How the Multi-Dimensional Attack on YOU Reveals Itself in Your Everyday Life
Dylan Charles – Why is it such a challenge for people today to get healthy, and move effortlessly towards prosperity and wellness?
Dylan Charles – Why is it such a challenge for people today to get healthy, and move effortlessly towards prosperity and wellness?
Dylan Charles – In all the great works of dystopian science fiction and cinema there’s a recurring theme of mass conformity. Why?
Dylan Charles – They want to control, conquer and kill your individuality, which isn’t easy to do, considering that human beings are wired to seek individuation.
Marie Jones – Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” is an archetypal motif for the human experience, itself filled with archetypes.
Dylan Charles – Self-sabotage is a gift to the elite. It puts you on the sideline of life and has you constantly burning your energy in a permanent war against yourself.
Dylan Charles – They want you to ignore the evidence of your own eyes and willing participate in your own spiritual demise.
Dylan Charles – The world has fallen under a spell.
Dylan Charles – We are hard wired for social conformity, and it’s one of the most dangerous aspects of the human condition.
Dylan Charles – Social psychologists demonstrate how your need to conform to the herd can outweigh your survival instincts.
Dylan Charles – When most people hear the term mass psychosis they think that it applies to everyone else but themselves.
Don Via Jr. – Perception is, in essence, reality. What is perceived is usually widely believed.
Dylan Charles – What other social engineering tactics are being employed to manufacture consent and obedience?
Dylan Charles – We are so much more easily influenced that we would like to believe. Watch this for proof.
Elizabeth Bast – The iboga medicine is known to physically and psychologically disrupt all kinds of substance addiction.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman – We have been kept from fully developing our potential to reason, our intuition, to become enlightened and to be the godlike beings that is our true nature.
Dylan Charles – The mind is spiritual and cannot be healed in physical terms.
Isaac Davis – Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is emerging all around us. Are you paying attention?
Caitlin Johnstone – Chomsky once said that “Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the US media.”
Brendan D. Murphy – There are other options than drug treatment in many cases of apparent “mental illness.”
Dylan Charles – Allowing the mind to indulge in fear is a forfeiture of inner peace and quite literally dangerous at a time like this.