Search Results for the ego

The Power of Suggestion

Beverly Blanchard, Contributor Waking Times Every day we are bombarded by a tidal wave of information. Most of it is irrelevant to our immediate lives, yet it influences our lives. We buy products because we are told they will bring us happiness; make us look younger or healthier. We run to our doctors because commercials

Evolving Planetary Consciousness to Escape Self-Destruction

Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times Right now at this very moment it can appear that humans are going down a path which is leading to a self-destructive end if a radical shift in living on this planet isn’t made. Where will this all lead if the trend continues down such a path? It is not

We’re Coming Home

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times An email came in from a friend today with just a “Hi!”, and a note: “I’m traveling, trying to find my way back home to the celestial.” This is a friend I’ve never met in person, but I have met in the heart. We have enjoyed each other’s writing and

Dismantling the Structure

Colin Bondi, Contributor Waking Times How do you like your world? Well I hope you really really like it because you built it! I don’t know if you have a job or you work full time or part time or not at all but your real full time or actually 24/7 job is maintaining the

At the Threshold: How Near-Death Experiences Transform People

P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., New Dawn Waking Times My research has shown me that the near-death experience is not some kind of anomaly, but is, rather, part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. The clue most researchers miss is stress; specifically, the intensity which comes from that stress (known in shamanism as “high stress”).

Linear and Lateral Consciousness

Rich Armstrong, Guest Waking Times Throughout our world and, indeed, the entire universe all is governed by two polar opposite forces. These forces are namely Linear and Lateral Consciousness. The previous sentence can also be reduced to the following statement….. Time and Timelessness. When all the layers of the onion are peeled away, this is

A Spiritual Approach to Deprogramming Racism

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Someone asked a question on a Facebook page as to the spiritual response to race issues: when you see people as spirit, with the body being the carrier of the spirit, you take note of the energy of the person and not their skin pigmentation or culture. This is true

The Bhagavad Gita & The Three Gunas

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times As part of it’s heritage, India is fortunate to have produced one of the world’s greatest literary and spiritual works, the Bhagavad Gita. It is one of the gems of the world, an Upanishad, with spiritual teachings that can speak to the heart and soul of anyone whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto, Hindu

Love Without Expectation

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” ~ Lao Tzu  On our paths we often encounter friends, lovers, even enemies that we want to offer affection or tenderness, but is it true love we really give them? Is it true compassion, acceptance of

One Soul, Many Bodies: The Case for Reincarnation

Allan Danelek, New Dawn Waking Times What happens to us when we die? It’s a question everyone eventually asks themselves at some point in their life. It transcends racial, social, political, economic and gender lines, making it the one question common to all human beings whether we like it or not. Yet ever since the first

Self and Eternity

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times This time period offers perhaps the greatest lessons one could ever hope to learn… the power of truth versus the power of illusion, or otherwise said, taking personal responsibility for knowing versus submitting to the control of a deceptive outside force. Why do humans have to do this battle with deception?

All in All We’re Cracking the Wall

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Today I’m going to tackle a subject and a half… starting with some statements and questions: We project our minds into imagined future events according to our analysis of what we see, hear, and accept as real in the present. We reject experiencing one future scenario, and we fully embrace

5 Spiritual Problems (and Solutions)

Shamanic Living Waking Times  Here are 5 common questions that stir up debate from within the spiritual community. Many discussions I’ve witnessed or been a part of revolve around spiritually inclined people taking differing positions on these questions. Of course the descriptions below are simplifications that don’t do justice to all the considerations behind them.

The Truth of Finding Happiness

Kelly Niven, Guest Waking Times Finding happiness is an endless search – a different career, relationship, holidays, material possessions, lifestyle, etc.  It left me feeling quite the opposite. The result was more unhappiness, more dissatisfaction and less fulfillment. So many people are currently embroiled in this search of finding happiness. Sadly, most people are searching

Inner Security is What We’re Going For Here

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Have you claimed the authority to take a seat within your inner self and be that which you are? Inner security is what we’re going for here, and to get to the inner, we’ll need to start with outer security, move on through insecurity, and arrive at inner security. I

The Kabbalah’s Remarkable Idea

Paul Levy, Guest Waking Times During the question and answer period for the book release of my new book Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil, someone asked what was I going to write about next. Without having to blink, I responded “Kabbalah,” which is considered to be one of the most profound spiritual and intellectual movements in

The Illuminati: Renegades of the Mystery Schools

Uri Dowbenko, New Dawn Waking Times The word “Illuminati” has become a catch-all term for the defacto Rulers of Planet Earth. Definition is crucial because the words “Conspiracy” and “Illuminati” have themselves become code-words for the occult (hidden) machinations of the Powers That Be. With the advent of the internet and its rough cut of “news” and

Pushing the River – The Art of Surrender

Slade Roberson, Guest Waking Times Are you struggling to make something happen? Are you torturing your consciousness for a sense of the right direction, begging the Universe for assistance with a difficult decision? Are you interrogating your guides, trying with all your might to listen to your heart, but hearing no clear answers? You know

The Spirituality of Space Clearing

Trinity Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times There is a divine haven of peace and harmony within us all somewhere – even though it may, at times, be difficult to find. It’s possible to tune into it wherever we are, whatever the circumstances, although we can make it much easier for ourselves if we create a

Detoxing the Money Programming

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Empathy for the poor and the homeless comes from somewhere, just like with all things, ‘been there… done that’ gives you the feeling of a particular experience. You have felt the disdainful glare… and it makes you tender hearted when the homeless man approaches. No matter that it might be

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