Search Results for spirituality

Targeting Breasts

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times I remember my grandmother’s breasts: Grandma Ida, sitting in the big chair by the window, holding my newborn, firstborn son. He was sleeping in her arms, and her arms were resting on breasts that seemed to reach even below her waist. Grandma didn’t want me to come and take my

5 Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Showing That Reality Is an Illusion

Anna LeMind, In5D Guest Waking Times No one in the world can fathom what quantum mechanics is, this is perhaps the most important thing you need to know about it. Granted, many physicists have learned to use its laws and even predict phenomena based on quantum calculations. But it is still unclear why the observer of an

The Brain Does NOT Create Consciousness

Debbie West, Contributor Waking Times In an interview with Waking Times, Dr. Eben Alexander, Harvard Neurosurgeon presents compelling scientific research in the field of consciousness that examines the unfolding reality that the brain does NOT create consciousness. Misleading concepts that focus on reductive materialism have kept us in the dark about the true nature of the human soul and

Stop Dreaming, Accept ‘What is’, and Enter Your True Reality

Alen Mischael Vukelić, Contributor Waking Times Whatever path you choose, be it spiritual, scientific, non-spiritual, realistic, surrealistic, sooner or later, you ‘ll have to face it, that nothing turns out the way you want it to be. Can you do something about it – or should you just accept it? Should you keep swimming against the

Developing Your Unseen Powers: A Practical Guide

Brendan D. Murphy, New Dawn Waking Times Repeated ignorant or stubborn denial of the existence of certain powers does not keep them from existing – except for us! ~ Harold M. Sherman, psychic Everyone has some level of innate intuitive capability, as has been demonstrated repeatedly over several decades of experiments by the parapsychological community

Have YOU Been Here Before?

Gary Lachman, New Dawn Waking Times Belief in reincarnation is one of the oldest and most durable of human traits, so old and persistent, in fact, that the psychologist C. G. Jung went so far as to call it an archetype. “Rebirth,” Jung wrote, “is an affirmation that must be counted among the primordial affirmations

A Quanta of the Greater

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times The vast universe that is within you is a holograph… a quanta of the greater ‘All that is’, of which you are a part. How do I know that? I just know. I have seen it with my mind’s eye: a beautiful vision in which my spirit rests. There’s scientific

‘Education For All’ – The Elite’s Mono-Minding Global Plans for All Children

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times Editor’s Note: This Part III of Jamie Lee’s critical essay on the state of modern public education. Please review Part I, here, and Part II, here. “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population

Can We Reprogram Our DNA and Heal Ourselves With Frequency, Vibration and Energy?

Christina Sarich & Dylan Charles, Staff Waking Times As though to confirm the hunch many of us had that our ‘junk’ DNA was anything but disposable, researchers from the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney’s Centenary Institute have proven that 97 percent of human DNA programs or encodes proteins in our bodies. One of the

Three Unexplained Scientific Concepts That Can Make Us More Spiritual

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “There is nothing you can learn from as much as a problem you cannot fully solve. Unsolved problems can be some of the greatest tormentors, but also the greatest teachers. Unsolved problems keep the mind hungry and the eyes open.” –Jonathan Zap When it comes down to it,

Sorrow At Its Source

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times “The deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” -Kahlil Gibran Sorrow, grief, the heart squeezing pain surges in waves that spill over eyes and down cheeks. We all know the feeling. In the wake of a loved one’s death, the end of a significant relationship, twins

Ayahuasca and Iboga – Messengers of Truth from Mother Earth

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times “The history of Western culture in the last two thousand years could be seen as the “Empire of the Mind conquering the exterior world and extinguishing the interior one, with the result that we have atrophied our spiritual connection.” –Rak Razam The world is deeply out of balance in these

The Hidden Fuel of Intention

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times ‘Hope’ and ‘Belief’ can be very tricky concepts to frame right. They can be very low frequency or they can be very high frequency. It all comes down to the consciousness that inhabits them. If they are low frequency they are an extension of the Matrix or the control system.

Removing the Veil

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times “You yourself are under your own veil.” -Hafiz Q:  I have been traveling the road to higher consciousness for many years and it has been a long hard journey. Fortunately there have been occasional Divine Breezes along the way, but I cannot say I feel any closer to God for

The Tao of Love and Relationships

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times I’d like to focus on the three main areas of ‘emotional misunderstanding’ that I encounter when dealing with love and relationship issues with my clients and offer my practical Wu Wei Wisdom to help you with these situations. Many of you will have experienced the wonderful sensation of being in love and

The Matrix of Conformity – Top 9 Traps for Today’s Youth

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times More than ever our world needs a new generation of youthful and caring people capable of comprehending the problems we face, while maintaining the clarity of mind and compassion needed to seek and find creative solutions to this morass. For this, our youth need to be healthy, energetic, and free

The Healing Energy of 432Hz, The Tone of Nature

Karol Jankowiak, Guest Waking Times What is 432 Hz tuning? A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. According to Brain T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard

The Danger of Becoming the Darkness When Fighting the Dark Side

Angela Pritchard, Guest Waking Times Seeing dark global agendas stream rolling over goodness, truth, and freedom throughout the world is more than enough to make anyone feel angry, negative, and even enraged. We as a humanity, along with all our rights, are under siege and the most common response to being attacked is either through

Tao Teaching: Your Cosmic Connection and Spiritual Contract

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times ‘The sun will always set whether you watch it or not’… This is a wonderful spiritual teaching that I received from my wise Taoist Master in China on the ‘Tao’ or ‘Way’ of the Cosmos and its fundamental relationship and interaction with all our lives. The teaching serves as

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