Search Results for the individual

Is Matriotism The Future of The Divine Feminine?

Ethan ‘Indigo’ Smith & Lucy Morales – What we communicate, and how, has the power to change the world. Just as importantly, language, its interpretation and its transformation over time reveals a lot about the collective consciousness of the society that speaks it.

Seeds and Weeds – The Power of Activism

Zen Gardner – We know the same central Truth, the heart of man being the same the world over, we know it only awaits awakening to come to full fruition.

Hope & Belief: The Hidden Fuel of Intention

Soren Dreier – We both hope and believe, and if we channel those powerful spiritual tools into the undistorted power of intention, we can put the spiritual wrecking ball to the walls and the source code of the matrix.

Thinking: A Criminal Act?

Julian Rose – We can all play our part in countering this world-wide attempt to suffocate the voice of truth and to replace it with a global ministry of lies.

Reincarnation: The Eastern View

Richard Smoley – Reincarnation has become an increasingly popular doctrine in the West. For example, polls taken in the US over the past couple of decades have shown that between 20 and 28 percent of the population believe in it.

Completing Evolution

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff – Man is the meeting point between heaven and earth and is created with a spiritual destiny. Within each person there is the capacity to create, make decisions and destroy…

The Mental Universe

Linda George – We are living in a mental universe. Everything we see and experience in the world, as well as everything that passes through our awareness – is mental…

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