my higher self? I’m thinking about one of my favorite songs of the time: “Soldier Boy” by the Shirelles. The song seems so simple, but to me it’s embedded with something very precious and beautiful…

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