Search Results for the ego

Harmony of Being: Returning to Our True Nature

Steve Taylor – From time to time, we all have experiences when restlessness and discontent fade away, and we’re filled with a sense of ease, well-being and harmony. How do we make these experiences more common?

The Secrets of the Spiritual Journey

Frank M. Wanderer – The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this book is the chronicle of our wanderings.

Non-Duality and the Meaning of Religion

Hans Meijer – The challenge is to dive deep into your mind and to become aware of those aspects of your life where your self interest is contrary to the spiritual laws which sustain life.

The Big Kahuna in the Sky

Ida Lawrence – As a child I believed there was someone all-powerful, watching every deed, who heard every thought, judged me, wanted me to do right, and who cared for me and answered prayers.

Empathy – The Power of Connection

Steve Taylor Ph.D – To a large extent, all crime and all cruelty are the result of a lack of empathy. It’s a lack of empathy which makes someone capable of attacking or oppressing other people.

The True Purpose of a Daily Spiritual Practice

Brandon West – It is our birthright to live the most extraordinary lives and to experience the diversity of this reality and the best that existence has to offer…

Hope & Belief: The Hidden Fuel of Intention

Soren Dreier – We both hope and believe, and if we channel those powerful spiritual tools into the undistorted power of intention, we can put the spiritual wrecking ball to the walls and the source code of the matrix.

In a Capacity for Love

Ida Lawrence – Spiritual lessons have been around a long time and we’re just now beginning to understand what they mean on a far greater scale…

Can Ayahuasca Cure PTSD?

April M. Short – Donald “Donnie” Bumanglag spoke with Reset just months after sipping the psychedelic, sacred, traditional healing brew ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon.

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