Search Results for spirituality

Is Mind the Ego in Disguise?

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times In my last post I looked at how the ego is an aspect of our totality that defines and distinguishes us as separate individuals. The ego, in astrology, is symbolized in the Sun. We say the Sun is our ‘individuality’, our ‘essence’ – the fuel that drives us. We must

We’re Here in This Reality to Learn About Who We Are

Angela Pritchard, Guest Waking Times What is life for? So many things seem important; there are so many things to do. All of them are vying for our attention, and our interests drive our lives via the many seemingly small and insignificant choices we make each day. But what is it that is ultimately important?

Wu Wei is… Loving and Managing Your Ego

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times Note: This is the first of a series of 3 articles. Please read Part II here, and Part III here. The ‘Ego’ is a term first used in the West by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and has now entered mainstream personal-development parlance. Many new clients say to me things like, “I

“Sharing” and the Surveillance Society

Barbara Alice Mann, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Anyone who ever had The Scarlet Letter inflicted on her in high school is well aware of the lynchpin of Puritan violence: the omnipresent eye, watching, watching, watching to censor all inner thoughts, vague transgressions, or other fleeting expressions, even before they formulate consciously. The worst part of being Hester

12 Different Approaches to Mood Boosting

Heather Callaghan, Guest Waking Times Were you surprised to see that 70% of Americans are on prescription drugs? A majority of them are anti-depressants which have dangerous and sometimes deadly results. Anyone who has ever visited knows what I’m talking about. Well-meaning doctors don’t often look beyond physical symptoms or even have time to inquire about

The Golden Rule, Beyond our Failed Democracy

Rene Descartes, Contributor Waking Times We have been told, long enough, that you cannot change Human Nature, but I say to you, Human Nature can be changed, and, what’s more, Human Nature must be changed if we are to reach our full potential. Which I, for one, am determined to reach. Please understand that your

A Message From The Plants..

Azim Nobeebaccus, Guest Waking Times Do not fear that which speaks to us with unconditional love. It is that fear which restricts our true vision and truth. Respect that of which approach’s with true compassion. Expect nothing to receive the guidance our heart truly calls for. As it is our expectations which displays our ingratitude

Wu Wei is…. Expressing Your Creativity Every Day

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times The need for authentic creativity is vital. Ancient Taoists taught that creativity is the vehicle through which we may align and harmonise with the wider Universal vibration of Qi and spiritual energy. My Wu Wei teaching is this… The Way or Tao of the Universe is to create, transform and flow in an energy of

Sacred Sites – Earth Energy, Ley Lines and Vortex Energy

Shirley MacLaine, Guest Waking Times Earth energy. It can’t be seen or tasted and it doesn’t have an odor. But, the effects of Earth energy can be experienced in all of those ways. It isn’t loud, but it can be heard. It can’t be touched, but it can definitely be felt. Our ancestors knew that

The Truth of Finding Happiness

Kelly Niven, Guest Waking Times Finding happiness is an endless search – a different career, relationship, holidays, material possessions, lifestyle, etc.  It left me feeling quite the opposite. The result was more unhappiness, more dissatisfaction and less fulfillment. So many people are currently embroiled in this search of finding happiness. Sadly, most people are searching

Consciousness or Selfishness. Your Choice.

Rene Descartes, Contributor Waking Times Selfishness concerns itself with one’s own welfare regardless of others and with giving less than the best to others. It may take the form of self-aggrandisement, self-glory, self-centerdness, self-doubt and many other “self” words, including self-control. Selfishness includes smugness, complacency, egotism, narcissism, conceit, perfectionism, arrogance, manipulation, denial, avoidance, fears, false

Spiritual Athletes: Lessons From the Marathon Monks of Mt. Hiei

Sean Lang, Bushido Runner Waking Times The Marathon Monks of Mt. Hiei are part of a Tendai monastic order on Mt. Hiei in Japan. These monks are spiritual athletes of the highest order, who run 40km a day for 100 days. Made known to the public by John Stevens’ book, “The Marathon Monks of Mt.

Creating a Sacred Space at Home

Trinity Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times Creating a sacred space is like giving yourself a loving embrace from the cosmos. It’s a way of both loving ourselves and honouring the divinity that flows through all things. Our personal sacred space can be like a sanctuary to help us realign with higher consciousness, whenever we lose

The Age of Synthesis: How Everything Is Blending, Fusing and Transcending Duality

Corinne McLaughlin with Gordon Davidson, Guests Waking Times Excerpt from The Practical Visionary Today many disparate things are blending, fusing and synthesizing. Nothing seems as separate as it did in past times—races, religions, cultures, nations, genders, styles. The walls between opposites are beginning to dissolve, and dualities are transforming into a higher synthesis. The cutting

Pushing the River – The Art of Surrender

Slade Roberson, Guest Waking Times Are you struggling to make something happen? Are you torturing your consciousness for a sense of the right direction, begging the Universe for assistance with a difficult decision? Are you interrogating your guides, trying with all your might to listen to your heart, but hearing no clear answers? You know

The Ego is Sneaky: 5 Ways to Know When It’s In Charge

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times If you are reading this article, it’s probable that you have read dozens, if not hundreds of books and articles on spirituality. You may have studied numerous traditions, and sought the help of a master from any number of traditions. Or, maybe you’ve stuck with just one, diligently. The

A Mask of God

Colin Bondi, Contributor Waking Times Most of us think we are individual human beings living in a world that is outside of us, along with billions of other individuals. While from the perspective of consensus reality it certainly does appear that way, it just may be that you are alone in a world of your

The Timelessness of Aging and the Self

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times Time, in our corner of the universe, seems to be running the show. Our lives are controlled by the clock. Everything we do is dictated by the time – of the day, the week, month, year. We look in the mirror and see the physical effects of time on our

Looking Beyond the Issues to the Causes

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times There are some difficult problems facing us that threaten not only our fundamental rights as human beings but also our very survival. We can and must tackle a seemingly endless stream of issues in a struggle for truth, freedom, security and justice. But unless we can get to the underlying causes

The Secrets of Siberian Shamanism

Michael Howard, New Dawn Waking Times Today, especially in New Age circles, the term ‘shamanism’ is often used in a generalised way to describe all kinds of indigenous magical practices in a wide range of cultures worldwide. It has also been projected back into a past that it never had, so we can find modern

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